Jerry-su: The New Guardian

Disclaimer: This is very important here so listen up. I am not the true owner of Knuckles the echidna or Julie-su. But I am the founder and creator of Jerry-su, there son. I am also the owner of Shade, Jerry-su's enemy who you will meet later in the story.

Chapter 1: The New Guardian

(Angel Island)

"Welcome home," Julie-su said as she opened the door to their new house. Following her was her husband, Knuckles and their new son, Jerry-su. Jerry-su was quite the baby. His fur was a dark shade of purple, he had extra hair hanging of the top of hair(similar to that of his mother) and at the tip of his dreads they were dyed orange. "It's your face day home son." Julie-su blurted with a smirk on her face. Baby Jerry-su wasn't paying attention. He was too busy looking at everything else. Knuckles couldn't help letting out a smile.

"I 'm going to unpack my clothes honey," Julie-su said as she went deeper into the house.

"We'll be back in a few minutes," Knuckles said as he held his son tighter. " I'm going to take Jerry-su to see the Master Emerald." And with that he walked outside closing the door behind him. Knuckles pointlessly told stories about the floating island and the Master Emerald knowing that Jerry-su wasn't listening. He paused and looked down at his son to see that he was playing with his spit. Knuckles let out a little grin and continued walking. Minutes later, Knuckles and his son reached their destination. The Master Emerald.

"You see that son?" Knuckles said to Jerry-su. "One day you will be the new guardian of this beautiful jewel." Jerry-su let out a cry and smiled. Suddenly, a large flock of birds came flying from out of the trees and the ground began to quake. Knuckles hugged his son tight as if prepared for a fight. He looked at the Master Emerald to see it had begun to glow. The emerald let out a flash shot a beam at Jerry-su's forehead. The little baby acted as if it were nothing. Knuckles leaped away from the reach of beam (still holding his baby) and ran back home.