Disclaimer: I don't own the Gundam or the Weiss boys. I just own the twisted mind that plays with them.

A/N: Gundam/Weiss crossover. This story continues to develop the meeting between Chang Wufei and Fujimiya Aya during the Death and the Assassin story. Chapter 1 contains the scenes from Death and the Assassin just as a refresher. Chapter 2 will begin the new story, which starts three months later.

Author's Rant: I don't know about any of you, but I find that the hardest part of writing these stories is trying to come up with a title. It frustrates the hell out of me that I can type a 90+ page story with a decent plot and maybe even some symbolism if I'm feeling especially creative at the time, but I agonize over a stupid title. This title won out from all my other choices because it's a story about Wufei (Dragon) trying to win Aya's heart (his desire). Oh well. It doesn't suck but I'm still not thrilled with it. I hope you think more of the story than I do of the title.

Dragon's Desire

Chapter 1

Scene from a dinner party

As soon as Ken's friends walked through the door, Wufei's attention was immediately focused on the slender redhead. I am definitely going to enjoy this evening. The pale slender man was beautiful and moved with the grace of a cat. He didn't smile when introduced. He merely nodded his head. The quiet type, huh?

As dinner wore on, Wufei had been unsuccessful in getting Aya to talk. His only consolation being that the man barely spoke to anyone. From what little he did say, Wufei learned that Aya was the manager of the Koneko, not surprisingly had a dry sense of humor, and according to the others he was a very good cook. I love a man who can cook.


Months later at Ken & Duo's wedding reception

Onyx eyes watched the redhead as he wandered the reception, staying to the outside of the crowd. He knew who the man was from the dinner party at Duo's and Ken's apartment. But he hadn't stayed long and Duo was unable to tell him anything new about the redhead other than he used to be Ken's teammate and lover and he was usually withdrawn.

"Yeah. He kinda reminds me of Heero honestly."


"Good luck if you're going to try talking to him."

And that's exactly what he was planning to do. He just had to find the perfect opening. He was sure that if approached randomly, Aya would flee without hearing a word he said. No, he had to stalk his prey carefully and be patient.

Aya was now talking with a tall blonde who was draped over him. Yohji. Ken's best man. Very entertaining. Very anti-Aya. Why is he putting up with Yohji? He doesn't strike me as the type to put up with such behavior. Or is he into the blonde? They say opposites attract. Of course, Wufei knew this theory to be bullshit. Opposites didn't attract. They collided and exploded and destroyed people.

As if on cue, Aya growled and elbowed Yohji in the ribs, causing the man to spill his drink on himself and Aya. The redhead stomped off and Wufei went in pursuit, his perfect opportunity making itself known.

"Don't rub it. You'll only make it worse." Aya looked up to see an Asian man with long black hair, matching black eyes and a beautiful smile. "Here. Use this and blot at the liquid."

Wufei offered his handkerchief to the confused redhead. Aya looked the man up and down quickly, pulling the name from his memory. "Thank you Chang."

Wufei grimaced slightly at the use of his formal name. For some reason, he didn't want Aya to use his formal name. He wanted to hear that smooth baritone voice say his name. So he did something very uncharacteristic.

"Please, call me Wufei."

Aya just nodded and turned his attention to his jacket. Wufei watched the long slender fingers as they dabbed at the offending liquid. Then his attention moved upwards to the beautiful face, which was wearing a slight scowl. Adorable. Wisps of red hair were beginning to fall down, obscuring the beautiful face and now it was Wufei that was scowling.

"So. I understand that you and Ken used to be very…..close."

Aya's head snapped up and he glared at Wufei. Was Ken just blabbing about them to everyone now! Amethyst eyes narrowed at the smiling onyx eyes aimed at him. "We worked together at the Koneko and we were roommates."

"I see." Wufei looked out and admired the flowers scattered throughout the reception area before returning his attention to Aya. "Did you do the flowers for today?"


He handed the handkerchief back to Wufei, his eyes never leaving the dark-haired man.

"They're beautiful. It shows your appreciation of life and beauty."


"I had a friend who used to answer with that sound. And if I'm not mistaken, you're calling me a liar right now."

Amethyst eyes went wide in surprise and Wufei was delighted to see the faintest of pink on the shocked man's cheeks. He couldn't hold back the chuckle.

