Just a few clarifications:
-The beginning of this chapter takes place at Theo's apartment. It's kind of confusing as to whose place they're at, so just informing you.
-If Theo says anything extraordinarily random in this chapter, it's probably to the TV. Don't get confused, lol.
-And... this is a few weeks after the last chapter.

And read on...

Chapter 3:

"Hey, what'd you get for number twenty-three?"

No answer.

Raven looked up from her homework (calculus), frustrated. Theo was half-consciously flicking through the channels on TV and shoving M&Ms into her mouth.

"Hey!" Raven called again, clairvoyantly throwing a popcorn ball at her.

"What!" Theo answered, sounding equally frustrated, through a mouthful of chocolate.

"Twenty-three! What's the answer?"

Theo looked skyward. "I don't know! I'm watching TV!" She turned back to the screen. "What if I don't want you to Pimp My Ride!"

Raven ignored the latter comment. "And having another one of your hopeless minions do your math for you, I presume?"

Theo shrugged. "Don't remember."

Sighing, Raven closed her textbook and threw it onto the pile of books on the floor.

"What's the use?" she sighed, hopelessly amused.

"You're tellin' me," Theo scoffed, flicking to Nickelodeon and pausing to watch part of Jimmy Neutron the Movie. "My pet looks like that!" she exclaimed happily, pointing with the remote at the egg-like, green alien splattered on the floor. "Only... furry and round, with big, black eyes."

"Wow, that was random," Raven laughed, going into Theo's kitchen and setting her empty tea mug in the sink. "And the fact that you dyed your chinchilla green in the first place still escapes me..."

Theo rolled her eyes. "I dyed it back! Eventually..."

Raven shrugged. "And I still think you should re-name it."

"It's a her. And why? I think Little Raven fits great-"

"-for a formally-green chinchilla?"

"But it's so SOFT!" Theo cut herself off and thought for a moment. "You're right. New name."

Raven chuckled and opened the refrigerator door, pawing through its contents. "Go for 'Boumme,'" she suggested. "It's cute and chinchilla-ie, and it's still named after me."


For the record, Theo was in the habit of talking back to the TV. (A/N: Don't knock it till you try it –winks-)

"Calm down; they'll resolve it in the next episode," Raven consoled.

"But he's so hott!"

"David Gallagher? Tyh, sure – Can I have some of this?" Raven held up a jug of vanilla soy chai.

"Yeah, it's there for you."

"Oh, yeah," Raven joked, "I forgot I live here."

"You wish."

"I do; it's bigger."

"And there's butt-loads of food."

"Also true."

"How 'bout Robin."

Raven could feel herself blushing. "Excuse me?"

"Robin. For the chinchilla," Theo offered, smirking.

"Aren't you clever," Raven mocked, rolling her eyes. "But it's a girl, remember?"

"So? Who can tell?"

"Apparently you."

"...shut up. Well, my bologna has a first name too, but you don't hear me complaining!"

"My God, what are we going to do with you..." Raven muttered, sitting back down on the couch and bringing her cup to her mouth.

"Don't ask, He doesn't know." Theo grinned at Raven then turned back to channel surfing. After a pause: "What if we spell it with a 'yn' instead of an 'in?'"

"Ugh! You're obsessed!" Raven shrieked, but couldn't suppress a smile.

"Is none of it rubbing off on you!"

"So that's what you're doing? You're trying to make me boy-crazy? That's your new goal in life – beside owning the world's only rainbow chinchilla?" Raven laughed.

"Not boy-crazy, Robin-crazy!" Theo corrected, laughing as well. "It's about time you were subject to conformity," she joked.

Raven looked up, her arms spread wide in a helpless gesture. "It's like a cult of fangirlism!"

Theo sighed, "The female youth... so easily corrupted..." and bowed her head in mock-distress. Then: "DOES IT EVEN MATTER IF IT'S CHICKEN OR TUNA?"

They both burst into loud hysterics until Theo's landlord came to the door with a noise complaint from the rest of the floor.

Breathing deeply after their laughing fit, they sank back into the couch, staring at the TV screen again, silent for a few minutes.

"I'm bored," Theo finally said. "You wanna get outta here?"

"Sure. Wait... do I?" Raven asked hesitantly, only half kidding.

Theo shrugged innocently.

A mischievous look crept over their faces. "Red Carpet?" Raven suggested.

Theo grinned. "Red carpet."

A/N: And so ends Chapter Three! Finally... Yeah... green chinchilla... Couldn't resist. I kinda made Theo sound really stupid in this chappie, but whatever. It's Saturday; they're going clubbing: you don't have to be smart on the weekend! Or on vacation...

For those who care: I'll be summing up Save Raven hopefully within this week or the next. I'll be moving, so I can't guarantee anything, but I'll try. My last cliff-hanger lasted about three months; I owe you people.

I apologize for bringing you out of your happy place and into mine,

The Morbid Original