A/n: Wow, I got 24 reviews. Sorry for such a long update, I've been busy with school, sports, and homework. Being a junior in High School is not the easiest thing in the world. But thank you so much for the reviews, and I'll try to update for now on every now and then. But don't expect it coming quick! Thanks for those who all reviewed; reviews make me a very happy person.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, or anything relating to Harry Potter. But I do own the character, Laura Lumberg.

Summary: Harry tells the story of Ron and Hermione, and how they play the game of Jealousy. Attempting to make the other jealous, by snogging from one person to another. Will Jealousy kill the cat? Or will they continue snogging other people besides each other?

Jealousy Killed the Cat

By: Sunshine Stacy

Chapter Four: Laura Lumberg

Now, I say the toughest girl for Hermione to get rid of was Laura Lumberg. She was a sixth year Ravenclaw. She's an enemy to all girls, but a dream to all guys.

Everyone, well every guy, thought of Lauren as some kind of goddess. She was perfect in every bloke's eyes. She had graceful, long black hair, big dazzling green eyes, cute little freckles across her cheeks, and she stood tall and slim. Not only did she have beauty, but she also had brains. And to put the cherry on top of the sundae, she was a bloody good Quidditch player. She was a keeper since her second year, and not one Quaffle has slipped from her faultless little fingers.

It was after our victory against Ravenclaw when this angel that dropped from above noticed Ron. I must agree he did play a good game, catching every Quaffle that came his way. He not only caught every Quaffle, but it seemed like he caught every girl's heart, including Laura's.

"Ron! You are incredible!" Hermionesaid as she ran towards Ron, Ginny, and myself. She threw herself in Ron's arms and gave him one of those more-than-best-mates-but-not-obvious-to-other's-eyes hugs. But of course, Gin and me noticed. Ron blushed.

"I'll second that," said an angelic voice behind us. We turned around and Ron's face got red as a tomato. I caught a glance at Hermione, and it seemed her face went a bit pale.

"Thanks, but I would say that I was incredible…" Ron said, smiling. If his face could get any redder, he would be a stop sign.

"No, you did great. I couldn't do better myself," Lauren said, showing her stunning smile, and placing a hand on his arm.

"Well, I'm sorry to cut this sweet little conversation short, but we have to go up to the tower now. I'm sure everyone is waiting for us so we can celebrate," Hermione immediately said once Lauren's hand touched Ron's arm like she was diseased.

The jealousy was starting to rise slowly inside of her. I could hear it rolling off her tongue, and I could see it in her eyes. I look over at Ginny, and it's like we read each other's mind, she thought the same.

"Alright then, I'll see you around then, yeah?" The black haired beauty said, as we picked up our bags to leave.

"Yeah, of course," Ron responded with a dazed expression. He was smiling like a maniac, and I was embarrassed for how stupid he looked. We started to walk away when Laura called out his name. "Yeah?" He turned around.

"Do you think we can meet up one day after classes and you can teach me a few pointers?" She asked, desperate written all over her face, but yet anyone with a brain knew that it was erasable.

I could feel Hermione stiffen next to me as "Yeah, sure, we can meet tomorrow," left his lips.

They finally bid their good byes, and we all went up to the common room to join the others in celebration.

During the whole night, Hermione didn't even pay attention to Ron, and left early to 'study' up in her dormitory. Ron was a seemed a bit disappointed when she left, but he quickly recovered when the topic of Laura Lumberg came up in our dormitory later on that night.

"What? No way!" Neville said in awe when Ron mentioned his little run-in with Laura.

"Believe it! Even ask Harry, he was there!" Ron said, and everyone looked at me with asking expressions on their faces. I nodded my head and went back to waxing my broomstick.

"Right on!" Seamus cheered, and gave Ron a high five.

"Ron, you do know that she's really not asking for some pointers, right?" Dean said, and Ron's face turned beat red.

"Yeah, I kind of figured that. I mean, she rides a broom like a pro, it's like it comes natural to her," Ron said dreamily, staring up at the ceiling.

"I hear that's not the only thing that she rides like a pro, if you catch my drift," Seamus said, grinning like a mad man. Ron threw a pillow at him, and all five of us got into a huge pillow fight.

Over the next couple of weeks, Ron and Laura have been going to the Quidditch Pitch so that Ron could show her some 'pointers'. One day, Ginny, Hermione, and myself all decide to take a walk around the grounds so we can take a break from our homework and studying. We were talking about our classes when we were passing by the Quidditch Pitch and something Hermione saw caught her in mid-sentence. A frown came over her face. Gin and me looked over to her direction, and saw one of the most cliché scenes ever.

The sun was, of course, setting behind the hill, which made the sky the orange pinkish color. It was a beautiful scene. Ron and Laura were sitting up on the bleachers, watching the sun set, and feeding each other what appeared to be fruit. I never thought of Ron as a fruit-feeding person, but I guess there are a lot of things I don't know about Ron when it comes to other girls, besides Hermione. Then, to Hermione's disgrace, they started snogging. This session went on for a while, until Hermione had enough of it. She straightened up, and started walking towards the two.

"Hermione—" Ginny called out, but Hermione interrupted her.

"The only thing that I see him giving her pointers of is sticking his tongue in her mouth!" She said angrily, and continued her way.

Jealousy greatly rose inside of Hermione. If I could use a thermometer to measure Hermione's jealousy, it would explode.

"Ronald! What do you think you're doing?" Hermione shouted, as she came up to them. The two quickly separated, and Ron's ears became beet red.

"H-Hermione? What are you doing here?" Ron's voice squeaked.

"You clearly said that you were giving her some 'pointers'—" Hermione started off her rant, but Ron cut her off.

"I was giving her pointers! She just had improved so much; I decided to have a picnic!" Ron replied, lamely.

"And the main course is your tongue? Seriously Ronald, you could be studying for your N.E.W.Ts right now!" Hermione said. She folded her arms, and glared daggers at Ron. Lauren sat there, looking uncomfortable. Ginny and me were on the other side of the pitch, watching the scene.

"What are you doing spying on me anyways? Why aren't you studying?" Ron said with a smirk on his face.

"First off, I wasn't spying on you. And second, I was studying, until Ginny, Harry, and myself decided to take a break and have a little walk." Hermione explained. Even from across the pitch, we could feel the jealousy bouncing off Hermione.

"Maybe, I should go…" Lauren finally said, and started to pick up her belongings. The two watched her as she started to leave.

"Great going, Hermione. Do me a favor, and find another life to butt into." Ron said, picking up his own belongings. He suddenly realized what he just said. He slowly turned around to see Hermione's eyes brimming with tears. She slapped him, then quickly turned around to make her way to the castle.

"'Mione, I—" Ron quickly started to apologize, rubbing his cheek.

"Ron, just leave me alone. I don't ever want to talk to you again." She choked out.

A couple days later, Ron came into the common room, looking sadder than his fight with Hermione.

"What's the matter mate?" I asked, putting down my Potions book.

"'Mione hasn't spoken to me for days, and Laura just ended it with me." He said gloomily, taking a seat on the sofa next to me.

"I'm sorry about Hermione. You know her; she'll come around sometime. But why did Laura end it?" I asked, curios. I actually thought it was going good for the both of them, but I'm glad that she ended it. It's one more girl that Hermione doesn't have to worry about.

"She told me it was because she thought me and 'Mione fancied each other. I told her it was bullocks and that we were just mates, but she just wanted it to end." Ron responded.

I smiled to myself. If only he wasn't so thick.

A/n: Long chapter. Hope you liked it! Spent a lot of time thinking about this chapter. Well, review!