
chapter three, birthofLIR

A/N: Hello everyone! I'm back again, the third day in a row. I'm surprising my self as I go on. I didn't even notice the plot twists that I gave the story until my friend Kila talked about it with me. And I also noticed the major things that I gave away in the last chapter in the note section. Darn it. xC Well, I'm gonna stop ranting now, on with the fic! (please R&R!)

Disclaimer: Jhonnen owns all of the Invader Zim items and show; but I own Mak and Lir, Kila owns Kir and Air, and C owns Nak and…Whatever she calls her SIR.


When Mak woke up the next morning, the first thing she noticed was Lir hitting her with a thing of French bread over the head. Oh, and the obscenities coming from her bot as it slipped from where it was standing and falling onto the floor with a loud clanking noise.

"OOOOOh! You said the Eff word!" Mak called out while pointing accusingly at the SIR unit. A broad grin and laughing followed at the unit's obvious half-assed glare towards her, but Mak had long since grown immune to the bot's actions.

"And you shouldn't sleep till 17 hundred hours (1)." Lir said as she broke the loaf over Mak's head and walked away, fuming.

"Oh, come on, Lir, it's not like I have to go to school just yet. Heck, Lir, Nak and Kir haven't even been called yet." She said trying to defend herself as she followed after Lir down to the basement.

"So you're saying that when they are here that you'll be waking up early, right?" Lir said in a "you know I'm right" kind of voice, and all Mak did was sheepishly grin and scratch the back of her head. Lir sighed and walked ahead of Mak down the stairs, but tripped half the way sending her flying. Or at least it should have. She looked behind her to see Mak holding her momentum back by the foot. She grinned and got herself down. "Thanks" she said and received a nod from Mak.

"Now, let's get to calling my people, they're prolly wondering what's taking so long." Mak said as she walked ahead of the clumsy bot so that way if she fell she wouldn't go very far.

After surviving the step scene, the two walked over to the main computer and Mak pressed a button under the desk and the whole room seemed to come alive. Within 30 seconds, computer screens and charts lighted up the whole room.

On the main computer there was a to-do list, which consisted of calling Nak, calling Kir, preparing for Nak's arrival, and making a bombshell for Kir's arrival. Mak cracked up at the reading of the last note.

It really was that scary; Kir's driving that is. Last time they let Kir drive the combined ship for the three of them; Mak never let her drive with other passengers ever again. Ant that had been nearly five years ago, and she still didn't trust Kir's driving skills for the world.

With a sigh, Lir noticed what Mak had been laughing about. She made sure to tell Kir to "park" at least in a cornfield, that way the humans could blame it on their own teenagers using broken manual lawn mowers and experimenting with nitroglycerin sticks (2). It was interesting, the things one could learn on a computer about a planet in the span of five hours.

"Are you going to call them now or next week, Mak?" Lir asked impatiently and Mak snickered at the bot's eagerness to see it's fellow SIR units. It was amusing how such little adjustments could change the whole functioning of one bot.


A seven-year-old Irken girl sits at a laboratory table with a small robot in front of her. Well, the bot was actually the same size as her, but it seemed smaller as she leaned over it while standing on top of a barstool, taking a quick look over at the bot that she was going to edit. Sure, it was in a perfectly fine working condition; that is if you want to use it to help you destroy the whole world. But she didn't.

She wanted a friend, not a pile of metal that could kill you if you messed one thing up. And she was determined to make it her friend, even if it would take a long time.

First, she screwed out the blood red light bulbs that were it's eyes, antenna, and hands, replacing them with bright orange ones. After all, who wanted to feel afraid of their own friend?

Then she opened the main hard drive in it's head, to take a look around. A large chip was in the center of it and she pressed a button that popped it out. She then pulled out a laptop and sat on the stool Indian style. She opened the data chip drive and inserted the chip from her robot. When the reprogramming program came up, she looked at the list of ons and offs that were available.

She turned off the modes that involved revolting, destruction, and world domination. She ether turned on or added modes that involved emotions, mother-hen-mode, and loyalty.

With those in, she grinned at her work and popped the chip back out of the laptop then shutting it down. She went over to her bot and inserted the chip and turned her on. The orange bulbs glowed and the bot sat up. "Hello, I'm Mak." She told the bot with a broad grin and put a hand out for the bot to shake.

After staring at the hand, the SIR unit decided it was safe and shook it. "I'm model 30475." It said slowly, as if trying to trust the Irken.

"Well, that's not a good name. How about I call you…hum, Lir! Yeah, your name is Lir now." Mak told Lir while giggling.

"Why Lir?" The bot said with a confused look.

"'Cause I remember that your actual name had something to do with "ir" but I can't remember the first letter. And also because L comes before M, even though you came after me."

"Then why not call me Nir because N comes after M?" The bot said even more confused than before.

"'Cause Lir is an awesome name!" She said while jumping up and down in excitement, "And because you're my first friend!"

"Even though that makes no sense what-so-ever, ok, I'll go with that, friend." The SIR unit told the Irken, grinning. At this, Mak's eyes seemed to sparkle and she squealed then hugged the unit with all her might.

Little did Lir know, Mak would never ever leave her alone after that point.


Mak opened the dial system and searched for Nak's name, and when she found it, she pressed call. As the dial tone rang, she knew that there would be plenty of good times ahead of them.

((End of chapter three, birthofLIR))

Picture of Invader Kir: www .deviantart. com/ view/

(1) - 17 hundred hours 5 pm

(2) – nitroglycerin sticks dynamite

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