A/N: Hey all, craZy18gurl and thank you for bothering to read my story! This is my very first Teen Titans fic, tis amix of action/adventure, romance, drama and comedy. It's gonna be a very, very long story guys, so sit back and enjoy the fic!

EDIT - 31/07/06: I'm currently revising the whole story, making changes, corrections and such. The edited versions of each chapter haven't been posted yet but to know more about these changes you can check out the latest chap for info on that.

Disclaimer:I do not own Teen Titans or anything related.

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Rise of War

Chapter 1: Prologue

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A once beautiful city, filled with laughing children, an azure fascinating sky, people going by with their everyday lives, a city that once lived happily…was nothing more than a pile of rubble. The sky that was once so blue, is now embedded with a dark gray color. The children that would be seen running in the parks, playing and having fun, were no more there. The whole city itself was basically deserted. Building had been toppled down, wreckage among every corner. Houses and the parks were burnt, several areas leaving nothing but remains of what use to be there with blood of innocent and helpless people stained to the earth.

A lone figure slowly walked through the once lively Jump City, in deep sorrow, guilt and loneliness. Clothed in a blue cloak and leotard, Raven walked past the debris of a near by fallen building, eyeing each an every detail of the now half destroyed city. They told her there was still hope, the city was not dead yet, but how could they have hope? Look what has happened so far to the city she was sworn to protect.

'I don't understand…why?' Raven thought as she stopped at the center of a road, at each side, destroyed buildings, cars and who knows…a body of an innocent laying somewhere under the wreckage.

'I never wanted this to happen…I never intended this to happen! But why…what did I do to deserve this…this…torture!'

Raven felt her eyes water up. This wouldn't be the first time she shed tears today. After everything has happened through all the previous days, all she felt like doing was crying.

'Beast Boy…I'm so sorry'

Memories of a certain green changeling flooded her mind. She missed him…she missed Beast Boy. She was certain that she had lost him. Was he dead? No, she didn't know but somehow it didn't feel like he was. The others wouldn't believe it, believe that he was dead. But Raven had lost all hope, she didn't think there could be any way for him to be alive. They told her he could be alive, but she couldn't believe, she lost all belief in everything.

'Oh God…how did this all happen?' Raven closed her eyes and recalled the days everything seemed so much better.

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2 Months Ago

A pleasant morning at Jump City, people walking through town, birds flying through the sky, a pleasant morning indeed. All but disturbed by the sudden explosion of the front entry of jewelry store. The sudden explosion caused people who scream in fear and to quickly flea the area. When the smoked formed by the explosion disappeared, a small body exited holding a large gun. The little boy with particularly a big brain was known as Gizmo. Behind followed his two comrades, Mammoth, carrying to bags over his shoulders and the pink haired Jinx carrying one bag over her shoulder. As Mammoth walked out of the jewelry story he chuckled his deep sinister laugh looking into one of his bags.

"We hit the jackpot." He laughed as he scooped up several rubies and diamonds into his hand. The next thing he knew, the bag was snatched out of his hands by what seemed like a boomerang. "What the?" Mammoth asked as he turned to the source.

"Sorry but this ain't just your day." A voice said that came from none other than Robin of the Teen Titans. Right behind him were the other Titans prepared for battle.

"How do they always get here so fast?" Jinx asked as her shoulders slumped.

"Let's split up!" Gizmo said before two mechanical long legs spread out from the sort of bag he carried at his back and soon he walking over the buildings. Jinx and Mammoth had both ran in separate directions.

"Titans, Go!" Robin shouted before he took of in the direction Jinx ran, followed by Starfire. Raven went on after Mammoth while Beast Boy transformed into pterodactyl, grabbed on to Cyborg's shoulders and flew after Gizmo.

Jinx ran into an alley way, there was a cage fence up ahead. Turning around Robin had caught up with Jinx. Quickly, Jinx shot out a pink ray from her hand right towards Robin. Robin had quickly ducked but the ray ended up hitting Starfire who was right behind Robin.

