Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters in it, they belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books or Bloomsbury Publishing or Warner Bros or whoever owns the rights at this time, but I do not nor do I claim any rights.

Summary: This is the sequel to the Dark Order: The Beginning, and if you haven't read that one then this one will probably make no sense to you as a lot of things have changed. This story picks up where the last one left off, and will cover the first year at Hogwarts. I warn you now that it is AU, and so it will not be like what you read in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

A/N: I have rated it M because there will be violence, adult themes, and strong language. Here are the current pairings that will be found in this story, which may or may not change by the next fic. Harry/Tonks is by the far the main pairing, Harry/Lily, Harry/Narcissa, Harry/Bellatrix, Remus/OC, and Sirius/OC. There will be no male slash in this fic, though there may be some group scenes with Harry and his wives to be.

Once again I stress this is AU so I don't expect to be flamed when I make the changes to the school year that need to be made.

Thank to the following for reviewing: shadow of the black abyss, Schnuff, jbfritz, and Shadowed Rains

Silverscale: I didn't mean it as an insult man, I was just playing.

japanese-jew: Its okay I will forgive you. Well once he turns 11 he might try and advance their growth, but until then he has no choice, but to wait.

carsonsheir: Well I am not sure if he will take over Hogwarts or get darker for a bit. he is a bit more mellow in the beginning chapters of this fic.

Slash&Burn: Why not ask your questions? Did you think I wouldn't respond to questions and comments in this fic?

illusion0910: No only Harry and Narcissa know that Harry is Draco's father.

Chapter One: The Birthday Visitor

Harry was even more excited then before because in a few hours he would finally be able to hold Tonks and tell her that he loved her. Though first he would have to get through his birthday celebration with his family. He could order Remus to take him to Tonks right away, but he knew that wasn't the best thing to do. Harry didn't like ordering his followers around and spending eight years as child made him realize that he wasn't the all-great wizard that he had once been. He liked being part of a family that cared very much for him, and that was exactly how he wanted it to continue on, so he would just wait to see the love of his life.

Harry ate his breakfast in silence, but he kept looking at Remus with a glint in his eyes. Finally Harry couldn't take it any longer, and he had to say something to Remus. "Remus I was wondering if you could unlock a few of my abilities. My magical core is becoming strong enough to handle some of them. I know I will have to wait a year or so to gain most of my abilities, but I think I could use some of them."

Remus looked at him and grinned. "I am sure you would love to have all your power Harry, and one day you will lad. After breakfast I will see what I can unlock, but it probably wont be much since a lot of your power comes from your raw magic, which you can't access yet."

Harry smiled and went back to his breakfast once again in silence as he thought about all that had happened over the years. He was doing something that no one ever had before; he was getting a second chance at his childhood and having a ball with it. He lived for many years already and some days he hated the fact that he was stuck in the body he was, but the good points out weighted the bad ones. He thought about the last eight years that he had spent with Lily, Sirius, and Remus in America and knew that it was the best eight years of his long life. Sirius and Remus helped out with the casino and with watching over Harry. Lily was the honor, but mainly did the office work, and didn't deal with the work on the floor. They had hired some of Harry's followers to do the work, so they would have free time. Sirius and Remus both had met nice American women that they started to date, which made Harry happy. He never knew Remus to date in his future, and Sirius didn't get to date cause he was in Azkaban, so this was the first that Harry knew of. Though he knew Sirius had a lot of snogging partners in school, but that was never serious dating. Lily wouldn't date anyone though Harry told her many times to go find herself a man that she liked, but she just said that she loved him and no other would take his place.

When Harry and Remus finished their breakfast they went into the living room and Harry sat down on the couch. "Hey Remus is Rosemary coming to the party?"

