Disclaimer: I don't own anything except a paperback "HP and the OotP" book I bought a longtime ago, a cd of FF8 RPG and hopefully soon, I'll be able to buy the DVD of FF7: Advent Children.

A/N: A little treat for everyone, this is a Side Quest. Let the GF gathering begin!


Chapter 11

The group woke up fully refreshed the next morning and was once again convened on the first floor common room. They were finalizing their plans for the day.

"Alright guys, the goblins have arrived and have settled down their living quarters. They are currently going through system checks, thereforeas ofnow we areunofficially a fully functional Garden." Harry began. "We're taking out the Ragnarok today so who will be forming the test party with me?"

"As much as I want to go I'll have to decline," spoke Hermione. "I still have to finalize the Hogsmeade meeting and get a final tally on the few who wants to join. Don't forget to be back by lunch, were having the meeting afterwards."

"I pass too mate," Ron added. "I decided to discuss and plan war strategies and tactics with the goblins. Their chief tactician and I spoke and agreed that a combination of Wizards, Muggle, and Goblin tactics will benefit us. Plus someone must stay behind to keep an eye out for unexpected events here."

"I'm definitely going! Think of what adventure we might get into." Ginny piped in giddily.

"I'm also definitely going. I sense through sorcery that we will get an interesting day and it will also help me practice some more." Fleur said.

"Alright then, best we be in battle gear for the whole day and expect the unexpected." Harry smiled.

They quickly cast the changing spells. Fleur is wearing a royal blue silk kimono for her top with a long silver dragon design around, giving the impression that its wrapped around her, the head resting over her right shoulder ending just below her right clavicle. The sleeves are long and billowing like the wind is always breezing. The kimono has long four flowing tail flapswith slits reaching to her ankles. She is wearing black, silky shorts that reach above her knees and ankle high boots with two-inch heels though not pointed and thin. Ginny is wearing a ninja type sleeveless kimono that is in gryffindor red with a tiger paw with extended claws design on the back, wire mesh, short sleeved shirt and also black, silk shorts and ankle high, steel toe combat boots. (A/N: for better idea, Fleur wears something like what Tifa wears in the movie FF7: Advent Children except the top is blue with mentioned design and Ginny is like Misao's outfit in Rourini Kenshin/Samurai X anime, also with changes mentioned above.)

The testing party boarded the ship and strapped their selves in. "Control Tower to Ragnarok, you are cleared for take off, all systems clear. Weapons system are live, I repeat, weapon systems are live. Raising platform will commence in 15 seconds." The operator goblins began count down.

"Primary and back up engines are all green. Primary and secondary power generators are all green." Ginny began reporting.

"Radar, Stealth, Navigation and Boosters are green. Hyper speed also green." Fleur stated on her side.

"All systems check, controls are responding perfectly, shields are at standard strength. We are all go." Harry finished.

The platform began to rise and the skylight opened up like a camera's lens. They caught a glimpse of a magnificent sight as the sun was steadily rising beyond the mountains and giving them a wonderful dawn, indicating good weather ahead. The engines started and the ship slowly lifted off. A few muggle born students exercising by the lake looked in awe, jaws gaping at the magnificent ship flying quickly towards the horizon. Some muttered "UFO". The Ragnarok was cruising peacefully through the clouds.

"Great, now let's see what this baby can do. Its my turn now Harry." Ginny quickly stood up to switch places.

"Err… oh, what the heck." Harry conceded although he knew Selphie gave her "additional" flying lessons. He quickly took Ginny's seat beside Fleur and quickly strapped himself in. The ship burst forward in amazing speed and was quickly going through several maneuvers. This lasted for only a few minutes then resumed cruising.

"Woo hoo, that was amazing!"

"As much as I appreciate it Gin it still unnerving, please warn me first." Fleur said.

"Well, I can't help but agree with my baby sister, that was fun." Harry smirked.

"That's because you have an inborn affinity to flying, beloved." Fleur rolled her eyes.

"Were to now, captain." Ginny addressed him.

"Let me think…."

"Proceed 30 degrees south west, past Azkaban prison." Fleur spoke softly, her eyes shone brightly for a few seconds then she sighed and went back to normal.

"Ok, you heard her Gin, let's go." Harry held Fleur's hand and squeezed gently.

"Hold on to your seats, engaging stealth mode and cloaking." Ginny announced as the ship once again lurched forward faster.


They reached a barren almost desert like piece of land a little bit off the main Azkaban island. The ship landed gracefully. After checking their junctions, magic, and gear they set off with Harry in the lead.

"Hmmm… what do you think were here to look for?" he asked.

"I don't know, but since were with you and judging by your luck, it will be something unusual." Ginny chided.

"Ha ha,"

"I think she is correct beloved." Fleur commented slowly.

"Not you too dear…" he turned towards her and saw her looking up with an awed expression. He slowly turned towards where she's looking. Ginny already stopped and was looking the same way. Standing before them is a giant cactuar.

/I've been waiting for your arrival chosen ones. Come, show me your strength, I am King Cactuar/ the GF stated and rose even more higher. The trio quickly took battle formations with Harry in the middle a little bit to the front.

