Paint Me Pink

4. Dinner Explanations...

Kim sat across from Kat at dinner, ignoring her very presence of being in the room.

"So, how did you two... um..." Aisha looked for the right words.

"Become married?" Kat asked.

"Yeah," Aisha sighed.

"I saw Kim in London. We had a few dates, I proposed about a year later, we got married, a few months later we went to a lab, and had Thomas," Kat said. "Alright, enough about me and Kim. Tommy, how are you doing? Any new girlfriends?"

"Well actually, I'm married. This is my wife, Kendrix," Tommy said, taking the hand of the blond next to him. "Kendrix was a pink ranger herself. And well, we met as Dino Thunder Rangers. Which reminds me... this is my new team, Kira, Conner, Ethan, Krista, Cassidy, and Devin." He pointed to each of them. "Krista is Kendrix's daughter."

"Yes, well, we actually met at the school we work at. We kept canceling our dates since we had to save the world, but we didn't know that about each other," Kendrix chuckled softly.

"Isn't she great?" Tommy asked rhetorically. Kendrix smiled at him and he smiled back. "I love you, Babe."

"I love you too," Kendrix said and they kissed.

"Kendrix... Kendrix... Kendrix! Kendrix Morgan-Corbett! Leo Corbett's wife!" Jason shouted, drawing it from his memory. Kendrix bit her bottom lip, starting to tremble.

"Actually, Leo died," Kendrix informed. Krista, sitting next to her mother, squeezed Kendrix's hand in comfort as tears clouded the sky ranger's eyes.

"Mother..." Krista started in comfort.

"Krista, please," Kendrix snapped, pulling her hand away from her daughter's. "I'm a grown woman; I can control my feeling, unlike that hormoned Kira, who got herself pregnant." Kira glared.

"I wasn't thirteen," Kira shot back. Kendrix started to cry.

"Excuse me," she said and ran out. Tommy looked around at his friends and ran after Kendrix.

"Thirteen?" Aisha questioned.

"Yes, well, let's go back to Kim and Kat," Krista suggested. "I'd love to hear this story."

"Well, it's practically nothing more than I just told you really, just a few minor things," Kat shrugged, before taking a sip of her water.

"Like making love on the first date, Miss Virgin," Kim muttered, taking a bite of her turkey with her fork.

"Excuse me?" Kat asked, raising both an eyebrow and her voice.

"You heard me! I always knew you'd be too scared to admit it, but you never had sex with Tommy! You just couldn't! You were afraid of consequences! Well, guess what? Now you have two! Me and Thomas!" Kim yelled, jumping up out of her seat.

"Please, don't bring our son into this?" Katherine begged.

"I surprised you used 'our' instead of 'my'," Kim said sarcastically.

"Kim, c'mon," Zack said, touching her arm, since he sat next to her. She pulled away as if she was being burnt.

"No! You guys don't have the constant fear I have of my wife not loving me! So just leave me alone!" Kim yelled, storming off.

As Kimberly ran through the house she heard Tommy comforting Kendrix. She stood by the wall and listened from the small crack in between the door and the framing.

"Tommy, I- I- I'm so sorry," his wife sobbed.

"Its okay, Kenni," he comforted. "They don't know what happened; only the Dino Thunder Ranger know, Kira knew, and she shouldn't have said that. You're okay, Kenni."

"If I'd never have been born none of this would have happened," she continued to cry.

"Yeah... but if you had never had been born... You wouldn't have had Krista, you wouldn't have fallen for and married Leo, we'd never have been married, and we wouldn't be pregnant," he reminded in comfort. He kissed her cheek and she held onto him for dear life.

"Thank you so much, Tommy," she thanked.

"I only do it because I love you," he said.

"I love you too," she said.

Kim started to cry, catching the couple's ears.

"Kimberly?" Tommy questioned, starting to get up.

Kim gasped.

Tommy grabbed his wife's hand and pulled her up on her feet. They walked to the door.

Kim took off and ran into a bathroom, locking herself in it.

I know I'm rushing this a bit, but... REVIEW!