Disclaimer: see previous chapters.

A/N: Shuichi is in Japan and Ryuichi is in San Diego. The time difference: Japan is 13 hours ahead.

Broken Promise

Chapter 10


"Happy birthday!"

Ryuichi smiled sleepily as he listened to the sweet tenor voice on the other end of the phone sing happy birthday.

"Thank you, Shu."

"Sorry I'm calling kind of early for a Sunday but with the time difference and all it's 10 o'clock at night here. Was I the first to call?"

"Yes you were."

"Yes! Sorry again for waking you. Do you want me to let you go back to sleep? I can call again tomorrow."

"No, no. Hearing your voice first thing when I wake up is always welcome."

Shuichi's stomach tightened even as he smiled into the receiver. Yes, I know what you mean.

Ryuichi realized what he said and he tried to cover it up quickly as he scurried out of bed, hoping the cool air would wake him up.

"It's much better than hearing a stupid alarm clock, no da!"

Shuichi's smile faltered and he sunk further into his bed. "Yeah, sure. So….do you have any big plans for your birthday?"

"No, no. I went out with a few people from work last night but we just hung out and talked, had a few drinks. Nothing special."

"Man, I wish I were there. We would celebrate your birthday right."

Ryuichi laughed and sat down on the chair and stared out at the morning sky. It was a chilly morning, but he didn't feel cold. Hearing Shuichi's voice warmed him to the core.

"We would have two birthdays to celebrate. Yours is coming up in a few weeks. You have plans with Sai for some big night out on the town?"

He hadn't wanted to bring up Shuichi's boyfriend but he had to face facts. The man he loved was involved with another and he would have to be happy for him. He had no choice. He couldn't give up Shuichi. I've got to do this. As Ryuichi braced himself to hear all about the "sweet" and "comfortable" Sai, he realized that Shuichi hadn't answered his question.

"Shu? You there?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry. Um…Sai and I broke up. Well, we weren't really together so maybe saying we broke up isn't exactly correct but you get the point."

"I'm sorry, Shu. You want to talk about it?"

"No, not really. I mean, it just kind of happened and really isn't a big deal. Like I said, we weren't really together."

Ryuichi didn't believe his friend for a moment. Even if they hadn't been in a serious relationship, he could hear the sadness in Shuichi's voice. But I'm not going to pry. It's over.

"Ok then. Well, you make sure to go out with Hachiro then. I'm sure he knows how to celebrate a birthday."

Without thinking Shuichi blurted out what was foremost in his mind. "I miss you, Ryu."

"I…uh…..." Ryuichi sighed and closed his eyes. "I miss you too, Shu."

The phone was silent for several minutes and then suddenly both tried talking at the same time. They laughed and finally Ryuichi spoke through.

"You better get some sleep, Shu. Thanks for calling. I'll talk to you again soon, ok?"

"Ok. Happy Birthday, Ryu." I love you.

"Sleep tight, Shu." I love you.

Ryuichi hung up the phone and hugged it to his chest. Suddenly, he felt hot tears rolling down his cheeks. He wiped them away and then looked at his moist hands. He thought he was getting over Shuichi. It had been almost two weeks since he cried over the young man. I can't go on like this. I have to do something. But what?


"I told you Hiro, I'm not in the mood to go out."

"Look, Ayaka went to a lot of trouble to get reservations. She's been worried about you and she's determined that you're going to have a happy birthday."

Shuichi sighed and rested his head on his desk. Every time the phone rang today he'd jumped at it, hoping to hear Ryuichi's voice on the other end. He was sure the former rock star would call and wish him a happy birthday. But it was already late afternoon and he was steadily losing hope.

"Fine, fine. But I don't see why I should I have to humor her. She's your wife."

"We'll pick you up at 7. See you then."


Shuichi hung up the phone and groaned. I don't care about my birthday. I'm not happy and I don't feel like putting on a happy face. It's not fair!

"She's not even my wife!"

Shuichi yelled out to no one in particular as he fumbled through his desk looking for nothing in particular. The few people remaining in the office didn't really pay him any mind. They were accustomed to his sudden outbursts and honestly, it made some of them feel better to see Shuichi acting like his old self for the first time in months.



"Come in!"

Shuichi yelled and ducked back into his bedroom, figuring Hiro would let himself in. His earring had fallen out somewhere between the bathroom and his bedroom and now he was scouring his carpet looking for it in a rabid panic.


"In here!" He was on his hands and knees in his bedroom, running his hand along the carpet, hoping to hit something that his eyes couldn't see.

"What are you doing?"

"My earring! It fell out!"

"So wear a different earring."


Hiro sighed and got down on his knees to help his best friend.

"What does it look like?"

"Diamond stud. Platinum."

"Oh. That earring."

"Yes! Now help me find it! I'm not going anywhere until I find that earring!"

"What are you guys---ow!"


Ayaka bent down to pick something off the floor.

"An earring?"


Shuichi scrambled to his feet and snatched the earring from Ayaka, then gave the woman a big hug, spinning her around.

"Oh thank you thank you, Ayaka! You're a goddess! I love you!"

"Um, glad I could help. Could you put me down now?"

Shuichi let Ayaka go and retrieved a new backing for his earring. His euphoria at not losing his earring served to put him in a decent mood for his birthday dinner.

