Firstly, I apologize that this isn't a new chapter! I know that you guys may have had a heart attack, thinking, "Omg an update!" only to be disappointed by this instead OTL Anyway:

It has been forever, hasn't it? To say the least...I've grown up quite a bit, gotten a house and have taken on quite a bit of responsibility, and my interests have changed greatly. That means, as much as it pains me, I will not be finishing this story. Ever. I just don't have the passion for this pairing that I used to have, nor for this story and its plot- heck, I don't even remember the plot I had in mind, nor even have my notes for it from so long ago XD

HOWEVER! I don't really like letting it sit here, rotting without any sort of ending like a lot of fanfiction. So I'm putting this story up for adoption! This means you'll be getting the ENTIRE STORY to republish under your name, so you'll have access to the entire thing to do with as you need to. I'm looking for someone who really enjoys what this story brought to the table, someone who still really loves Roy x Ed as a pairing, and someone who is, most importantly, determined to see this story through to its completion. I'm handing over complete control, aside from a few rules that I hope the person adopting this story is willing to abide by:

1. No changing of the pairings, both the side pairings and the main. It wouldn't be much of a Roy x Ed story if you changed that now, would it XD And the side pairings I've already introduced I had in the story for reasons, such as Winry x Alphonse, so please no changing that. However, if you want to add new pairings go for it! Just please no editing the story to change the pairings I had already introduced, and by that I mean Ed or Roy could see other people, could get together and break up, but the endgame must be Roy x Ed no matter what the drama is in the meantime; I hope that seems fair?

2. You're welcome to go back through old chapters and edit them to your heart's content, so long as the context of the chapter and the main plot doesn't change too much; however I do understand that if you need to add to it to fit with your continuation of the story that's perfectly fine! And god knows this story needs some fine-tuning. I'm really just saying please don't change the heart of what was already written into something COMPLETELY different- I do hope you don't mind, future adopt-ee, but I'd like to be able to look back on this story and still see a little of what I created~3 We can consider this a co-op project in that sense, where I started something and you finish it however you want, but the way I started it I'd like to still be slightly similar with what I originally put out there :3

3. Really this is the only other rule...give this story some love! I've neglected it and its readers for so long I'm turning to you, whomever you may be, to give this story life again :D

I look forward to someone taking on this project and showing it the love and attention that I haven't been able to give it in so long! For those interested in still following my work, you can find me at AO3 (Archive of Our Own) under the username: PsychopompSentinel (google archive of our own and then search for my username). As for contacting me to show interest in adopting this story, I have a Hotmail email address, and the name is: lassispencer - I'm not sure, much like links, if email addresses are shown properly but basically just put that name before "at-sign hotmail . com" -without spaces of course- and you'll manage to contact me without any trouble~! I check my email daily, even multiple times a day, so I'll get any and all responses without delay!

I'd like a sample of your work, as current an example as possible, and I'd love to hear your ideas for the future of this story; the one who I feel fits the most is the one I'll choose, but I'm pretty fluid in my tastes, writing and idea-wise, so it's possible anyone will get to adopt :D

Thank you all for the love and support you've shown this story over the years, and I'm incredibly sorry that I won't be the one to get this story to its completion, but was really fun and I have some of my fondest memories with this fanfic, and I have no one to thank for that but you, the readers and reviewers~! I look forward to what someone can do with my incomplete work!