"Its weak against water elements, junction it to your physical attacks. Casting it will help too." Harry warned and the fight began.

Fleur quickly invoked her sorceress powers and bright silver wings erupted from her back automatically lifting her above the sand. She quickly casted "Triple" on herself then proceeded to attack with "Meltdown" spell, which greatly affected the GF lowering its defenses then double "Water" spells causing the GF to stagger slightly. Harry dashed and gave four slashes giving relevant damage coupled with blasts but using only normal ammo. Ginny swung her nunchucks immediately after.

/Ker Plunk/ The huge being started to topple forwards. Fleur who was already floating quickly withdrew back. Harry leapt right, tackling Ginny but they only managed to make it half way. Both groaned as they received some damage. "GINNY. HARRY!" Fleur exclaimed. She hastily casted "Cura" to both which effectively healed them. Harry's gunblade was flung a few feet behind him, sticking into the sand. /Ker Plunk/ the GF attacked once more, Ginny was already concentrating, summoning Leviathan thus the GF protected her and took the damage. She quickly opened her eyes and thrust her hand forward with open palm. "Tsunami" the three disappeared briefly. The silhouette of a winged sea serpent appeared below the surface of the sea. Leviathan then jumped up to the surface, turned around and quickly glided towards King Cactuar. The speed and force of the wind was dragging an enormous wave behind him, towards the GF as well. The tidal wave came down hard on King Cactuar. The group reappeared after the attack.

/10,000 needles/ the GF immediately delivered the attack. Harry took out his wand, since his primary weapon is out of reach. "Protego" he shouted and waved his wand as to cover the group. Fleur supported it with "protect" then they all braced for impact. Needles rained down on them but the damaged was thankfully lessened. Although it didn't KO them, they were already breathing hard. Luckily, Ginny was already at her Limit Break "Slot" and she mumbled "alright" as she casted the first spell "Full Cure". They were back on their best fighting condition. Harry recovered his gunblade and Fleur casted "Aura" on them as the effect of the "Triple" spell vanished. She then proceeded with her strongest water spell "Wateraga" causing great damage. Ginny quickly rummaged through "Slot" as luck has once again favored them she also cast "Wateraga" then Harry dashed with amazing speed, not giving the GF an opening, slashed/blasted eight times, flipped backwards then started to gather energy while holding the gunblade extend sidewards. "Lionheart" he executed the ultimate move taught by Squall and prayed hard for it to work since it will be the first use in an actual battle. King Cactuar was flung skyward with Harry's first strike, and then he leapt and continued to give a flurry of strikes almost impossible to count due to the speed and number. The last strike flung King Cactuar back to the ground, the impact also causing damage.

/Well done young ones. I have deemed you worthy. I pledge to you my loyalty and allegiance/ he shrunk to the size of a regular cactuar before turning into a glowing orb, which engulfed the group in a blinding light. They sat down panting but with happy smirks on their faces.

"Woo hoo, I knew were going to get an adventure today!" Ginny was very giddy. She's really turning into an adrenaline junky or just plain sugar high like Selphie.

"You were right love, this outing turned out to be interesting and we successfully gained another ally." Harry spoke as he remembered what Fleur said earlier.

"Yes and it also gave me a lot of practice with my sorcery." Fleur agreed then fell silent. "There is another one becoming us, we must proceed, towards South America, in a hidden Aztec Temple." She sighed softly as she once more returned to normal.

"Well, lets get this over with while its still early then be back to Hogwarts hopefully by lunch." Harry stood and assisted Ginny and Fleur up.

"I'm still piloting!" Ginny quickly exclaimed and raced towards the ship followed by the two. Soon, Ragnarok was speeding towards their new destination.


A/N: Hope you all like it. Please review. To those who reviewed last time, thanks a lot. I'm glad you all liked the story as it is so I've decided to proceed. For the revisions I've mentioned, I'll just post them as a different version when I get around to doing them but my first concept definitely stays. Sorry the chapter is short, almost the same length as Chapter 1, I wrote this to hopefully break the terrible writer's block I've been having.

I plan to have the group get one or two more GFs by the next chapter but not every last one in just one go. I'll be keeping the more powerful ones in later chapters. After all, the gang still has other activities. To those who might have guessed, yes, I plan on them getting the Brothers next; I was having a hard time thinking of new ways to gain the GFs so King Cactuar and the Brothers will follow like how it is like in the game. I also changed the attack movie of Leviathan and used the FF9 version. In FF8, He appears on top of a huge wall/cliff that erupted in front of the enemy then when he slithered down, the torrent of water flowed after him. I just didn't feel like it depicted how powerful Leviathan's attack is.

As you may have also noticed, I changed the concept of Fleur's sorcery. In the game, it is called the Angel Wings Limit Break, in Rinoa's case that is. In my story, Fleur's Limit break is a stronger sorcery that allows her to use more powerful spells usually only available to Boss Monsters. Example of this was Wateraga, which was not available for any FF8 characters. Regarding Fleur's "detection" ability, it is not a form of divination nor is she a seer. Due to her sorcery, she has a bit higher affinity to magic and detection so she is able to detect them but only when it is time to find them and where to.

Hope you all enjoyed. Will try and post soon before end of Christmas break.