"So I'm not mistaken."

Wufei turned his face away from Aya and leaned against the table, taking a sip of his wine.

Aya studied Wufei's profile, so many questions swirling around in his head. Who is this man really? How much does he know about me? And why is my heart racing?

"If you want to believe yourself unworthy of life's beauty, then you shouldn't show the world the truth Aya."

"Who….who do you think you are?" Aya's voice was a harsh whisper as he moved in closer to Wufei, his fists clenched at his side. "You know nothing about me."

Wufei slowly turned his head to face Aya, their faces mere inches apart. "So tell me Aya."

Aya just glared at Wufei before scoffing and doing an about face to retreat to some remote part of the park. Wufei's smile lingered as he took another sip of wine. This hunt's not over yet Aya.


Wufei was enjoying himself immensely. For the past hour he had mingled among the wedding guests, chatting and laughing. He had spoken to Ken and Duo briefly before they were whisked away by some other well-wisher. He adored them. You couldn't help but smile when you saw them together. And speaking of smiling….

Wufei also had the privilege of being watched by a pair of amethyst eyes for the past hour. Not that those eyes were smiling at him. They were narrowed, calculating his every move. It was Wufei who was smiling. He had Aya's attention.

Wufei ducked behind a tree on a rare occasion that Aya wasn't looking, and he stealthily made his way so he was behind the redhead. Then he slowly approached from behind, getting to within a foot of the assassin, whispering his desire so only Aya could hear.

"Dance with me Aya."

Aya gasped and whirled to see Wufei standing there, the smallest of smiles on his face, a hand outstretched. Aya was speechless. How did he manage to sneak up on me like that? And why is he asking me to dance? What's with the look on his face?

Wufei could see the turmoil in the amethyst eyes and so he took the lead, fearful that the redhead would bolt as soon as he came to his senses. He reached out and gently enfolded Aya's hand in his, pulling him closer. He knew better than to take him out on the dance floor. The reserved man would never stand for it. But here, away from everyone…

Wufei stepped into Aya and put his other hand around the assassin's waist, gently swaying to the music. Aya was still stiff against him and he leaned in, whispering into the man's ear.

"It's just a dance. I'm not going to bite you."

He didn't pull back to look at the conflicted assassin. He just continued to dance with him, waiting for him to finally speak. Or run away. Or kill him.

"W-why….are you doing this?"

"Because I wanted to dance. And you were standing here all by yourself."

"You haven't danced all night."

Wufei chuckled and pulled back to look the redhead in the eye.

"Have you been watching me Aya?"

Aya felt his cheeks getting warm and he looked away. Damn him! He knew all along I'd been watching him. Now what? He closed his eyes, trying to figure out what to do when he heard the smooth whispered voice again.

"Aya, if you find dancing with me that repulsive, just say so and I'll leave you alone."

Repulsive? This isn't repulsive. It's…..nice. "I…" Aya sighed in defeat. "Just one dance." I'll just dance with him and be done with this madness!

"Thank you Aya."

As the two men swayed slowly to the music, Wufei felt Aya gradually relax. And to add to Wufei's surprise and pleasure, Aya turned his head back to face him and brought his free hand up to rest on Wufei's bicep. Wufei hesitantly let go of Aya's hand and placed it around his waist so now he was practically hugging the man. He heard Aya's breath hitch slightly but the redhead not only brought his other hand up, but laced his hands behind Wufei's neck.

Now it was Wufei's turn to blush. He leaned his head in so their cheeks were barely brushing together. Wufei closed his eyes and focused on Aya. He was radiating heat like no other human Wufei had ever met and it felt so good. And when he inhaled his mind began to swim from the assassin's intoxicating scent of sandalwood and incense.

The music eventually stopped and Wufei reluctantly stepped back from Aya, leaving his hands on the assassin's hips for as long as possible.

"Thank you for the dance Aya" He gave Aya a slight bow. "Perhaps we can do this again sometime."

Amethyst eyes studied the man before him and for reasons he couldn't understand, he found himself agreeing with the proposal. "That would be…...acceptable." He returned Wufei's bow and the slightest of smiles ghosted across his lips before he walked off.

To be continued….