Yay, my second fanfic. This one is just for fun. I was going to do it in just one chapter, but that would be one long ass chapter. So this takes place in the summer. No one got back together, they're all just friends, but not really seeing anyone else. They'll be seniors soon and Seth wants to do something with all of them. Need I say, "Road Trip!"

The summer had gone by and come again. It had been a year since Ryan moved in with the Cohen's now. He spent most of his summer working, or hanging out at home with Seth.

Seth played video games, listened to music, bothered Ryan, Summer, or anyone else who would listen. He was upset that this summer wasn't as memorable as the last, but glad he still had all this friends.

Summer stayed with Marissa, soaking up the sun and catching up on the latest gossip or just talking.

Marissa wasn't drinking again, but was always attracted to the drama. She'd go through the momentary relationship, maybe a one-night stand, but couldn't get Ryan out of her mind. They were friends; and that was good, but still…

"I'm bored," Seth sighed.

"You just got a new comic book, I'd think you'd be in heaven," Ryan smirked and turned back to his newspaper.

"Ryan Atwood; funny man. Ok, no. I just… I think we should do something. It's the end of the summer, and one must do something at the end of the summer."

"Like Tijuana?" Ryan raised his eyebrows, questioning Seth.

"Ok, so that was a bad example. We need to prove that we can have a trip without someone OD-ing or beating people up,'' Seth played with the edge of his comic book, thinking.

"Morning, men," Sandy grabbed a salt covered bagel and put it in the slicer, going to find some cream cheese.

"Father. We were just talking about how bored I am. Would you like to comment?"

"Get a job."

"Ooh, good one," Ryan agreed.

"You two," Seth came in between Ryan who was getting more coffee and Sandy and put his arms around them, "A ginormus light bulb just flashed in my mind," Seth grinned.

"Oh no," Ryan frowned.

"This can't be good," Sandy added.

"Ryan, we're goin' on a road trip!" Seth raised his arms, thankful for his quick descion on how to spend the remaining time left in his summer.

"Seth," Ryan started.

"Ah, ah, now you have no excuses not to. Come on man, your last day of work was yesterday, we have nothing else to do. We can invite Summer, Marissa, it'll be fun. Please…" Seth begged, "Say it, make my day. Come on. I just want to hear it."

Ryan groaned, "We're going on a road trip," he mumbled.


"A road trip?" Summer smiled, "That's awesome!"

"Really, you'll go?"

"Of course, let me call Coop," Summer went to find her phone.

"Wait, Ryan's over there now asking," Seth stopped her.

"Oh, ok. So.. When shall we be leaving," she spoke in a sing-song voice, prancing around, looking for a luggage bag.


"Step-monster and my Dad are out of the country, so sounds good to me. Don't feel like staying alone in this house." She wrinkled her nose and sat next to Seth on her bed, "You know, I'm really happy we can all put our history behind us and be friends," She gave him a genuine smile.

"Great," Seth tried to smile, but his heart was melting. "Crap. I do still have feelings for her," Seth thought.

"So.. Where exactly are we going?"

"See Summer, that's the beauty of a road trip. We don't really know, or care," Seth explained, "So I should go get packed, but I'll see you in the morning. 8:00 sound good?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you at your house."


Marissa sat on her bed, stroking Share Bear. There was nothing to do, no one to see. Just her and the stuffed animal. She sort of liked it this way. She felt like this summer she could get in touch with herself, become more independent. She rolled her eyes, hearing a soft knock at her door, "Go away," she yelled calmly.

"Hey," Ryan slowly opened the door and stood at the doorway.

Marissa sat up, "You're not my Mom," She laughed.

"Good thing, huh?''

"Yeah," Marissa patted a spot next to her on the bed and moved Share Bear on her lap, "So.. What's up?''

"Um, Seth sent me over here," Ryan sat.

"I'm listening."

"He's asking Summer right now, but we were thinking about all going on a road trip and.."

"I'd love to!" Marissa stood up, excited, "I've always wanted to go on one. I mean, yeah, last year we sorta did, but I was so pissed off at you and Seth and Summer were fighting the whole time, but we can get the road trip we deserve now!" She laughed at her own giddiness, "Sorry."

"No, you're right. It sounds like fun," He gave her a half smile and she took him by the hand.

"Come on, you're helping me pack some food." Ryan spent the next hour being dragged around the mansion picking out food, clothes, CD's, and shoes.


"Ryan, you awake?" Seth walked into the pool house, looking around for Ryan.

"It's 4:00, and I'm not in my bed. What do you think?" Ryan walked out of the bathroom, his wet hair matted to his head.

"Right, so.. How'd it go with Marissa?"

"Good. Summer?"

"Great," Seth sat in the wicker chair, "This is going to be awesome," he said to himself more than to Ryan.

"Yeah.." Ryan agreed, collapsing onto his bed, and staring up at the walls. A whole who knows how long with Seth, Summer, and Marissa. This was going to an adventure. So none of them were dating anymore, they were still friends, right? And they could have fun together.

So that's chapter 1. Please review and tell me what you think. I already have a list of things I want to happen, some of them being things I've done or heard of being done on a road trip. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. On with the action in the next chapter. Where will they go? Who cares, it's a road trip with no destination, people!