'831, Heero'

Those are the numbers that always followed one of his reports or transmissions to me for years. Was it some type of code? I wasn't sure. I tried for the longest time to figure it out, but always came up empty handed. That set of numbers is now engraved in my wedding band, numbers that I will never forget.

It wasn't until Heero was injured in a firefight at a remote satellite against some renegades that thought they could break our world peace that I found out what those three numbers really meant to him and to myself.

He lay in my arms, his blood slick on my hands as I tried to hold pressure to a bullet wound he took in the shoulder. The bullet that was meant for me.

"Heero, stop moving! Wufei's team is cleaning up the rest of the mess. Fuck, where's the medic?" Duo yelled, watching the back up teams escorting men out in zip cuffs.

"831, Duo."

"What the hell does that mean, Heero? You've been using that set of numbers for the last five years" Duo growled out, watching as Heero sighed, his eyes falling closed.

"Damn it, Heero! You better tell me or I'll beat it out of you!"

"You'd beat a friend that is already down?" Heero chuckled weakly, his right hand trying to latch on to Duo in some way.

"That depends. Are you going to tell me what it means?" Duo reached over with one of his bloody hands, grasping Heero's tightly in his.

"Eight letters. Three words. One meaning." A small smile spread across Heero's lips, tightening his grip on the braided man's hand.

"Great! You've become the Riddler with the blood-loss!"

"Just think about it."

And thought about it I did. All through out the shuttle ride back to L-1. It didn't hit me until I was walking down the hallway to the recovery area Heero was placed in after his surgery to repair the damage to his shoulder.

I love you.

The eight letters, three words and one meaning.

I entered the room, watching him sleep for a while before I got the courage to shuffle myself to his bedside. I wiped my sweaty palms against my uniform pants before reaching for his hand.

"831, Heero." I whispered, rubbing the pad of my thumb against the top of his hand. "I think that I always have and always will."

His fingers twitched in my hand before he spoke, a small smile gracing his lips.

"I was wondering when you were going to figure that out."

"Don't be so smug! I would have figured it out, eventually. I think a more direct approach would have been better."

"I'm sure it would, but I wanted to be original, mysterious."

"Yes, the mysterious Heero Yuy. Get some rest, we have years of catching up to do when you get out of this place." I smoothed his bangs out of his eyes, before leaning down and brushing a chaste kiss against his lips.

Boy did we really catch up on those years!