Someone PLEASE Give Just Cause

By: Taitoboy.

The meaning of the title becomes clear. This is a long chapter s bare with me.

July 23rd, 2005- I Do to Whom Again?

Tai could not remember the last time he was this miserable in his life, but today he'd remember forever. Today was the day his best friend was being taken permanently off the market and it wasn't to him. Matt was marrying a gold digging slut who didn't even love him but there was nothing he could do about it. He really didn't want to be in the wedding but as he promised Matt, he had no choice. Tai felt even worse after Matt's show of passionate affection the other morning. Every possible scenario played through his mind from Matt really loving him to Matt just playing with his emotions. Tai hated every moment he felt this way and it just depressed him.

Tai, being the upbeat perky man he usually was had amazing powers when it came to others who were constantly around him. Tai's depression was like a dangerous gas that seeped through out his residence. TK, Davis, Kari, Izzy, and Joe were all depressed because of Tai and Matt. Even poor Cosmo was depressed. He refused to play with his toys or even cuddle up against guest legs. All the poor little Garfield looking cat (NOT FAT but JUST IN FUR COLOR) did was sleep in the warm comfort of Tai's bed.

The others did not want to go to the wedding all for the same reasons Tai didn't want to go. Tai figured that if he had to be in the wedding, that just watching wasn't as bad as that. Tai gave all the pep-talks and reasons he could come up with. Tai didn't care though; if he was going then EVERYONE was going. He even had Agumon on standby just in case the protesting digi-destined gave him trouble.


Tai and the others arrived at the church before the wedding where they were greeted by a beaming Matt.

"I'm so glad you guys decided to come. I appreciate it" Matt practically squealed to the others. They all looked Matt darkly, not knowing what to say until TK figured that out.

"Matt, don't flatter yourself. We're only here because Tai threatened us with Agumon" TK said in a very nasty tone while the others nodded in agreement.

Matt gave Tai a brief glance then turned to the others with a smile, apparently un-phased by TK rudeness. "Oh TK, my sweet little brother. You're here and that's all that matters. The decisions made here today will probably change most of our lives" He said with a bright smile.

The other digi-destined simply looked at Matt with looks of doubt, betrayal and in TK's case, pure disgust, none of which bothered Matt one bit. The only thing bothering him was the fact that his Tai….yes HIS Tai was extremely upset and he knew the reason why, but that couldn't be helped.

Tai still hated the fact that Whora was marrying Matt who was your stereotypical 'dumb blonde' for even proposing to her. Tai had his opinions but he wasn't about to voice them. Today was Matt's day and he couldn't ruin his apparent happiness. Once that ring was on, Matt and Tai's relationship would probably dissipate and Tai wasn't willing to let his final hours as Matt life long best friend in anger and sadness.

"Tai, can I see you for a moment?" Matt asked somewhere out the blue grabbing onto Tai's arm.

Tai looked at Matt with skeptical look fixed on his face but gave into Matt's request and let himself be dragged of into a dressing room. Once there, Matt turned around and slammed Tai up against the wall with a smirk on his face.

"Ma….Matty, what are you doing?" Tai asked, scared that Matt was going to hit him.

"Tai, we need to talk" Matt said with a small smile on his face.


"You Tai, why have you been all depressed lately?" Matt asked with a glimmer of concern in his eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Tai defended lamely. He attempted to break from Matt's grasp but Matt held him steady.

"Tai, I'm your best friend or I'm supposed to be. I know when you're upset or mad and I know damn well when you're lying to me. So I'm asking you for the last time Tai, what the fuck is wrong?"

Tai simply refused to look at the shorter boy that had him pinned against the wall. If Tai didn't want to talk about it, then he wasn't going to, no matter what Matt said.

"Nothing is wrong Matt, now let me go or I'll make you let go." Tai snarled towards his friend. For one brief moment, Matt had a glimpse of fear in his eyes but was quickly replaced with hurt and anger.

"Fine Tai" Matt said as he released Tai from his hold against the wall. As Tai pushed away from Matt and headed for the door, Matt grabbed Tai b his waist and threw him on the floor.

"Tai, I swear you're not leaving until you talk to me" Matt yelled as he jumped on Tai, straddling his waist.

Tai knew Matt wasn't going to let this go. "Fine Matt, you wanna know my problem? You're my problem Matt"

"What are you talking about Tai-chan?"

"That. You come on to me and 'act' like you really want me but I know you're either playing with me or trying to make me feel better but it doesn't. I love you more than anything and now I'm loosing you to a girl who's only marrying for your money and everyone knows it. I had to threaten the others just to get them to come. We all KNOW you're making a mistake today and we can't do anything about it." Tai sobbed from his spot on the floor. Matt couldn't help but feel extremely hurt that his friend felt this way, but he knew what he was doing.

