Well, here's the end. I know it's short, and I could've dragged it out, but I think I've said all that is needed. I hope you all enjoy it, I had max fun writng it for ya. Most def more KP stories in the future, please stay tuned! If you haven't all ready, check out my side story, The Biggest Mission Ever: Deleted Scenes. If ya want to.

Oh, if anyone feels, after reading, that I should post this in the rated 'M' section, please let me know.

SHOUT OUTS, CAUSE YA'LL DESERVE PROPS: THANKS! to G-Go, Gennie Kag's and Sess's Child, Jerzianna2.0(mad props!), AsdButTrue, trecebo, MrDrP, Masau, The Uncanny R-Man, todd fan, ron-sama, RamaFan, campy, Spitfire F.22, Zaratan, Jokerisdaking, Sheryl Nantus, continental-line, Stripes52, jaqdoc09, Anghammarad, Eddie Butler III, Jefepato, and anyone else I missed, or whoreviews in the future. BOOYAH!

The Biggest Mission Ever…

Chapter 6

Sensei had left Ron to his own musing as he headed back to the guesthouse, claiming some school duty somewhere. Ron hadn't really been listening as his teacher bid him good day, his mind deep in thought.

'That sure was a sad story, poor Warrior Dude. Poor Princess…' Ron pitied them. 'I can't imagine having the girl of my dreams and tossing her for this silly Power. I mean, it's cool and all, but no way!'

"Uh, Ron!" Rufus squeaked, pulling on the hem of Ron's 'new' robe.

"Yeah? Whattdup, buddy?" he answered.

"No breakfast. Lunchtime!" his little critter said, pointing at his little mouth.

Ron's belly growled as he smiled. "You're so right Rufus. Let's get Kim, and we'll go try to get something from the kitchens without Master Lunch Lady catching us…"

He turned up the short path to the guest house. He jumped onto the landing, and placed a light knock on the door.

"KP, you decent? You gotta check my new threads out…" he said, sticking his head in the door, eyes closed tightly.

"It's ok, Ron, come in…" Kim called, smiling at his face.

"Cool. Hey check out my Monkey Master robe, it's too…" He stopped, gazing at his girl.

'…yowie, she definitely fills out a ninja suit better than Yori does…' he thought, his eyes locked to the red headed vixen clad all in black, save a sexy light blue sash at her tiny waist.

"Hey Ronny. Did you have a talk with Sensei?" Kim smiled, noticing his approval.

"Oh, yeah, we parlayed…" he replied, using his new 'school' word. "…he told me some things about the Monkey Power, and some things about… Us."

"Ron…" she started, walking up to him, her green orbs radiant. "…do you want to talk about it? I'm here, if you need me."

Ron sniffed. "Thanks KP, you're the best... Man, you smell good enough to eat! Like…cherries and mint!" He moved closer, nose twitching like an animal.

"Master Lunch Lady helped me get ready this morning…" Kim admitted happily at him noticing. Not the type to need a man to notice, but she'd take onDementor and Drakken at once to get Ron's.

"That reminds me, I'm hungry…" Ron remembered.

'Definitely awoke his hunger…' Kim mused, rolling her eyes

"…let's go see what's for lunch, and then we can come back here and talk, ok?" Ron finished.

"Sure Ronny. Nice robe by the way." Kim said, looking her man over. "That blue goes great with your hair."

Ron blushed slightly. "Aw, sweet, KP. Thanks. Let's roll, me and Rufus are starvin'!"

He took her in a quick embrace. He jumped as he felt something different. "KP, yer not wearing a…gra, under, no gi…ah, yeah. Ok. Nice."

She blushed this time, smiling shyly. "I wasn't last night either, Ronny."

"I KNOW!" he said, scrunching his eyes shut. "I remember… and now there's cherries and mint, then no slingshot under the ninja suit, and I'm SO hungry right now. I could bite you!"

Kim just giggled, pulling him with her, out the door, off to feed her beast.

Meanwhile, in the Yamanouchi Kitchens…

"The bond almost complete. Not long now. Girl like a tiger. She don't know it, but she ready. Her heart ready, body soon follow." Nooni said to Sensei, knowing.

"I sense the boy is also ready." Sensei replied sagely.

"Tshh, boy always ready." She scoffed, rolling up some sushi cakes.

"Not what I meant, my Princess." Sensei replied, arching his eyebrows. "He is ready to claim the Power."

"Are you sure it right to push them together?" the lady asked.

"No. And yes. It is what we must do. The bond must be unbreakable. I will not fail… again." Sensei said, sadness in his lilting tone. "I will not let Ron-san fail himself."

She looked at the old man, remembering her own lifetime of pain. "We will not. No more sorrow, my Warrior."

He smiled slightly, bowing deeply to her. "Thank you, Nooni."

She slightly nodded her head in return. "Now go! I have guests coming…" she said. Sensei disappeared through a side door, just as Kim and Ron came in the main one.

"Master Lunch Lady…" Ron quipped, like a hero in a kung-fu movie, "…I have returned, hungry. Can I have some fish stuff, or do we have to duel, yet again?"

Nooni looked at the young man, her eyes squinting dryly at him.

"You may try…" she sing-songed, making her Japanese accent very thick, holding out a tray of food. Kim hid her laughter, one step behind Ron.

"Oh, no, not today, my honorable kitchen arch-foe…" He reached one hand up into the sky, his eyes taking the familiar blue glow. Like magic, the Lotus Blade appeared in his grip.

He brought it down before himself, samurai style. Summoning the magic of the weapon, he morphed it into a glowing blue set of chopsticks. Quickly his hand darted out, and he stabbed not just one, but two of the sushi cakes off Master Lunch Lady's tray, pulling them off, handing one back to Kim automatically. The blue chopsticks disappeared.

