Here it is.. The last chapter of Road Trip. I'm thinking of doing a quick one-shot. Maybe about Seth becoming a nudist. Don't know why.. Well I'm staying home again, and freaking out.. Need to keep my mind on something. I'm off crutches, yay! And I want to give a special 'thank you' to Mr. Destiny. Thanks for everything you said, made me feel better. And along with all my other faithful reviews, you guys are awesome.

Ryan and Marissa entered the pool room, but couldn't find Seth and Summer.

"Do you think they're in the sauna?" Marissa pointed to a large wooden door.

"You never know with Seth, but if they are.. I don't want to see," he laughed and took a seat at the edge of the pool, taking off his shoes and dipping his feet into the cool water.

"True," Marissa slipped off her sandals and sat next to him. She looked out to the water and the neon street lights outside. This was kind of like their first date. She remembered it so clearly, the pool, grilled cheese, him..

"So, how are you?" His voice was soft and caring.

She met his glance and sighed, looking back to the pool, "Ok I guess. I mean, I really miss my Dad, and sister. My Mom is getting more tolerable to be around. But.."

"But what?" Ryan looked at her, concerned.

"But there's something missing.. There has been for awhile," she slowly moved closer to Ryan.

He started to get nervous. Was he the missing piece? Was it Alex? Her Dad, sister, what? Marissa closed the gap in between them and kissed Ryan. The months of anticipation building up into the best kiss either had shared in a long time. Ryan ran his hand through her soft hair, and rested the other on her back. Marissa continued kissing Ryan and held onto the ledge, maneuvering her feet so she could push them both off, into the pool.

"No!" Ryan yelped as they fell into the cold water. He went under and held onto Marissa. Once they got up he laughed and splashed her and pulled her closer.

"Imagine what could of changed if you would of just kissed me on our first date," Marissa whispered.

"I wouldn't change a thing," Ryan tread the water and kissed her.


"Seth, Summer!" Ryan yelled as they opened the door, not wanting to see anything going on between their friends.

"Ah!" Summer hurried up and got under the covers, trying not to look obvious, "Coop, Chino. Why are you guys all wet?"

"Why are you under the covers?" Marissa grinned.

Seth noticed Marissa and Ryan's hands, intertwined with each other. He smiled to himself, "Looks like this Road Trip wasn't so bad after all," Summer looked confused, then looked to the new couple.

"You know, Seth here.. He's an amazing waxer. Really, I needed my pits waxed, and Seth here offered, but you know how wrong it is to see your friends arm pits, so I didn't want you guys to see," Summer explained.

"Uh huh," Marissa was amused.

"And I'm.. naked.. Because, Summer offered to do some waxing on me too."

"Ok, we're just going to go out to the lobby.. Get.. Dressed," Ryan made a disgusted face and led Marissa out into the hallway.

"Waxing you?" Summer smacked Seth as she reached for her clothes.


"Seth! I've got the pictures from your trip. I found the camera on your nightstand," Kirsten called from the front door. Ryan dropped his controller, remembering what some of the pictures were of, and ran to get them.

It had been a week since they got back. The couples were still doing ok, and getting ready for school. Kirsten opened the envelope, flipping through pictures until she came to one that surprised her, "Oh my.." Her eyes widened. Ryan quickly grabbed the picture from her, right as Sandy walked by, stopping to look at it.

"Whoa, Ryan. Looking to get into the porn business? Julie Cooper would be proud," Sandy walked away, trying to forget what he had just seen. A picture of naked Ryan.

So there it is. The end. Go naked Ryan! Maybe I'll start a new full length story soon. Any suggestions are appreciated, along with reviews. Thanks for reading..