"Star!" Robin shouted as he ran back to the fallen Starfire. Jinx had jumped over the fence and had escaped. Looking down at Starfire, she twitched almost at every second and her eyes were spinning. "Hang on Star, I'll be right back." Robin said before he ran after Jinx. Jumping over the fence Robin was able to see Jinx run through a door of an apartment building to their right. Quickly running in as well Robin saw a stair case, the only way she could've gone. Running up, Robin entered into an empty room, filled with nothing but several furniture pieces that were covered by sheets. Slowly walking through the room Robin kept his eye open for Jinx, but she was no where to be found.

Suddenly he was attacked from above, Jinx had jumped down from somewhere above him and hit him hard on the head. Robin hit the floor and Jinx quickly made a run for it, laughing at the boy wonder behind him. But she didn't get far, when she approached the door to the room, a fist was smacked right into her face driving her unconscious. Robin quickly got up holding his head and look towards where Jinx lay unconscious, above her stood Starfire.

"Good work Star." Robin smiled towards the alien.

"Thank you, friend Robin." She smiled, her body and eyes twitching each time she spoke.

"Um Star, you ok?" Robin looked at her concerned about the twitching.

"Oh I am merely well." Starfire said as she picked up Jinx and started to walk down the stairs, but her constant twitching caused her to trip over the stairs and stumbles over, rolling all the way down the stairs. Robin covered his eyes as Starfire rolled all the way, groaning and constantly shouting 'ow' until she reached the bottom where she lay haphazardly over Jinx. "I am still well." Starfire groaned back up to Robin.

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Gizmo walked across the city with his mechanical legs. He stopped in the middle of the road to make sure of any of the Titan were following him.

"Hey shorty!" Gizmo turned around to see Cyborg standing on top of a near by building, arm extended into a gun, aimed right at Gizmo. Gizmo waited for him to make a move but he just stood there. "Do you happen to know where you are standing?" Cyborg asked him.

"Uh like the road block head! What you gonna do about it barf brain!" Gizmo shouted back at him preparing his gun.

"Well if I was you, I would look both ways first." Cyborg said. Gizmo then looked towards his right, nothing was there. He then heard a siren and looking to his left a truck was coming up. Gizmo quickly extended his legs but instead the truck hit his legs, breaking them and causing him to drop onto the road. Rubbing his head, Gizmo quickly tried to get up but he soon realized a shadow forming around him. Looking up he saw a green whale coming right down at him. He didn't have much time to move for the whale already landed on top of him. Forming back into his human shape, Beast Boy stepped away from the squashed Gizmo.

"My spine…" Gizmo groaned.

"Good work BB." Cyborg said walking over to Beast Boy.

"Cyborg, this is Robin. We got Jinx, what about you guys?" Robin said through their communicator.

"Yeah we got Gizmo too." Cyborg said through the communicator in his arm.

"Hey, where Raven?" Beast Boy asked looking around for a certain Goth girl.

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Raven had followed Mammoth into the dark train station. Everyone had abandoned the area; it was completely empty and dark. Raven slowly walked through the darkness on guard. She couldn't see Mammoth anywhere. She suddenly was attacked from behind her causing her to hit the floor. Quickly turning around her hands were engulfed by a black aura. But no one was behind her. Quickly getting up she eyes the area. She was again hit by someone behind her causing her to stumble forward, she was hit again at her side and she fell to the floor.

Desperately she eyed the area for her attacker but couldn't see anyone. Before she could get up on her feet, someone kicked her from behind and when she stumbled forward she saw Mammoth and he kicked her in the stomach pushing her back and he gave her one last blow to the head.

