Disclaimer: Mummies Alive! Belong to DIC

Chapter Eight

Presley was fuming. He sat huffily on the hospital bed as doctors and nurses fussed all over him. Paul stood on one side asking questions and demanding the very best of attention. Pharaoh stood in the opposite corner in billowing robes he had burrowed of Jermal and looked the very part of Egyptian upper class.

Presley grimaced at the comments Pharaoh was making about the medical professionals comparing them to the royal care back 'home'. It seemed to disconcert the Pharaoh that none of the doctors and nurses were paying him too much attention. But Presley was very glad.

"There," a doctor said jovially rapping his knuckles over Presley's fresh and now hardened cast. "All done."

"Thankyou," Presley murmured through his clenched teeth. He was already hot and sweat inside the cast.

"Next time bring him straight in if he breaks a limb," a nurse said waving a finger under Pharaoh's nose.

Pharaoh raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms against his chest. Presley would have loved to have groaned. Pharaoh could not look common to save his life; every inch was screaming royalty.

Presley slipped from the hospital bed and joined Paul and they walked slowly back to the reception, where Mukasah, Jermal and Ahmed were waiting, and to sign out. Paul draped his arm protectively about Presley's shoulder as he signed him out.

However, Presley was unobtrusively trying to scratch under his cast when Pharaoh cast him a stern look and wiggled his finger under his nose as if to say don't-even-think-about-it. In the light of Pharaoh's serious gesture and the fact he was the most powerful man in Ancient Egypt Presley decided not to take his chances and ceased.

Ahmed lead the way back to the car chatting to Jermal about some other Pharaoh's sons' soul from a pervious misadventure. Paul was listening half heartedly but was determined to keep Presley in his sight…

The car ride back was uneventful. Presley fell asleep leaning on Paul's shoulder making his father smile slightly.

The car stopped at the Carnarvon's residents and Paul glanced at Pharaoh as if to ask 'what now' and looked apologetically at Presley who was in a deep contented sleep.

Pharaoh leaned over and swiped a strand of hair from Presley's face still feeling the thrill of physical contact he first felt. He shivered involuntarily. "Take him and but him to bed. One more night shall not hurt me. I shall see you both tomorrow and I'll bring your wife with me."

"Of course, Your Highness," Paul saluted and gathered Presley in his arms. Presley moaned lightly but otherwise did not stir.




Presley stretched and yawned his movements knocked something hard that was lying on his bed.

"Ow… watch it kiddo."

"Sorry," Presley murmured with a yawn. He opened his eyes slowly to see that he was lying in his own bed, in his own room and Paul was sitting by his side. His alarm clock was reading 4:57 am.

"What are you doing?" Presley demanded scrunching up his nose at Paul.

"I was just watching you sleep. Musta been five last time I did tha'"

"Ah- ha."

Paul ran his fingers through Presley's thick hair. "DDDaaaaddd."

"Sorry, can't help it."

Presley snorted and closed his eyes. "You can got to bed you know," he added dryly.

"I don't want to."

Presley closed his eyes and reopened them slowly. "Why?"

But Paul only answered him with his own question. "Are you still mad at me, kiddo?"

"I dunno," Presley said a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Are you still mad at me…"

Paul snorted. "Ah believe me having your almost teenaged son squawking down the phone at you is no big deal."

Presley pretended to think about it. "Well I suppose I'll have to forgive you then."

"I'll hold you to it… Will you come to my wedding?"

Presley seemed thoughtful for a moment. "If mum is okay with it and so long as I don't have to sit next to Grandma Carnarvon… she pinches my cheeks so hard."

Paul offered Presley his hand. "Deal."




Amanda could not help herself. She pushed past the guardians and the Pharaoh and into her house. She ignored Paul who was vacuuming up the lounge room from the glass shards and raced into the kitchen.

Presley was sitting at the table eating with one hand. He almost choked as Amanda threw her arms about his neck and smothered him with kisses.

"Muuuum!" Presley whinged wriggling in his chair. "Please we have company."

The vacuum turned off and Paul joined the guardians and Pharaoh in the door way watching the little scene between mother and son unfold.

Amanda semi registering Presley's embarrassment at her over enthusiastic greeting stepped away and held him at arms length.

Red cheeked Presley glanced at the guardians who seemed to be smiling stupidly to themselves. Even Pharaoh looked bemused and light hearted this morning.

Pharaoh stepped forward and kneeled so that he was eye to eye with Presley. He stared into the emerald pools that seemed so familiar yet foreign to him at the same time. "Come. We go to the Western Gate." Pharaoh held out his hand and Presley offered his own in return.




Presley tearfully hugged each guardian in turn leaving Ja – Kal to last. He was happy for his friends and mentors to be returning where they belonged but goodness knows he would be lost without them. He had become used to their company.

Pharaoh stood to the side under close surveillance of Paul, if he noticed he gave no sign.

When Presley had finished with his goodbyes Pharaoh held out his hand silently. Presley complied without glancing over at his guardians. Pharaoh took him and stood him directly in front.

Presley wasn't entirely sure what was happening next. He felt a pull and a shift inside of him.

A pale blue shimmering form stepped from within him dressed fully as an Ancient Egyptian. Presley saw Pharaoh beaming at the spirit before him and was sure he could see tears glistening in the king's eyes.

The next few minutes passed in a daze. It seemed that Presley only blinked and the Western Gate was gone; probably never to open again and there was no sign of the Ancient Egyptians anywhere.

"Have a nice after life," Presley muttered into thin air. "I'll miss you."

Paul wrapped his arms around his son's shoulders. "I did not mind the Pharaoh fellow. But between me and you I'm glad I didn't have to share you." Presley smiled sadly. "I always knew you were special."

The End!