"Tai, I love you too but………Things are going to go as planned today. Sora and I are both going to get what we deserve. I swear Tai; things are going to get a whole lot better for you in the future. For now, you have to trust me as your best friend that I know what I'm doing. Tai, even the guy marrying us doesn't agree but he accepted it and he hardly knows us. Surely….." Matt said, stopping to give Tai a brief kiss on the cheek "….you can trust me." Matt said giving Tai another kiss.

Tai pushed Matt off of him roughly. "Matt, don't DO that. You love Sora and all I'm going to promise you is that I'll used to it. Accepting it just makes it seem I approve of this" with that, Tai left the room, leaving a hurt Matt Ishida on the floor to his thoughts.

'Don't worry Tai, don't worry'


It approached the hour of truth. Everything was going to plan, Matt and Sora looked stunning, everyone was in the correct positions and Tai and Mimi stood by their best friend's sides. The pastor was giving an exceptionally long speech being that Matt's wealth and fame called for a televised wedding.

"…….Marriage is sacred and something that shouldn't be taken in too lightly. It is a union in the eyes of god………….."

Tai, Mimi, and everyone else in the large church couldn't help but start to feel drowsy, even one of the brides maids feel asleep from her standing position. The camera men televising the occasion couldn't keep the cameras straight. Everyone perked up when the pastor said the third most important line in a wedding………

"……and now if someone please give just cause as to why these two should NOT be married, please speak now or forever hold your peace." Sora shot the man a very dirty look when he said that but everyone else there couldn't help but chuckle at his statement. Matt looked out over the audience to see if anyone would say anything. He spotted TK, Kari and the other digi-destined in the back row with Izzy, Joe, Davis and Kari both trying to restrain TK and keep him from actually saying something. Matt then looked at Tai where he noticed Tai's arm twitching. He could tell the taller brunette was mentally restraining himself as well.

The pastor waited, with hopeful look on his face but was disappointed when no one spoke up. (It was no secret now that the pastor didn't agree with this marriage) Sighing, he continued with the speeches.

"Now Matt and Sora have written vows to commemorate this day."

Sora was the first to give her vows. She looked nice for a painted up she-devil. "Matt, you are the greatest. I love that you're dependable, honest, caring and that's why I love you money……I mean honey" Sora blushed at her little mistake. Tai and Mimi shot each other suspicious glances and then Tai shot Sora a death glare. Matt raised his eyebrow at this but continued with his vow.

"Sora, you are an amazing person. You were always there in the digital world, high school and beyond. You came into my life and changed it. Sora……" he said, stopping to give a brief look at Tai who had his head hung low "Sora…..You have the crest of love for a reason …….but that doesn't stop you from being a slut."

And the world takes a collective gasp

The audience all stared to quietly whisper among themselves. Many obviously thought it was a joke or slip of the tongue. Sora smiled nervously and worriedly at Matt who just smiled. The pastor even looked shocked and looked extremely uncomfortable yet amused. Matt call for silence a couple minutes later so he could finish.

"Sora, I found out from reliable sources that you cheated on me even during our engagement. There are many words I can use to describe you but over 90 of them are not appropriate to use in church. I don't deserve to be cheated on by a gold digging whore, especially since there are others who love me for me."

Sora looked like she was just about to be hit by an incoming space shuttle. "Oh Matty, you don't mean that sweety. I love you"

"Cut the crap Sora, you love my money which I refuse to give any of to you."

"Matt, we're in the middle of our wedding, why are you doing this?" Sora looked like she was about to cry. Tai stood with a smug grin on his face which was shared by Mimi.

"Why? I heard it when your best friend told my best friend. They didn't know I was there of course. I'm telling you off now….in the middle of the wedding……so I can embarrass you on international TV"

Sora's look of shock turned into once of complete rage. "Why you blonde bastard…." She stumbled. She raised her hand to slap Matt. Her hand was about to collide with when……..

"Sora, I swear you hit this man and you will regret it" Tai said as he intercepted the hand.

"Back off you little…..little….."Sora said trying to get out of Tai's grasp. The church went deathly quiet as the watched this transaction take place. Tai finally decided to let go of Sora after a few minutes. Her hair was messed up and she was not happy at all. She seemed calmer as she started to break down and cry. Matt broke the semi-silence after a few seconds.

"Sora, it's over. I can't believe I even kicked my own brother out because of you. You're evil and I owe Tai for showing me the light." Matt said just as calm as he was that morning.

Sora snapped her head up when she heard what Tai did. "Tai!" Something must have snapped inside her mind because she threw herself at Tai, hands locked around his throat. "You did this, you, you, you! I'll kill you for what you've done" She shrieked. Matt grabbed her around her waist in an attempt to get her off Tai's neck. Everyone was afraid to move for some unknown reason so no one went to help except one person. Davis, quiet and sitting with the others until now had seen enough. Even though he loved TK, Tai was still his idol and no one hurts Davis Motomiya's idol. He got up from his spot in the back and rushed to where Tai was being strangled.