Remus smiled at Harry because Rosemary Lowell would never had been his girlfriend if it wasn't for Harry taking him back in time. Especially now since he had all his future memories he knew exactly how bad his life had been before returning to the past, though this past was much better than the one he lived through before. Not only did he have a girlfriend, he also had his two best friends from school Sirius and Lily, he also had Harry, and not to mention the fact that he had a job. It wasn't easy for a werewolf to get work, so having a job like he did was a very big thing to him. Also the fact that Harry had brewed enough Wolf's bane potion to last him ten years, it was amazing not having all the pain of transformations like he did at one time. "Yeah she will be here, and I believe Sirius invited Sarah too."

Harry smiled when he thought about Sarah Baldwin, which to his knowledge was the first real girlfriend that Sirius ever had that he was serious about. She was more than a snogging partner to him, and that meant a lot coming from him. "That's good I am so glad that you and Sirius are getting to have a real life this time."

"Yeah I am happier than I ever could have been, and I owe it all to you Harry. If it wasn't for you now of this would have happened, and I wouldn't be as happy as I am now." Remus said as he looked at Harry.

Harry grinned as he looked at the smile on Remus' face. "Well just remember how happy you are when I get to Hogwarts and all hell starts breaking loose again like it did the first time around."

The smile faded from Remus' face as he looked at Harry. "Why go to Hogwarts? I know that England is your old home, but we have been doing nicely here in America. Why not go to school here where Voldemort wont be able to get to you."

The smile faded from Harry's face as it did from Remus' as he looked at his friend. "Remus you know as well as I do, that I can't hide from my destiny. It is my destiny to bring down Tom, and that is what I will do. I just hope that fate doesn't decide to punish me for what I have done."

Remus and Harry both laughed at this as neither though that fate was out to get Harry, if only they truly knew how much fate was out to him. Then maybe they wouldn't have laughed as hard as they did, but fate is very patient and would wait until the right time to strike.

Remus did as Harry asked and removed what blocks he could, though there were only a few that he could safely remove so not to endanger Harry. One of them was the ability to connect to his followers, which was the one he really wanted the most. It sucked not being able to connect with his followers' minds for so many years he had a void inside him where his followers once filled. Now that the block was gone he could once again feel them and it was like the void was filled in again. Harry thanked Remus and then went to his room as he waited for them to get everything ready for the mid afternoon party.

When Harry arrived in his room he sat down on his bed and instantly tried out his connection to see if Tonks could hear him. /'Tonks can you hear me?'/

A smile donned on Harry's face as he heard Tonks voice in his mind. /'Harry, finally! I was wondering when you would contact me! I tried using this before to contact you, but I couldn't./

Harry knew that he had a lot of explaining to do, and was even happier now that he had made Andromeda a follower, so she could explain some of it to her. /'It is a long story Tonks, but the short version is that I had Remus block my abilities. Ask your mother about it, I will tell her she has permission to tell you everything that has happened. I can't wait to see you hun, I have really missed you.'/

Harry broke the connection with Tonks after saying farewell and then sent a message to her mother to tell her all about what had happened, so Tonks would be caught up. Harry would have done it himself, but he didn't think he could do it all through the connection, so it was best for Andromeda to do it. Harry felt better now that he got to talk with Tonks though he still longed to see her and couldn't wait until after his party to go see her.

Harry was looking over a few books he got when Remus came to his door. Harry looked up at him and grinned. Remus smiled as he looked at Harry. "Harry the party guests will be arriving soon, so Lily said to tell you to get ready."

Harry nodded and then watched Remus leave pulling the door shut behind him. Harry put his books away and went to change into some a nice T-shirt and shorts. Even with air conditioning it was still best to wear shorts because Nevada had very hot summers. After changing Harry made his way into the living room where he saw Remus and Rosemary sitting on the couch. Rosemary stood up and gave Harry a hug and then went back to sit by Remus. She was a delightful witch; at the age of thirty she had no signs of her age. She had long blonde hair that came down to the middle of her back and sparkling blue eyes that reminded Harry of Dumbledore's eyes.

Harry looked at them and smiled. "So where is Sirius and Sarah?"

"They should be along any minute. Sirius wanted to check on a few things in the casino before coming up." Remus said as he slipped his arm around Rosemary's shoulder.

