Disclaimer: I do not own Tenchi Muyo or Pokemon.


A Day in the Life of...

Chapter 1

At the Pokemon Center

"Nurse Joy, my Chikorita is in really bad shape," said Ash Ketchum.

"Well, I'll fix it right up for you," replied Nurse Joy.

"Oh, will you please fix me up first?" asked Brock.

"I'm sorry, but I only treat Pokemon," stammered Nurse Joy. "If you're hurt, you should go see a doctor for people."

"C'mon, Brock," said Misty as she dragged Brock by the ear over to a bench. "You just sit right over here."

"There, your Chikorita is all fixed up now," said Nurse Joy.

"Well, it's too late to go anywhere, so is it okay if we spend the night here?" asked Ash.

"Sure it is," replied Nurse Joy.


Next Morning at the Masaki Household

"Tenchi, you like me the best right?" asked Ryoko

"No! He likes me the best!"

"Get real! No one likes a prissy little princess!"

"Well at least I'm not a barbaric space pirate!"


It was a typical day at the Masaki House household. Everyone was minding their chores, except for Ryoko and Ayeka. Once again, they were arguing over Tenchi.

"Stop it! I don't like either of you better than the other!" said an exasperated Tenchi.

"WE'LL LET US DECIDE WHO YOU LIKE BETTER!" screamed Ryoko and Ayeka, who were still glaring at each other.

"I'm going out for a walk," sighed Tenchi.


On Route 34

"I had a nice rest, didn't you?" asked Misty.

"Yeah, Nurse Joy can sure cook a good breakfast," said Ash.

"Hey, are you three Pokemon trainers?" asked a girl with blue hair.

"Yeah, we are." Misty replied.

"Then how about we have a Pokemon battle? My name is Lucy. Which one of you would like to go first?"

"I would. My name is Ash Ketchum, and I'm from Pallet Town. How about a three on three match?"

"That's fine with me," said Lucy.

"Oh please, I would like to know, do you have a boyfriend?" asked Brock. "I'll be your boyfriend if you don't have one."

"Um, well..."

"Even if she doesn't have a boyfriend, it's definitely not going to be you Mister," said Misty as she dragged Brock away by the ear again.

"Let's get the battle started," said Ash.

"Okay. Go, Ampharos!" yelled Lucy.

"What's that?" asked Ash as he dot out his Pokedex.

"Ampharos: The Light pokemon. The evolve form of Flaffy. The bright light on its tail can be seen far away. It has been treasured since ancient times since ancient times as a beacon." said Dexter.

"A beacon? Okay, then I choose you! Cyndaquil!" shouted Ash. The battle was under way.


In Washu's Lab (A/N: All this is happening at the same time.)

"Yes! It's finally fixed! I will soon be able to use my inter-dimensional tunnel again!" exclaimed Washu. "Now all I need to do is press this button, and the tunnel will be activated!" Just as Washu pressed the button, there was a blinding pink light, and a big explosion. "What happened? Where is my tunnel?" asked Washu.

"Um, hi Washu!" said everyone's favorite bubbly-headed blonde. (^_^)

"Mihoshi! What are you doing here! What did you press?"

"I just pressed this button over here. Is that bad?"

Washu glanced at the button she pressed and totally freaked out. "Bad!? Do you know what you've done?! You've preset the location for the inter-dimensional tunnel! Great, Mihoshi. Just great. Now I have to figure out where you preset it."

"I'm really sorry, Washu," said Mihoshi.

"It's okay, if don't want to cause anymore trouble, then please leave. Anyway, this shouldn't be too hard for a scientific genius to figure out." She set to work figuring it out.


Back at the battle on Route 34

"Cyndaquil, flamethrower attack!" commanded Ash.

"Ampharos, use your Light Screen!" yelled Lucy. Cyndaquil's flamethrower smashed right through the Light Screen and hit Ampharos, but it was still okay.

"All right Ash! You can beat her!" yelled Misty.

"Ampharos is getting tired. Cyndaquil's too fast for it," said Brock. Suddenly, there was a blinding pink light in the middle of the forest. "Huh?"

"What is it Brock?" asked Misty.

"I thought I just saw a pink light in the forest. I better go check it out," he said.

"Okay, just be back before the match ends," Misty replied. Brock ran out into the forest.


Back at Washu's

'Oh no,' thought Washu as she typed on her computer. 'The inter-dimensional tunnel has been stabilized in another dimension. The world of Pokemon. It's in a forest on Route 34. Darn it. Not only is the tunnel stabilized in a place I've never heard of, it's in whole different dimension! I've got my work cut out. Luckily, I've figured out a way to unstabilize the tunnel without taking it all apart. It's going to take a couple days though, and if anyone walks through it, it will be trouble. So first, I've got to change the time there so it runs slower than our time. That way, if anyone happens to go through it, they won't be missed.' She typed in a few buttons on her laptop. 'There. That should temporarily make time run a little slower. One hour in our world will be equal to one minute in theirs. Now to get to work unstabilizing the tunnel...'


In the forest on Route 34

'Where is that pink light coming from?' thought Brock. He reached a clearing in the woods, and saw a star with pink light coming out of it. 'What's this?' Brock stuck his finger in the star. It went through. 'Woah! I've never seen anything like it!' Suddenly, a strong gust blew, and Brock lost his balance as he fell right through the pink star.


On the road by the Masaki Shrine

"Ryoko and Ayeka shouldn't fight so much," Tenchi said to no one in particular. "I don't like either of them better than the other. Sometimes, I forget what it was like to have peace and quiet around the house without so many girls." He saw a bright, pink light up ahead, and ran up to it. "What? It's the inter-dimensional tunnel! What's it doing here?"

At that moment, Brock fell out of the tunnel.


A/N: That's it for now. I have ideas for the next chapter, but I don't want to make this one too long. Brock and Tenchi will switch in the next chapter, unless it's also too long. BTW, the Tenchi Muyo part of this story follows the Tenchi in Tokyo (Shin Tenchi) storyline. I'm sure most of you have noticed that. ^_^ Anyway, R/R please!