Draco Malfoy sat in his usual spot at dinner, surrounded by the usual group of people that followed him everywhere. This group consisted of Pansy Parkinson, who was Draco's girfriend, and Crabbe and Goyle, Draco's goonies. Draco sat listening to Pansy talking of a subject that he didn't remember, looking at her, without listening. Draco had always thought Pansy as a beautiful girl, very outgoing and energetic. She was also very intelligent in her work. Draco especially liked her because she was always doing as he said and kissing up to him. He nodded as she talked in her snobby voice, and looked away at another group of people, a little way down the able. Draco didn't know their names, except for one person. Blaise Zabini.
Lately, he had been observing Blaise Zabini quite often. He hardly knew Blaise, as they hung out with different people and had different classes, though they were in the same year. Draco had never seen Blaise with a girlfriend. In fact, he has heard stories of people seeing Blaise in the bathrooms with other boys, hearing noises from stalls, and seeing him making out in empty corridors. Draco watched and listened as Blaise talked, his voice much softer and darker than the one he usually heard from Pansy. Blaise had an air of confidence that was different from the confidence he was used to in Slytherin. Usually, in Slytherin, Draco only found people that were very arrogant of themselves and snooty, and he didn't exclude himself from that group of people. But Blaise was different, with confidence that wasn't overdone. Draco was sure that a lot of this confidence came from Blaise's looks, which Draco admitted, to himself, were extremely attractive. Blaise had dark hair, that seemed black, though it was dark brown, and it was always messy. His eyes were a deep blue, that stood out on his fair skin, and looked beautiful with his soft, pink lips.
Draco knew that he was attracted to Blaise in a way he shouldn't be. His father wouldn't approve of it at all, and would probably disown him if Draco were to act on these feelings. His friends would think differently of him. Draco himself didn't approve of this kind of attraction. Draco had always been against homosexuality. To him, it seemed unnatural, odd, and it would most likely damage Draco's reputation, which was very important to him.
Blaise had finished talking, and he was smiling softly, barely showing his dazzling teeth. His eyes twinkled slightly as he smiled, and Draco could've sworn he felt his stomach twinge. Blaise reached for a goblet, and began to drink from it, his eyes looking over the rim at his friend in a way that seemed mysterious. His eyes began to move, looking over all of his friends, then suddenly, they were looking at Draco.
Draco panicked he quickly looked away and began to pretend he was listening to Pansy, while hastily stuffing food into his mouth. As he swallowed, he almost choked as his nerves had shot up and made him very shaken. He wanted to look back over at Blaise, but didn't want to risk it. What he was risking, he didn't know. But he looked.
Blaise was still looking at him, smiling again. Draco held his breath as his eyes were stuck to Blaise's, his hands shaking slightly. He knew he couldn't give himself away, so he raised his eyebrow and sneered, as if trying to say, "What are you looking at, Zabini?" Blaise smiled wider and looked back at his friend. Relieved, Draco looked away.
Pansy had finished talking, and there was silence within the group. When Draco looked at her, her eyes seemed to move quick, and Draco could tell she had been looking at him. She took in a breath, as if to seem aggrivated.
"I think I'm going to turn in early. I'm feeling tired, and I still have homework to do." Draco said suddenly. Pansy nodded and Crabbe and Goyle didn't respond - They were too busy inhaling the food. Draco down at them as he stood up, disgusted. Pansy gave them the same look. They both laughed, and Draco walked off.
As Draco passed Blaise, he could feel his blue eyes burning into the jet black cloak that hung on Draco's back. Draco gulped nervously, and began walking much faster out of the Great Hall. As soon as he was out of view of the students, Draco collapsed against a stone wall, and slid down to the floor, his head in his hands.
Draco never acted like this. He never let himself seem shaken or nervous in front of other people, he never let feelings for another person get in his way. We was ashamed of himself, for many reasons at that point. He moved his hands back and forth in his hair, pulling at and and groaning. He pulled his knees close to him and rested his head on them and wrapped his arms around them.
"You know, it's rude to stare." Said a familiar voice, but Draco couldn't identify it. Draco looked up from his knees to see Blaise Zabini standing there, casually leaning against the wall that Draco sat against. "Draco Malfoy, am I right?"
"Yes, Zabini. It's also rude to sneak up on people." Draco replied, rising from the floor, trying to get back any dignity he could.
"I don't recall sneaking. I was walking perfectly normal. I believe you were the one having a mental breakdown in the middle of the corridor." said Blaise, pushing himself off of the wall and moving closer to Draco. Draco didn't know what to say to that. "May I ask what it is you seem to be so distraut over?"
"It's none of your business, Zabini." said Draco, putting a viscious emphasis on Blaise's name. He didn't like it, but he had to keep his feeling of authority.
"Don't act so violated." said Blaise cooly. "I was simply asking." Blaise took another step closer. Draco moved a foot back and put it on the stone floor, but he didn't move his other foot, but only stood there. Blaise moved his face really close to Draco's, gently breathing and staring at Draco's eyes. Draco didn't are to move, or to speak. He didn't know what to do.
"Well, I'll talk to you later." Blaise said, and walked away from Draco, leaving Draco to feel as if he's been awfully teased, and quite vulnerable. Angry at himself and being as pissed as he was, Draco kicked his school bag across the floor, walked to pick it up, and moved in the same direction towards the Common Room that Blaise was going. Of course, he made a point to stay at least a corridor's length behind him.