"That's it. I'm tired of getting pushed around." Raven said pushing herself up to her feet. Up ahead of her she saw Mammoth running. She quickly flew after him until she reached a train track. He was no more where there. Turning back around, she was then greeted by a fist right into her face. Mammoth punched her onto the train tracks below. She lay there to dizzy to move, she was beginning to loose consciousness. She soon became aware of the train sound that coming down the track. She had to quickly move but was to dizzy to even pick here head up. She then heard the siren of the train and soon she saw a bright light coming towards. She had tightly closed her eyes and waited for the impact, but felt nothing. Instead she felt herself being carried away right as the train was merely inches away from her. Slowly opening her eyes she realized she was in the arms of Beast Boy, who was smiling down at her.

"Hey Rae, you ok?" Beast Boy asked her but before she could answer, Mammoth had smacked both of them through the train and they ended up crashing into a pillar at the other side of the train. Beast Boy's head hit the pillar causing him to go unconscious. Raven quickly sat up but as she did the pillar behind them started to collapse over them burying them under the wreckage. When the train left the tracks, Mammoth walked forward to the pile of rubble and snickered evilly. As he turned around to leave, he then heard the pile of rubble start shaking and in a matter of second a 10 feet tall Raven popped out with deep blood red eyes, glaring down at Mammoth.

"Must've gotten her mad." Mammoth gulped.

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"Thanks again Robin." A police officer said as he cuffed Jinx while another cuffed Gizmo. They all stood at the area Cyborg and Beast Boy caught Gizmo.

"Anytime officer." Robin smiled as Jinx and Gizmo were pushed into the car.

"Wait wasn't there another one?" the second police officer asked.

"He's right. Where's Mammoth?" Cyborg asked.

"And where are friend Raven and Beast Boy?" Starfire asked. As if on the cue, a hole was blasted through the ground near by and out came Mammoth who landed right at the police officers feet. He seemed to be unconscious. Everyone looked back to the whole as an angry Raven stepped out. Seeing everyone there, she quickly resumed her normal size and her eyes went back to their violet color.

"Whoa," Cyborg said as he watched the police take Mammoth away. "Yo Raven, you ok?"

"My head hurts." Raven simply said.

"Where's Beast Boy?" Robin asked. Raven looked behind her and soon enough Beast Boy climbed out, a little shaky but fine nonetheless.

"All good." Beast Boy said while holding his head and giving a thumbs up sign.

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The team had returned back to their humble home on the small island holding the Titan Tower. Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing their video games, Robin was working with some files on the latest criminal action and Starfire was cooking up her Tamararian pudding. It was all like a regular perfect day, if you exclude Raven who was sitting at the edge of the couch with a book in hand. Now that was basically normal, but Raven's mind was no concentrated on the book but on her fight with Mammoth, and how her rage rose.

'Why did I increase in size and get so angry? Sure I was really mad of getting pushed around but I didn't expect to go that angry!' Raven thought. Unexpectedly, a sharp pain ran through Raven's head. She winced as she clutched the side of her head.

"Yo Raven, you ok?" Beast Boy asked as he averted his attention from his game and to Raven. Raven turned to the green changeling who was looking at her concerned.

"I'm…" before Raven could answer, another sharp pain went through her head, causing her to drop her book and clutch her head tighter.

"Raven you don't look so good." Cyborg said as he as well stopped playing and looked towards the dark girl.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Raven said as she stood up and walked behind the couch.

"Are you sure friend Raven? You do not look well." Starfire said as she walked forward to Raven.

"It's just my head that hurts." Raven assured them all.

"It could be all those hits you took from Mammoth." Beast Boy assumed.

"For once you could be right." Raven said.

"Maybe it is best if you took some rest." Starfire suggested as she placed a hand on Raven's shoulder. And at the very touch, images flashed in Raven's eyes. She saw Starfire, she was crying, she was throwing star bolts at something with her eyes flaring green, she was standing next to Raven who was claded in a different colored cloak, she saw her holding onto Robin, she saw so many images but they all went so fast she couldn't male out all of them. But the very last she saw clearly but then began to wish that she didn't see this. Starfire was standing their, and then a sword went through her stomach. Then it all stop, they were gone.

"Friend Raven?"

"Yo Raven."

'Was that…what…a…vision?'

