here's the next chap!

btw,i've changed my pen name!ENJOY!

Part six

"So,we can't fix the jet?Is that what you call good news?" asked Riven

"Yo!Chill,I'm sure they came up with a solution" "Snapped Musa "Just shut your gap."

"Don't worry Riven,we found a solution."Said Techna "We open a portal."Everyone gaped.

"What? Actually,I don't know why we didn't think of it at first."Techna brushed her hair of her face."

"T!None of us can summon any of the eight portals!"Cired Stella "If you haven't noticed,We are only in our first year."

"Yeah…Even if we are twenty now and Stel twenty-one,"Bloom said "we like, missed four years of fairy education,we've been studying math,science and all those shit instead."

"Wadever she said and Techna why are smiling that smile?" asked Musa quizzically

Techna giggled "Relax, I know you guys can't summon a portal. But it doesn't mean I can't."

"Hey, I remember now, you practically learnt enough spells to last though our course." exclaimed Flora "I remember seeing you scouring the Realm Wide Web for spells."

"And I happen to have mastered the summoning portal part."Techna smiled "And I need five days to prepare."

"Erm, five days?" asked Bloom biting her lower lip.

"I need to be enclosed in a room for five days to gather as much energy as possible, oh and I might be unconscious for 48 hours after opening a portal."

The girls didn't know how to react, although Techna sounded confident they knew the downside of summoning a portal with zero experience.

"So, today is a Thursday, tomorrow I start. Then Tuesday we'll go back home."Techna turned away from the girls and her smile faded, she didn't know how to do it properly without losing her life.

Part seven

"I don't understand, she'll probably be unconscious for only 48 hours if anything goes wrong, why are you so worried?"

"Sky, stop bugging me go ask Bloom."

"She won't tell me, come on Stella."

"Then go ask Timmy."

"He's busy talking to Techna."

"ARGHHH!FINE!"Stella stomped her feet down then her expression softened. "Techna might lose her life opening a portal; it takes great amount of energy to and she might not have it."

"It's that bad?" said Brandon coming from the door

"Sheesh do not wish to say anymore." Said Stella burying her face in her hands

That moment Musa and Riven came bursting through the door.

"I DO NOT KNOW!"Screamed Musa

"Same story huh girlfriend?" asked Stella

"Yeah, guys are such pains."

"Hey, I want to know. "Growled Riven "Is it so hard?"

"Yeah Riv, it is…Come on, I'll tell you, let's leave the girls." Sky said. The guys walked out closing the door behind them.

There was an awkward silence then Stella sighed

"It's like sending our best friend to her doom. Man this sucks as much as a bad-hair day, or worse."

Musa put her hand on her shoulder "Returning to our original forms is one thing, getting back is another."

"Not to mention winning this war, stopping the Trix-"

"And getting my powers back."Musa and Stella turned and saw Bloom come in with Flora and Techna.

"Hey, welcome to the gloom club in the gloom crib." said Musa

"It's ironic, my name rhymes with gloom and I'm the cause of all this." sighed Bloom "I'm sorry guys"

"No way Bloom, it's the power hungry Trix's fault." said Flora

"Okay, but Techna, you might lose your life." Bloom's eyes started brimming with tears

"Timmy and I talked about it, as long I follow the guide lines closely, I'll be okay." smiled Techna

"Don't lie to us okay?" Stella said

"Yea, we all need some sleep, let go."

The girls exchanged their good nights and tossed and rolled all over with worry all though the night.

The next morning, they all had breakfast together without Techna, who had started accumulating all her energy. Five days were quiet and long. Bloom wished it would not end, as she still wasn't very convinced that Techna would be alright.And finally after five days, Techna emerged from the room looking really bad.

"I don't get it! Gather energy and you're not supposed to eat? Tell me, does'nt our energy come from food? Exclaimed Stella "I know it slims to down quick but you'll look haggard and old!"

"For the last time, I did eat bread and drank water too." replied Techna "And for the last, last, last time! This is not one of your diet routines."

"So? Now what?" Asked Flora

"We summon the correct portal, which will be the first one." answered Timmy

"Okay, stand back."Techna closed her eyes and muttered something under her breath, she threw her hands out and a jet of white light shot out and a portal was formed. Though the portal they saw not the Magix they once knew. It was as Sky said a cold frozen waste land.