Note: I wrote this several months ago, so that's why it's not going along with the series.

"Looking back on things gone by,
The things I face now trying not to choose a side.
'Cause I knew I had to rise,
Nothing is gonna take away my pride!"
-Here I Stand" by Off Kilter

There had to be a way. He had to make Claire understand. He knew if she'd just listen to his story then she'd take him back. He told himself that over and over as he made his way to the beach to find her.

She was at their tent. He found her bent over Aaron's cradle, checking on the sleeping babe. He walked up tentatively. "Claire?"

She twisted her head around to look at him. Smoldering eyes met Charlie's, and he averted his gaze to the sand. "Yes?"

"I need to talk to you."

Claire stood, planting her hand on her hips. "Did you get rid of it?"

Charlie fiddled with the hair laying on the nape of his neck. "Please listen to me."

"You still have it, don't you?" A mix of hurt and anger shaded Claire's face.

"If you'd just listen!" Charlie protested, but Claire was already digging into his jeans pocket. She pulled out her hand to reveal the baggies of drugs.

"Claire, please-"

"All you had to do was tell me. I would have understood, and I would have helped. But you kept this," she held up the drugs, "hidden away when you knew better" She threw the baggies at his feet, and turned away. "Please leave."

Charlie scooped up the baggies, stuffing them back in his pocket. "Claire!" He started after her. "I didn't want to tell you this, but I love you!"

It was suppose to be one of the happiest moments of his life. He'd tell her he loved her, and she'd throw her arms around his neck laughing and smiling. It wasn't that way though. Claire spun around, eyes burning holes in Charlie's forehead.

"Don't start with me, Charlie!" she yelled, smacking her palms against his chest.

"Claire, please-" He grabbed at her wrist, but she was too quick. Memories of Claire screaming in the middle of the night flashed in Charlie's mind. She was more of a spitfire than anyone would ever imagine.

"Don't tell me that!" She pushed him away, nearly knocking Charlie to the ground. Face red and wet with tears, she screamed, "Go away!"

Charlie stared at her, frightened and confused. She could be vulnerable as a glass figure, but at times, Claire was as hard as a rock to break into. Charlie didn't want to listen to Locke this time. He wanted to do it his way. It was too good to be true having such a enormous supply of drugs. You could overdose a hundred times over again, and still have enough to last for years.

It was when Claire tore her fiery gaze from his that he took off blindly into the jungle. He ran not caring where he went or what was out there. That's why when Charlie tripped and fell flat on his face, he was relieved and upset at the same time to find the plane holding his precious heroine in front of him.