Note: This is my first story on this site, so please be honest in your reviews. No flames please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist. If I did, there would be no disclaimer here.

It was a bright and beautiful day in East City. The East City HQ was unusually quiet, as there was no new

missions for anyone, State Alchemist or not. Most of the staff took this as an opportunity to take a break from the usual routine and get some sun. Those outside enjoyed themselves, while those stuck inside, doing paperwork and the like, looked on with jealousy. In a park near HQ State Alchemist Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse Elric were sitting under a tree in the shade, enjoying the time off. At least Al was.

"I hate this!" Ed suddenly yelled out. "I hate it when there's nothing to do!"

"Hmm..." Al said, ignoring his brothers outburst completely.

"Are you even listening to me?" Ed asked.

"Actually I'm not. I stopped listening after your tenth outburst."

Ed glared at his brother for a moment before noticing a book in his hands.

"Hey, what are you reading?" he asked.

"N..Nothing! Just a book!" Al said, closing it and trying to hide it.

"Let me see it!" Ed said, trying in vain to grab the book out of his brothers reach.

"No! You'll just laugh at me!" Al replied.

"Don't be stupid! Just let me see it!"


"Al! Stop being stubborn!"

They wrestled around for awhile, until Ed managed to steal the book from Al's grasp.

"Alice in Wonderland?" Ed said in surprise. "What is this?"

"Like I said, it's just a book and I'd like to continue reading it."

Ed flipped through the pages glancing at the illustrations and reading some of the story.

"This book doensn't make any sense! Talking animals, living playing cards, size changing...None of it makes any sense at all!"

Al grabbed the book back and quickly found his place again saying, "Not everything has to make sense all the time. Sometimes it's nice to just forget about the problems in your life and let your mind accept the impossible."

"That may work for you, but I prefer normalacy thank you." Ed said leaning his back against the tree.

Talk ceased between the brothers as Al continued reading and Ed stared up at the clouds, through the trees branches. He couldn't see much through the foilage and he soon fell asleep. He hadn't been asleep for more then ten seconds before he heard Al's voice crying out, "I'm late!"

Ed instantly jumped up and looked around for Al.

"Al! What's wrong? Where are you?"

His question was soon answered as he saw Al running off into the distance, heading for the library. Ed gave

chase, wondering why his brother suddenly started running like that. He managed to catch up to him and was greeted with a very strange sight. Al appeared to be wearing Bunny Ears! Upon further inspection, Ed noticed a small cotton tail on him.

"Al...What the hell are you wearing?" Ed yelled.

"Can't stop to talk! I'm going to be late!" Al said, ignoring his brother's question and running on.

"Al! Wait! I can't keep up!" Ed yelled in desperation as Al ran ahead of him.

The chase continued all through East City until they came to the steps of the Library. Without missing a

beat, Al ran up the stairs and threw open the doors of the library, running inside. Ed soon followed him.

"Wait until I get my hands on him! What does he think he's doing running around like a maniac?" Ed

grumbled as he reached the doors.

As soon as Ed crossed the threshold he found himself falling down a hole! He yelled in surprise as he plummeted downward in what would be a fatal landing. As he was bracing himself for the landing, he noticed something very peculiar. He was falling very slowly.

"This is wierd. With all this Automail weight, I should be falling like a lead balloon!"

Since he knew he wasn't going to die, Ed looked at his surroundings and saw the hole was covered in shelves upon shelves of books!

"I guess this should be expected, seeing as how I'm technically in the library...Wait a mintue! What am I saying? None of this makes any sense! How did a hole this deep get in the library? It was fine yesterday when I came in here..."

Ed's musings were cut short as he saw a small bottle floating next to him. After the run, he was parched so he grabbed and opened it. He was about to drink it when he saw the label. On it was a picture of a cow! Meaning only one thing: This was milk!

"BLECH! Not even if I was dieing of thirst!" Ed yelled chucking the bottle downward.

Instead of obeying the laws of physics, the bottle floated serenely upward past Ed.

And Ed fell, and fell, and fell...and fell, and fell, and fell...and fell some more. Just as he thought he was going to go crazy from all the falling, gravity kicked in at last and sent him plummeting the last ten feet, causing him to land on his butt.

"Ouch! Damn, that hurt! Well, at least I'm not falling anymore."

Ed stood up and looked around him. He appeared to be in a small room with absolutely nothing in it. A hallway went a short distance before ending in a large door.

Suddenly, Al came running past Ed no longer clutching his book but a gold pocket watch. Before Ed could say anything, Al was down the hall and through the door.

"Why his he in such a rush? And doesn't he notice all the weird things going on here?" Ed questioned.

He sighed and ran down the hall to the door pulling it open. Much to his surprise, Ed found another smaller door behind it. He opened that one and another smaller door appeared. So it went for another four doors, until only a small crawlspace was left. Ed got through it with ease, due to his small size.

Ending Note: And that's the first chapter! I appreciate reviews and constructive criticism. Flames will be ignored completely, so don't send them! Expect the next chapter sometime next week. (If my schedule allows it!)