Author: NJRD.

Summary: After the events of PB, Riddick leaves Jack in New Mecca after a dream. Five years later he will find her again, but she doesn't remember him and her life is in danger.

Pairing: Riddick / Jack. I know there's a lot of this but I can't help it.

Rating: NC17 (language, some mild violence and explicit sex…)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone related to Pitch Black.

Feedback: Yes, of course, it would be more than welcome.

AN: I would like to inform you that this is my first fan fic so don't be too hard with your reviews, but please be honest with your opinions. .I hope you enjoy this fic. Thanks.

Prologue : .

During those first weeks in the skiff, and later, during the following months, they each became the most important person to the other. If someone had asked him why Jack trusted him so much, he wouldn't have known the right answer. Why a fifteen-year old girl wanted to stick around with a convicted murderer, was a complete mystery even to him. They spent most of their time together training. Riddick trained Jack for more than four hours every day. Not even once did she complain about their hard and endless training sessions. Even when he was completely sure that she was sore, and that every muscle in her tiny body had to be screaming in pain, she never said anything. He knew full well that she was trying to show him that she was as tough as he was. Secretly, he always said to himself, Now, that's my girl, with a slightly proud feeling.

Riddick had decided to leave New Mecca with her. Imam had shown disappointment with this decision, but no one in his right mind would get in the way of Richard B. Riddick. Where would be the safest place in the world for her if not around Riddick? Imam knew this from the very first time he saw Riddick comfort Jack, after one of the many nightmares that were haunting her. He knew that Riddick would die for Jack without thinking about it twice.

In two weeks they were leaving and Riddick told Jack about the things that might be needed before their departure. The smile that lit up Jacks face, when she realized that Riddick was taking her with him, was brighter than the sun itself. Jack had jumped into his arms with such force, that they both fell to the floor laughing. Jack had always dreamed about traveling around the galaxy, and now that dream was coming true. Riddick had promised her that he would teach her how to fly his vessel as soon as they reached deep space.

Nevertheless, the night before they were to depart, Riddick awoke from the most horrible nightmare that he had ever had. He turned his face to look at Jack, who was peacefully asleep clasped to his body in the darkness. She was ignorant of what was happening within Riddick's mind. She was only fifteen years old and he always thought of her as his little sister. For the first time he felt a sensation long ago forgotten. Fear. Riddick was frightened. He was terrified of the consequences of his dream, so he made up his mind. He made a decision that would change their lives forever. He would leave her behind. He left that house and two hours later he was departing from Helion Prime. He had no intention to come back and take her with him. He thought that as long as he stayed away from her, she would be safe. What he did not know was how wrong he was, and how far from reality was his act.

So, now it's your turn to review the story and let me know your opinions or whatever. Come on, don't be shy. I'm waiting.

Thanks to all.