Harry chuckled slightly fighting back his full-blown laugh. "Yeah probably wants to check and make sure the slot machines are all working right."

Remus laughed slightly "Yeah that would be him." Remus said as the door to the penthouse opened and Sirius walked in.

"Speak of the devil." Harry said as he ran over to hug Sirius. "So how much did you lose this time?"

Sirius looked at Harry and grinned. "You know me too well boy." Sirius said as he messed up Harry's already messy hair and then walked over to sit down.

"Where's Sarah?" Harry asked as he closed the door after making sure that the witch wasn't out in the hall.

"She got called into the ministry, so she wont be able to make it until later." Sirius said in a disappointed tone. He hated that she worked so much, especially when she would be set with all the money Sirius had. "So where's Lils?"

"She is in the office finishing some paper work." Remus said as he stood up. "I better go get her, she wanted me to tell her when everyone started to arrive."

"Looks like everyone is here." Harry said dully as if he was upset with the small number of guests at his party. Then he heard a knock at the door. "Wonder who that could be."

Harry walked over and opened the door and saw Andromeda standing in the door. "Mrs. Tonks I…I didn't think you would come."

Before Andromeda could say a word there was a flash of purple and a loud thud as Harry was knocked to floor with the weight of a person on his chest. Harry didn't know for a few seconds what had happened and then he realized that the weight he felt was that of Tonks' body being pressed against him, sandwiching him between her and the floor. "Tonks" Harry gasped trying to get his breath that had been knocked out of him. "Can't breath."

Tonks blushed and climbed off of Harry and then looked at him. "Harry you don't look like you did when you were first ten."

Harry finally climbed to his feet and looked at Tonks for a moment. "Nice to see you too Tonks, and how would you know what I looked like before? You didn't see me until I was fifteen remember?"

Tonks blushed slightly and hugged him for a moment before pulling away. "It is great to see you too, and I know I didn't see you at ten before, but you look better now then you did at fifteen when I saw you."

Harry chuckled as he looked at Tonks. "Well what can I say I grew up differently this time. Not to mention I have lived enough for two life times already."

Tonks laughed as he took Harry back into a hug. "I am glad that you get to have a happy childhood now Harry. Mum told me all about what you been through, and I must say it would have been a blast if I had been back in 1940 with you rather than landing in this time."

"I am sure you would have loved that Tonks I know I missed having you there with me." Harry said as he led Tonks and her mom over to the couches to wait for Lily and Remus.

When Lily and Remus walked into the room the party was able to begin, and was well underway when everything seemed to just stop. Harry looked around a bit as everyone went silent and then he realized that they were silent because time itself had frozen. Harry didn't have any of Time Mage abilities yet, so he knew he didn't do it. As he looked around he didn't see anything wrong except for time being frozen and cursed that he didn't have his ability to sense for magical surges at the moment. Then as he walked from the kitchen into the living room he saw her. It was the same sixteen year old girl with shining emerald green eyes, long golden blonde hair tied back in a ponytail that had visited him twice before.

Harry stared at her for a moment. "You! You did this, now explain why you keep coming to me and freezing time!"

The girl looked at him and grinned then spoke in her chilly tone. "I know why you haven't found the traitors yet now, but that doesn't change the fact that you must. One traitor will escape and new ones will rise up. Beware of fate for it is not someone who likes to be messed with."

"What in the bloody hell are you playing at?" Harry asked as he stared at the girl in his belief and bewilderment.

"Time is not to be messed with and now fate wants to punish those that have crossed it." The girl said as she disappeared and time was unfrozen as she left.

Harry could tell it was unfrozen because he could hear everyone in the kitchen talking and then they suddenly stopped. After a second they were all at the door looking at Harry. Tonks ran up to him. "How did you get in here when you were just in the kitchen with us a second ago?"

Harry looked out of it as he looked at her and his face was a bit pale. "I need to call a meeting with my inner circle now." Harry muttered as he stared off at nothing still lost and confused by what had just happened.