The last Chapter...finally!

Chapter 7: I'm not a Girl!

One week later…

The Genins and their Jounin instructors meet in the Hokage tower. Memories came flowing for this is where the preliminary matches for the previous Chuunin exam took place. Few moments later, the 5th Hokage arrived and ordered to let the matches begin. The referee will be Shiranui Genma.

"I'll tell you now the rules. A team wins if both their opponents acknowledges defeat or if I said the match is over. No one will die. Consider this as a friendly battle but still do your best. The Hokage wants to see you in full power and your teamwork. Now, computer select!"

All eyes were on the computer as it chooses randomly. When the names appeared on the screen, the four shinobis jumped their way in the center.

'This is gonna be interesting.' Genma cleared his throat as he announces the first match.

"First match: Uchiha Sasuke & Nara Shikamaru vs. Hyuuga Neji & Aburame Shino."

'Finally, a chance to fight him.' Neji thought as he stared at Sasuke. 'I'll show him what a Hyuuga can do.'

'I've never seen this two fight before.' Sasuke told himself. 'But I know they're both pretty strong, especially Hyuuga Neji. They won't beat me cause I'm the one who will kill Itachi.'

'This is troublesome.' Shikamaru just whined then sighed.

After observing the four, 'Yep, they're ready.' Genma announces the match to begin. "Let's get it on!"

Sasuke begins the assault by throwing some kunai towards Neji and Shino, who easily dodge them. Neji activated his byakugan so he can easily see his opponents' movements.

"So, you also use a special eye technique, eh?" said Sasuke when he saw Neji's eyes.

"This is byakugan and I'll show you how powerful this is compare to your sharingan."

"Oh yeah? Then we'll see about that. Sharingan!"

Sasuke also activated his sharingan then make few hand seals. "Kage Shuriken no jutsu!"

Neji narrowed his byakugan eyes to the shurikens heading against him. "Kaiten!"

'What the hell was that?' asked Sasuke to himself. 'And why can't I copy it with my sharingan? Is this his bloodline limit?'

Meanwhile, Shikamaru and Shino were also having a fight of their own.

'Damn! This is troublesome. I can't use my Kage Mane no jutsu on him because of these stupid bugs.' Shikamaru thought as he slashes them with his kunai. Shino kept on using Kikai Bunshin no jutsu to attack the Nara. 'If only I can take a spot where I can perform the handseal for my technique to trap these two. Better think of a plan.'

Back to the Neji-Sasuke fight…

Ssasuke's eyes widened when he saw his shurikens blown away by Neji's chakra as he spins like a top.

"Now, my turn." Neji smirked as he looked at Sasuke. "Uchiha Sasuke, you are now within my field of Hakke."

"What?" Sasuke's eyes widened even more.

"Hakke Rokujuyon Sho." Neji started attacking Sasuke with his 64 chakra opening points attack. "2 strikes…4 strikes…8 strikes…16 strikes…32 strikes…64 strikes!"

'Urgh…what the hell. I can't feel my chakra in me. Might as well activate the curse seal.' But before he does that, he threw some kunai at Neji, which surprises the Hyuuga. But Neji easily dodges them but did not realized his forehead protector left his head when it was hit by one of Sasuke's kunais. When suddenly, Neji felt something weird.

'Shit, I can't move!' and also found his partner Shino, who also couldn't move. Then he saw Nara Shikamaru with a handseal. 'Damn! I forgot about him.'

"He he he…Gotcha!"

Shikamaru finally get the chance to use his Kage Mane no jutsu and he successfully trapped their opponents.

Sasuke couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at Neji. When the Hyuuga saw his expression, goofy expression that is, he felt awkward. But when he saw his forehead protector on the floor, his heart sank!

Meanwhile, in the crowd…

"I can't believe this. That's her!" said Naruto.

"That's the girl I was telling you about, Gai-sensei."

"What Lee!" Gai asked hysterically.

"Holy shit!" Ten-ten slapped her forehead. 'Now Neji's doomed!'

Neji cannot believe that this is happening to him. Then it hits him. He remembered he put some concealer and foundation on his forehead that morning. He found them inside the purse Ten-ten gave him on their date. He just wants to see his curse seal gone, but now he regrets it. He just wishes that none of these had happened. Everybody just stared at him. He saw how the guys look at him so he screamed, "I'm not a girl!" but nobody seems to listen.

Then the weirdest thing happened. Uchiha Sasuke walked towards Neji. He wanna run out of there as fast as possible but he can't. he's still under Shikamaru's technique. Sasuke's getting closer and closer. When he reached Neji, he leaned over. Trying to put his lips against his. Now it's getting closer…and closer…and closer….

Hyuuga Neji woke up. Breathing heavily. His heart pounding so hard. His sweat dripping all over his body.

"What a horrible nightmare! (heavy breathing)" he wiped some sweat off his face. "Thank goodness it wasn't true." That night before he sleeps, he kept on thinking about Ten-ten and how their first date on the next day would go. "This is silly. She won't make me dress up like a girl. It was just a dream. It won't happen in real life." He kept on convincing himself.

The next day…

Neji came over Ten-ten's house to pick her up for their date. She asked him to wait for her while she gets him a drink. While sitting on the couch, Neji saw a shopping bag on top of the center table. He uses his byakugan to see what's inside. Without further ado, he left the house and the date is off…


What do you think Neji saw inside the bag?

It's the same pink dress he wore in his dream!


Yup, it was just a crazy dream. Guess I wasn't so evil after all, huh?

Thanx for reading my fic and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. )