"How can a living flame have a base underwater?"

"Not sure, but we're about to find out."

The Titans boarded the T-Sub and lowered it into the cool waters of the Gotham City River, setting off on their search for a mysterious, underwater base Aqualad had told them about.

There had been a number of attacks in the city, each ending in massive fires; and each time, the suspected criminal was chased to the water, where he disappeared. The sighting of a strange base in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean brought about some suspicion and eventually the nine-hour sub ride for the Teen Titans.

"Are we there yet?"

"No, Beast Boy."

"How long till we get there?"

"Like, half an hour."

"At full speed!"


Beast Boy groaned, falling back in his seat and sending empty bags of potato chips and soda cans flying.

"Don't complain; it's not exactly a picnic for us to endure an underwater mission with you," Raven droned.

"Yeah, underwater means there's no escaping you..." Cyborg muttered.

"I heard that!"

"Please, friends: what is that?" Starfire pointed out the window. A large, dark shape loomed up in the distance.

"That's our stop," Robin answered, steering the sub toward the shadowy figure.

The base was in two parts: one part a metal cube, underwater; the other a wide landing supported by long, steel poles extending hundreds of feet above water.

The Titans surfaced next to a ladder leading to the uppermost part, sending Beast Boy as a look-out in the form of a seagull. On his 'all clear,' the others made their way up.

Robin looked around, seeing nothing but what seemed to be wooden packing crates and numerous tanks of oil.

"Search for any sign that someone's been here," he ordered, splitting them into two groups.

Starfire and Beast Boy headed to the underwater segment of the base while the others explored the top. The two flew down to where the ladder ended and opened a hatch protruding from out of the water, leading down into the station. Inside, Beast Boy and Starfire found themselves in a large, echoing room the size of a gymnasium filled with lots and lots of crates; a storage room, presumably.

"So, pretty weird coincidence that you ended up paired with me instead of Robin, huh?" Beast Boy taunted, moving his eyebrows up and down.

Starfire looked at him questioningly. "I do not understand."

Beast Boy smirked. "You know. Maybe our pal Robin is doin' us a little favor, babe."

She cocked an eyebrow at him and continued walking. "I do not know what 'favor' Robin has paid us, nor do I know what it has to do with finding the enemy," she said tentatively.

Beast Boy stepped in front of her, stopping her. "What enemy?"

Starfire looked confused. "The one we are trying to locate; the one Robin has sent us to find."

Beast Boy sniggered, shrugging.

Near perception hit Starfire, suddenly. She frowned. "I believe we should focus on finding-"

"The others'll take care of that," Beast Boy interrupted. "Besides, even if we do run into him, you've got me to protect you." He grinned, buffing his nails on his shirt front and reached his hand out to lean against the wall. Go figure, he leaned on the big, red button.


"Whoa!" Cyborg jumped back from the wall he was searching; the alarm had gone off right in his ear. He fell back into a stack of crates, knocking them over and sending them into-

"Raven! Look out!"

Raven didn't turn in time to fend off the blow herself; Robin lunged at her, knocking her to the ground, but out of harm's way. Raven lay beneath him, a little shocked.

"Thanks," she offered breathily as she found her voice.

Robin nodded. Their eyes were locked on each others, and for just a moment, the blaring silence in the background became inaudible. But just for a moment.

The sharp, whizzing sound of thrown fire rang out in the 'silence' as a flame flew right past them.