"Raven!" raven blinked her eyes and then looked to her right to see Beast Boy. Cyborg and Beast Boy had gathered around Raven when she had all the sudden just spaced out.

"Friend Raven, is there something wrong?" Starfire asked. Raven looked back to Starfire and remembered all those images and the very last horrid one.

"No…I'm ok…I just need to meditate." Raven said before she left the room leaving the rest confused at what had just happened.

- - - - -

Above on the roof of the Titans Tower, Raven was levitating above the ground, in deep meditation. Trying to ease her mind and erase those sudden images she received. What could they mean? Was Starfire in danger? She was forced out of her meditation by the sudden thoughts. All she did now was staring over the horizon, the sun setting over the vast ocean. She just stared at the sunset, it was just like meditating, calm and tranquil.

While meditating she didn't notice the others arrive on the roof and begin to play volley ball behind her. Robin and Starfire were on one side while Cyborg and Beast Boy on the other. Robin had made the serve, Beast Boy had then quickly transformed into an ape, jumped up and hit the ball hard right to Robin and Starfire's side. But his hit was a little, or a lot, harder than he expected and it ended up flying towards Raven. Cyborg was about to shout to her to look out but Beast Boy spoke before he could.

"Don't worry, she'll sense it. She'll send it back, like always." Beast Boy said transforming to his original state. They waited the ball to reach Raven, a black aura to consume it and send it back to them. But that wasn't what happened. The ball had hit Raven right at her head and since she was over the edge of the Tower she almost fell all over the Tower but quickly grabbed the edge before she could fall. She could hear her friend screaming her name and Starfire was the first to make it towards her and help her up.

"Friend Raven, are you…"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Beast Boy ran over to her pushing Starfire away and quickly started apologizing while Raven just stared at him. "I didn't mean it! I thought you sensed it coming towards you! Oh please don't kill me! I'll do anything! I'm at your mercy! I don't wanna die! The girls still want my autograph!" Beast Boy said clutching his head and bending down in front of Raven, expecting a blow to his head.

"….huh?" Raven asked. Beast Boy looked up at her, she seemed confused, more likely seemed like she didn't realize she was hit by a ball.

"Um…sorry for not warning you about the ball." Beast Boy said getting up.

"What ball?" Raven asked.

"Um that one that hit you." Beast Boy said pointing to the ball near by. Raven looked at the ball and realized what he was talking about.

"Oh…" Raven said as she then brought her head up to her head. "Um it's ok. It doesn't matter." She said. The Titans were expecting Raven to pound Beast Boy this very second…but she didn't…she just stood there.

"Raven, you sure you're doing ok? You don't…seem like yourself." Cyborg said.

"No I'm ok, I just um…need to lie down for a while." Raven said before she walked away to the door of the roof and silently left.

"Something seems to be up." Robin assumed as he rubbed his chin.

"No kidding! I'm suppose to be six feet under the ground but I'm actually still alive!" Beast Boy exclaimed.

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Upon entering her room, Raven was deep in thought at what just happened.

'What was that all about, I could've sensed that coming. I must've seemed so stupid acting like I didn't even know what hit me. Strange…first the anger, then the headache, the vision and now me loosing concentration…maybe I just need some sleep.' Raven assumed as she sat down on her bed. Right then another image flashed by her eyes. A thunder strike, and then two evil red eyes.

Raven blinked at the sudden image. She closed her eyes and rubbed them. She didn't even want to think what that one was about. Throwing her legs up on the bed, she rested her head on her pillow and slowly let herself fall into a deep slumber.

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A midst of dark area, a lone figure stood in the darkness, laughing in a menace tone.

"Raven….you may have destroyed me…but you never destroyed the influence I had on your rage." The deep voice stopped to let out another laugh.

"I still live within you…and soon I shall be reborn."

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Wohoo! Done with the first chapter! So what do you guys think? Ok so this is just the beginning, may be a little boring but hey like I said, just the beginning, lots of exciting stuff to happen. So then please review guys. Thanks for reading, next chapter should be up shortly. Till next time,
