The Love of the Earth Guardian

I do not own anything off my favorite show W.I.T.C.H

A/N This story will take place before Elyon goes to Meridian and finds out she's a princess.

What will happen if the Cornelia and Caleb confess their never ending love to each other? Will they go off smooth or will it be a long and rocky road?

Chapter 1

It was that dreadful morning when school begins the alarm clocks ring and all the kids head toward school. Cornelia yawns as she walks to the bus not particularly excited about going today but she spots her best friend Elyon. She sits beside Elyon and smiles at her best friend. Elyon looks at Cornelia with a wondering look in her blue eyes. Elyon asks "Hey Corny do you like that hunk Caleb?"

Cornelia froze for a moment and looks back at Elyon with a mirroring look. Cornelia asks "What do you mean by that as a friend or something more?"

Elyon giggles a little and answesr, "What do I usually mean when I ask?"

Cornelia just sits there and looks out the window not answering her best friends' question. Elyon doesn't ask again she also has a small crush on Caleb but she isn't sure if it would be a good thing for her to pursue it. Their friends begin to get on first Hay Lin, then Taranee, and finally Will. Will sits with Irma and Taranee sits with Hay Lin this is the usual line up as they get off for school suddenly Caleb just stands at the corner nonchalantly but that suggested the Guardians needed to close the portal. Cornelia sighs in slight aggravation she really didn't want to deal with the weird stuff this morning well at least not this early. Caleb approaches Cornelia and she asks, "Where's the portal we have to close?" He smiles at the blond angel before he answers he sneaks a kiss on her cheek. This caused the cool and collected girl to blush. She crosses her arms and looks at him with I'm waiting look. He answers, "There isn't one that you need to close right away." Cornelia hears her friends calling and she groans knowing that dreaded school is about to start.

Caleb smiles says, "Don't worry about it Cornelia. Before you go do you think we could possibly go out? It's ok if you don't want to or have too much homework."

She looks at his green eyes and feels her heart pounding. She keeps her cool and answers, "Yes I would love to. Got to go see you tonight bye Caleb." She rushes off but feels her head slipping into thoughts of Caleb, the hunk of a rebel. Somehow she survived the day but she has tons of books to take home. This made her groan but once she got home she worked hard on it for one reason. 'Caleb I won't back down on our date…wait did I just spin most of the day dreaming about him? It must have been the heat or something.' As she finishes her report the phone rings. She runs to the phone hoping it was Caleb on the other line but of course she'd never confess to it. She says, "Hello. This is the Hale Residence." She cringes as her mother had lectured her to use the proper answering method which seems stupid to her.

"Hi Corny, how's the homework coming? It's torture here."

"Isn't homework always torturous? I swear they do this to make me have worry lines. So is there something on your mind Elle."

"…Well I saw you and Caleb talking this morning then you come into school with bright red cheeks what happened?"

"Oh…well he asked me out on a friendly date and kissed me on the cheek but it was just a friendly kiss nothing more…I just got hot that's why I had red cheeks I…ate something this morning that was really hot."

"Wow that sounds so romantic. Don't worry Corny I understand what happened and your secret is safe with me. So when is your so called friendly date?"

"I don't know for sure Elle well I guess I better go before mom jumps on me for using the phone too much bye."

"Bye Corny see you tomorrow."

Right after Cornelia hugs up the phone a rock hits her bedroom window. 'Huh was that a rock hitting my window?'

This is my first W.I.T.C.H fan fiction so please don't flame me too bad.