Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon…I think I should warn you this is the last chapter! Oh and this chapter takes place in everyone's POV except Serena and Darien.

No One To Talk To

Chapter 10

"Welcome to the Time Theme Park opening! I could go into a long speech but I want you all to have fun, so I will get down to the point. Lady's and gentlemen the park is now open!" A man said as he cut the ribbon with those big scissors.

"Now we can look for Darien!" Mina cheers. I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that she knows who he is here with. "Come on Lita, Raye, Ami, and Andrew!"

"All right Mina, cool your jets. Let's see. Ah ha! There he is!" I say as I see Darien standing by the gates. His date seems to be hiding behind him. We all run towards him, to see he had already spotted us.

"Hey Andrew! Raye, Lita, Mina, Ami, what's up?" Darien asks us. I can't see his date. Is she really that scared to meet us?

"We are fine. What we want to know is who is your date." Lita says with a smile. Darien smiles and clears his throat.

"Lady's and Andrew." Ha ha man. "I want you all to meet Serena my date." Darien moves to reveal a petite blonde who's hair is put into pigtails that form two buns at the top. I would've never guessed he would take his partner, and the girl everyone ignored.

"Hi Serena! I guess you two got my notes heh? I knew I was right!" Mina cheers as she throws a fist in the air.

……………………………..Lita's POV

"Yes, I have to agree with Mina here. You go lonelybunny!" I agree, as I play punch Serena on the shoulder. Serena looks at me in shock. This is too good.

"All though I would've prefer to be with Darien, he chose you. All well. So you know me as Raye and firebabe. I bet you didn't see this coming." Raye sighs. I know she is fuming inside. All well. This is interesting.

"Hello Serena. I am Ami." Ami introduces herself to her. Darien and Andrew are just standing there. Here's what I bet they are thinking. Andrew: What's going on here? Darien: This is good.

"Hello Ami, Mina, Lita or fightinggal, Raye or firebabe. It's nice to meet and actually talk to you!" Serena lit up. I guess we were kind of harsh to her by ignoring her.

………………………………Mina's POV

"Well we don't want to keep you and Darien from you date! So we bid you bye till later!" I say as I pull Andrew and the others away from them. I bet they are super shocked. Ah life is good.

"So lady's what should we ride first?" Andrew asks. Lita knows I can tell.

"TIME TURNER!" Lita screams as she tugs us towards it.

We board it in this order: Raye and Lita, Ami and me, and Andrew sits alone. There are two to a seat, but he understands I hope. So the Time Turner is a really interesting roller coaster. It goes up, down a little, does two flips in a row, goes down all the way, and finally stops. I know it doesn't sound as fun, but it really is.

"So where to next?" Ami asks. She doesn't look too good. I hope she doesn't throw up.

"What about to the water park?" Raye asks. Good idea. Time to show off our swimming suits!

…………………………………..Raye's POV

I am kind of upset that Darien picked Serena over me, but they do make a cute couple. Sigh. I don't know any more. I thought I loved him, but I'm not as mad as I should be. Maybe Darien isn't my guy. But if he isn't who is? AH! Mina you are dead!

"No one splashes me while I am tanning! Get back here Mina!" I scream. She really should know better.

"Hey at least your doing something now!" Mina hollers as she swims ahead of me. Arg! Wait till I catch her! Lita dunks me.

"What was that for Lita?" I ask as I gasp for air.

"Just wanted to have some fun." Lita smirks as she swims after Mina. These friends of mine. Grr.

"You need to calm down Raye. Have fun." Ami says as she reads her book. I grab and throw it on another chair.

"Really? Well then you have to join me." I say as I drag her into the water.

"Raye! Please! I don't want to swim right now!" Ami begs as she tries to pulls away. Yeah like she can.

Andrew comes up and starts to play with us. Hey I guess I can't get too bummed at this all. Sigh. WAIT! How many times am I going to sigh today? Mina and Lita come back to us and start to splash us. That's it! SPLASHING WAR! GRR!

…9:20…………………………..Ami's POV

"Hey is that Darien and Serena?" Mina exclaims. I look the way she is pointing and see them coming towards us. Darien has an arm rapped around Serena's shoulder and she is just smiling like she won a thousand dollars.

"Hey Darien! Serena. What's going on here?" Andrew asks them.

"Well you see…um…that is…" Serena stumbles over her words.

"I told Serena I love her and she told me she loved me too. So I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes." Darien tells us. Wow I think that was fast.

"Congrats." Mina says as she bounces over to them. I personally am surprised. Then again we don't know what happened during their project.

"I'm happy for you two." Raye says as she puts on that 'I-guess' smile.

I must agree!" I agree. Might as well. Darien pulls Serena closer and kisses her. How cute, but they didn't have to kiss in front of us.

"Well I better get Serena home. See you all tomorrow at school." Darien says as he and Serena wave good-bye. A happy ending.


Well that's the end. I know you are all going to kill me for not telling you what happened on Darien and Serena's date. All well. Keep your eyes open though! I am writing a sequel! YEAH!

Thanks to: CharmedSerenity3, PixiePam, airdreanna (I would keep them coming but…), sailorceb, cassandrare2001, baby12, Illusion Glades, TsukinoGoddess (You know how Mina can sense love? There you go!), ffgirlmoonie (it's ok). I'm glad you stuck with the story the whole time! Cry