"Ok people, let's go celebrate a birthday."


"Wow guys, you didn't have to bring me here. It's too expensive."

Hiro threw an arm around Shuichi as they rode the elevator up to the top floor of the business tower. They were going to the hottest new restaurant in town. It premiered three months ago and the only reason Shuichi had eaten there was when he attended a party for one of the local music TV shows. He kept telling Hiro how wonderful the food was and how cool the restaurant itself was with aquariums and tropical plants.

"Well, you kept raving about this place and I figured you'd never go by yourself so we thought it would be a good idea for your birthday."

"Thanks guys. I really needed this, you're the best."

The elevator opened up into the lobby and Shuichi was surprised there weren't any people waiting to get in, but as they approached the doors he heard noise and music so it was definitely open.

As Hiro opened the door, Shuichi stepped into the restaurant to a chorus of


He stood there, mouth gaping, heart pounding as his friends, coworkers and family smiled and laughed and cheered for him.

"Oh my god. Hiro….did you…?"

Hiro put his arm around his best friend and leaned into his ear.

"No, I didn't."

And with that he kissed Shuichi on his head and walked down the stairs and into the crowd, leaving Shuichi to his guests. He didn't have time to question Hiro further as people came up to wish him happy birthday and offer him drinks and food and hugs and kisses.

A few hours later and Shuichi still hadn't been able to figure out who was responsible for the party. He tried desperately to speak with Hiro but there were just so many people distracting him, he never caught the man. But suddenly Hiro appeared at his side, arm around his shoulder.

"You ready for some cake?"

"Bring it on."

"Alright everyone, quiet please! It's time for the birthday boy here to make a wish!"

The lights dimmed and a large cake was wheeled out in front of Shuichi. It was made up to look like his magazine's cover with his picture on the front and headlines reading Former Rock Star Turns 27, Music Writer Denies Charges of Plagiarism on Birth Certificate and Shindou Shuichi Considering Career In Porn.

"Now normally, we'd all be more than happy to sing to you. But tonight, we have a very special guest who would like to do the honor."


Before Hiro could say anything the doors to the restaurant opened and a life-sized Kumagoro walked in.

"Oh shit. You didn't."

"No, I didn't."

Shuichi looked at Hiro to question him further but Hiro simply pointed back at the large pink bunny at the top of the stairs. Shuichi was about to say something, but then he heard the voice and everything else was forgotten. It couldn't be…

The big pink bunny slowly made its way towards him as people got out of the way. It sounds like him, but it just can't be. Could it?

Suddenly Shuichi ran towards the Kumagoro and tackled it to the floor. Gasps and laughter rippled through the crowd as Shuichi ripped the head off the costume to find a smiling Ryuichi underneath.




"Happy Bir--"

Shuichi cut the man off with a kiss. He didn't care who was there or what they thought. He didn't care what kind of promise he made so many months ago. Ryuichi was here, in his arms, and honestly nothing else mattered.

When Ryuichi felt something wet on his face he pushed Shuichi back, a worried look on his face as he wiped the tears away. Shuichi smiled down at the man he loved.

"Hey, it's my party and I can if I want to."

Ryuichi lay under Shuichi and the two gazed at each other for several moments. I want to tell him. Now. I don't care who hears. That's why I did this. He stroked the ebony locks and let his eyes roam over Shuichi's smiling face. He looks so happy. Is it possible? Could he feel the same way?

"I love you, Shu."

"I love you, too."

Shuichi and Ryuichi kissed until people started to clear their throats and cheers of 'we want cake' echoed through the room. Shuichi helped Ryuichi stand up and he and Hiro helped the man out of the large bunny suit.

"Make a wish, Shuichi."

Shuichi clasped Ryuichi's hand in his, closed his eyes and made his wish, then blew out the candles to the cheers of everyone.


The party was still going two hours later when Hiro whispered in Ryuichi's ear. The former rock idol smiled and nodded his head before disappearing into the crowd. He found Shuichi talking with some coworkers. He came up behind the man and wrapped his arms around his waist and nuzzled Shuichi's ear, whispering.

Shuichi smiled and excused himself and Ryuichi as they made their way to the back exit of the restaurant.


Shuichi was fighting to stay awake. He was warm, sated and wrapped in the arms of the man he loved. And he didn't want it to end, so he was trying to stay awake as long as possible to prolong the perfect moment.

"So how long do I have you for?"

"For as long as you want me."

Shuichi frowned and pinched Ryuichi's chest, getting some satisfaction out of the yelp it elicited.

"Don't tease me. How long?"

Ryuichi tilted Shuichi's face up to look at him.

"For as long as you want me, Shu."

He saw the serious look in the cobalt blue eyes and his heart started to pound within his chest. He pushed himself up on shaky arms and he wasn't aware of what his own face looked like, but Ryuichi's looked worried.

"Shu?" Big fat tears rolled down his cheeks and Ryuichi reached up to wipe away the wet tracks. "Shu, say something."


"What? I didn't hear you."

Shuichi cleared his throat and his voice still came out broken, but Ryuichi heard him loud and clear.

"Forever. I want you to stay forever."

Ryuichi smiled and leaned up to kiss Shuichi.

"Is that what you wished for?" Shuichi just nodded and bit his bottom lip. "Then that is what you shall have. Happy Birthday, Shu."

The End.