"Sora let him go. NOW" Davis barked at the furious bride. Tai was starting to turn a blue-ish and Sora wasn't about to give up so Davis did the only thing he could think of. SLAP Davis slapped Sora clean across her face. In her shock she released Tai who fell to the floor trying to get his breath back.

"Tai, are you ok?" Matt squeaked, running to Tai's side. Tai nodded slowly while his breathing returned to normal.

"Fine Matt. Have it your way, but you will never find anyone like me. You'll even end up alone like Mimi here" Sora whispered so everyone could hear as she walked away.

Mimi's face darkened at what Sora said and decided that she wouldn't take anymore of Sora's shit. She slowly stuck her foot out into Sora's path. "Have a nice trip Sora. Bring me something nice."

Everyone started laughing when Sora's face literally hit the floor. She picked herself up and ran out the church with her disgusted parents in her wake. Tai picked himself up and dusted himself off. Matt looked at Tai with happiness in his eyes which Tai didn't seem to pick up on.

"Well Matt, I guess you wasted a perfectly good wedding but at least you'll be happy." Tai whispered.

"Maybe not Tai-chan" Matt said "HEY EVERYONE, COME BACK" Matt yelled, trying to stop the leaving guest. Everyone stopped, apparently confused at what was left of the wedding since the bride practically got beat up. Once everyone was seated back down and quiet, Matt continued with what he had apparently planned all along.

Matt slowly got on one knee in front of Tai, looking up at him with nervous eyes. The church was quiet once again, obviously holding their breaths. Matt then pulled out a little black velvet box from his jacket pocket and held it to Tai.

"Tai Kamiya, I know we're not an official couple and everything, but you made me realize something about myself that involved you. I love you Tai and you were the one I should have been with all along. You were always there, even before I was rich and famous even when Sora wasn't and I love you for that. Tai, it may all be too soon but I don't care and you'd make me extremely happy if you'd….if you'd be my husband."

The world now says a collective 'AWWWW'"

Tai simply looked down at Matt stone face, too happy for words. "Ma…Matty….I….I don't know….know what to say"

"A 'yes' would be nice." Tai looked to see that TK and Kari were the ones who had shouted almost simultaneously.

"Tai couldn't help but chuckle a little but then fixed a frown to his face that really scared Matt. "Well Matty…..I don't know about this." Matt looked like his heart was just blown up by Wargreymon.

"But Tai… I thought….."

"But on the other hand…" Tai continued "…It would be a complete waste of a good wedding and uncomfortable Tux if I said no to such a loving man like you. Matty….I would love nothing more than to marry you." Tai smiled at his love who took a sigh of relief.

Matt simply beamed at Tai as he stood up next to Tai. The crowd broke into applause as Tai latched onto Matt and gave him a huge hug.

"Well, Pastor. You have someone else to marry me to. Tai Kamiya" Matt smiled at Tai took his hand and entwined his fingers with Matt's.

The pastor looked confused but nonetheless happier. "Ok, and lets get this over with before that psycho comes back" The audience laughed at his implication.

"Um…Ok…. Do you Tai take Matt to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do, with all my heart"

"Matt, do you take Tai for your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"If someone wants to give just cause why these two shouldn't be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."


"Well, if no one objects I pronounce you um…..Tai Ishida and Matt Kamiya. You may kiss each other"

Tai and Matt didn't need telling twice. Matt grabbed Tai's face and slammed his lips into Tai's. The two certainly weren't shy about deepening their kiss as their tongues mingled with each others with love and lust mixed in. Neither one of them could be happier but they'd have to try later.

Well That's it. I decided to cut this story, one chapter short. I hope you like everything. With such great reviews, I'm sure you did. Thanks to you I've decided to publish at leash one more multi-chapter story before my Christmas story so look out for that. I'm sure you'll like that one too. I'm sure all authors agree with me when I say that your reviews help our writing progress and ability and you guys certainly helped me. I'm glad you enjoyed this. More stories to come.



Also check out:

The hunk from the United Digital Nations

When Things Go too Far

Final Review Replies Please Review this chapter still

ShadowGirl4ever: Maybe this chapter solved your questions

JyouraKoumi: I love Taito and maybe Taikeru. And anything that interferes with Taito is bad. However, I personally don't have anything against Sora. However I bash her because it's what the people want. I only write to please you guys. Because I love all the good reviews.

Mia Kamiya: Glad you like

Miss Takin: I couldn't kill Sora, that's too heartless. I'd prefer to let her suffer. Tai won't suffer anymore

Natchi: Now I'm blushing again. No more updates on this story but I am toying with some other story ideas. Expect at least one more multi- chapter before my Christmas story

silverkaze013: And they live happily after. Well……At least everyone but Sora does.

Shinobi KazeKage: You see, that's what happens when you don't read all the chapters. You tend to miss out on things. There's your insider wedding crash though. LOL

DarkMetalAngel of Destruction:Well You got what you wanted. Sora's gone and Tai and Matt are truly happy.

Please note that if enough good reviews are given on this chapter. I may consider writing a sequel. However, you have to tell me you want that