Disclaimer: see a previous chapter.

Dragon's Desire

Epilogue Part II

Ran kept staring at the small box in his hand, debating for the hundredth time how to give the gift to Wufei.

"What's the big deal, Ran? You act like you've never given Chang a gift before."

Ran flipped the box shut and turned to face Yohji who was in his usual position behind the counter, reading a magazine.

"This is different."

"Oh my god, are you going to ask him to marry you?"

Ran chuckled at the sparkle in the assassin's green eyes.

"Since when did you become a hopeless romantic?" Yohji just shrugged his shoulders and kept smiling. "Well I hate to disappoint you but I'm not going to ask him to marry me."

"So why the drama?"

Ran slid the box over to Yohji and he quickly opened it, looked up at Ran, then back to the box.

"I didn't know it had a twin. How long have you been holding onto this?"

Yohji handed the box back to Ran and he stashed it in his pocket before returning to work.

"Three years."


Wufei eyed his suspiciously quiet lover as they cleaned up dinner. He was used to Ran's thrifty use of words but he'd been especially quiet tonight.

"Something on your mind, Ran?" Wufei saw Ran's grip tighten on the plate he was putting away. "You've been quiet tonight."

Ran placed the plate in the cabinet and turned to face Wufei. "Nothing's wrong. I've just been thinking."

"Care to share your thoughts with the man you love?" Wufei closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around Ran's waist, resting their foreheads against each other. "I'm a great listener."

Ran closed his eyes and thought about the small box stashed away in his dresser. I should just do it now and get it over with.

"Actually, there is something I need to tell you. Come with me."

Ran took Wufei's hand in his own and led him back to their bedroom. Once they entered the room Ran let go and went over to his dresser and pulled out something that Wufei couldn't see. Ran kept his back to Wufei when he started talking.

"I know the past four months have been hard on you. I won't claim to understand what you go through, waiting to see if I come back alive each time I go out on a mission."

Wufei hung his head and clenched his fists at his sides. The past four months he'd had trouble sleeping and his appetitive had decreased. He wasn't sure if Ran had noticed or not because he hadn't said anything. But it was obvious now that he had noticed.

"Ran, I'm respecting your decision."

"I know, and I love you all the more for it." Ran turned to face Wufei who still had his head bowed. He slowly approached his lover, his voice low.

"You've shown me on more than one occasion that you would do anything for me. And I once told you that I would do the same to keep you in my life."

Wufei looked up when he saw Ran's feet enter his line of vision. He searched the amethyst eyes for clues as to what Ran was trying to tell him.

"Ran, what---"

Ran placed a finger over Wufei's lips and shook his head slowly.

"Let me finish." He opened the box and tossed it aside, a pendant resting in his palm. Both men looked down at the platinum and lavender jade pendant. It was an infinity symbol, turned vertical, with a lavender jade ball nestled in the bottom loop. Ran walked around behind Wufei and clasped the platinum chain in place. He rested his head on Wufei's shoulder and let his arms snake around his chest and press their bodies close together.

"I find myself at a crossroads in my life. On the one side, I can continue on with the way things are right now. That path is familiar to me and I've been navigating its terrain for several years now. On the other side, I have a new and different path. It's full of uncertainties and it scares me to think I may not be able to handle what it holds in store for me. I've been thinking about these paths a lot lately and I thought to stay with the familiar. But when I finally accepted one simple truth, my decision was clear. My path in life is no longer just mine to choose. I've been fighting the reality of the situation. My life is with you now. My path in life has become our path in life."

Ran could feel Wufei's heart pick up speed while he spoke. It wasn't long before he felt tiny tremors within his lover's body. Then Wufei turned around and with a shaking hand he guided Ran's face up to look at him. Ran stared in wonder at the shining onyx eyes and the wet tracks leading from them, trailing over the honey colored skin.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"My last mission was two days ago. Abyssinian died as a burning building crashed down around him."

Wufei's breath hitched. Those were the words that he'd been dreading for so long. The words telling him his love was dead. But hearing them now, they held a whole new meaning for him. They gave him his love back. Ran was free and his to love for the rest of their days.

"There's just one catch."

Wufei's body tensed at Ran's words. Oh gods, what could they have demanded of him?

"I have to disappear."

"T-to where?"

"I was thinking of a place you mentioned once. You called it 'domestic bliss'. Would you be willing to go there with me?"


Wufei barely choked out the words before he kissed Ran, putting all his love, devotion and happiness into that one kiss. Ran had to take a few steps back to keep from falling over and he eventually regained enough balance to return the kiss. Then he grabbed Wufei around the waist and pushed him back until they collapsed on the bed. He didn't know what his future had in store for him, but he was certain that as long as Wufei was by his side, things would be alright. That was what he had learned from Wufei. Trust in love and it will guide you to true happiness. He trusted Wufei with all his heart and he knew that no matter what happened to them now, they would be happy.

The End.

A sappy ending, I know. But I've read so many stories and I wanted Ran to have a happy ending. He's such a tortured character and I was feeling generous. Besides, I absolutely love Wufei and refused to not give him what he wanted.