"Vengeance is a meal best served raw…" He breathed comically, bowing deep to the wise old lady, "…like sushi. Is. Man this is good…" his character broke as he munched on the other cake.

"About time you figure that out. You almost starve last time you here, Stobbable-san." Nooni smirked proudly.

"Wait a minute, this is like the wacky whispering toy guy, minus the wackiness…" he said to Kim, his eyes surprised. He turned to Master Lunch Lady.

"You can talk! English! Master Lunch Lady!" he cried. "That is whack!"

"Someone whack you in head, young… boy. Course I talk Engrish. You talk it, cannotbe that hard. And stop with the 'Master Lady'. It sound silly." She reached under the countertop, producing a picnic basket, Japanese style. She shoved it in his hands.

"Me Nooni. You go, take little bird to eat. She too skinny anyway."

"Wha…?" Ron wondered, his face blank, his glow gone. "Nooni…?"

"Come on, Monkey boy, lets go…" Kim giggled, "I'll explain on the way…" She pulled Ron out of the kitchen, turning her head to Nooni.

"Spankin'!" Kim smiled, waving. Nooni bowed slightly.

The teens gone, Nooni turned back to her kitchen. She spied Rufus on the countertop, woofing down some rice. He looked guiltily up at the woman.

"You. Pink One. Why you not go with them?" Nooni asked, hand on her hips.

"Hnk-haa, I leave alone…" Rufus chirped, pointing at his boy and girls trail. "Wrestlin'!"

Back at the Guest House, a bit later…

Kim and Ron sat on the floor, the basket of food between them, open.

"So I think we're together for a real reason, like you gotta be there to make sure I don't freak out or something, and I gotta be there for you, to make you smile and stuff…" said Ron, around bites of some bon-diggity sushi. "…I have been known to get a little… big-headed, I guess."

"Just a little…" mused KP, "…that sounds a lot like what Nooni and I talked about. Just different. She told me that, well… it's ok when we…she-told-me-you-needed-me."

Kim turned a little pink. "She told me that our closeness was…Ok." She undid the sash at her waist, pulling it off, showing him the Japanese on the inside.

"It says 'I walk beside the one true Master. My Love will protect him. His Peace will guide me.' It's old, I think, even though it looks new…" she said.

"Just like my robe…" Ron started, "…and know what KP? Sensei said that I changed the color of the stones in the monkey's eyes, when I formed the bond between us. Weird. Sensei said I was the clown, and you were the lion tamer…"

"Both equally important to a circus." Kim finished for him. "Like day and night…"

"That's what I said!" Ron smiled. "You're the Yin to my Yang."

"Thunder to lightning…" Kim breathed, smiling.

"Ground to sky…" Ron said quietly. "Kim, everything has been so good lately… ever since the bond. Like super good. Between you and me. Not that it was ever bad, but like someone left the heater on high. Ya know what I'm sayin'?"

"Yes. When you share with me, it feels sooo wonderful Ron. I know it's just our minds, but…"

"Ah, I didn't shoot that 'Kim in a catholic school girl skirt' fantasy over to you by accident, did I?" Ron rubbed his neck.

"No, Ronny… that's very bad, by the way…" Kim giggled. "You do know what I'm saying, don't you honey?"

"It's almost like…" he said, looking at the floor.

"…we've already…" Kim sighed, looking at the ceiling.

They're gazes met, both sets of eyes on lockdown, their cheeks hot.

"Yeah…" Ron said, at a loss for words.

"I wouldn't be ashamed, or feel bad, if we had… you know." Kim whispered, barely audible.

"Kim, the other night, when we were… I thought about using the power while we were…but, I, I, I…" Rom stammered, getting angry at himself for some reason.

"What, Ron? You know you call tell me…" Kim said, taking his hand. She hadn't seen Ron get like this since that night in the tree house, before Prom.

"I don't think I would be able to stop! And I would never do that KP, I swear…not unless you said it was OK. I feel lucky just because you're my friend! I'd never forgive myself if I hurt you."

"It's Ok, Ron." Kim smiled. "Actually, I'm glad you feel that way…too. This morning, after you shared your power with me, you were lucky to make it out of here."

"That's why I didn't have any pants on in the 'tree house'…" mused Ron, understanding.

"I guess…" Kim smiled lovingly. "...I didn't mind."

Ron stifled a yawn. Kim frowned.

"I didn't mean to get you so excited…" she mock pouted.

"No, it's just no sleep last night, up early, and… I gotta lotta stuff in my head." He smiled. "KP, not like I'm tryin' to get you into bed or anything, but would you mind if we took a nap? I wanna be close to you right now, not close-close, just close. OK?"

"If you need me, I'm your girl…" Kim said, her own eyes drooping a bit.

The young couple moved to the bed and snuggled together, his arm wrapped around her shoulders, her hand rubbing his chest reflexively.

"…love you, honey…" Kim purred, her eyes closing.

"…backatcha KP, all my heart…" her Ron said, falling into slumber.

Out on the school grounds…

Rufus ran about the school after leaving Nooni's kitchen. The nice lady had let him eat as much rice as he had wanted, then gave him some sweet pear slices to scarf on. He was currently watching some students working out, practicing their forms. Suddenly he heard a forlorn sound with his sharp little animal ears.

"Whazzat?" He said, trying to locate where the sound was coming from. He scampered over the building with the bell tower, looking up. His little claws dug in, and he ran up the building to the source of the sound. A girl was sitting, head in between her knees, her arms down beside her, crying. Rufus sniffed, catching a familiar scent.

"Hnk, Yori?" he wondered.

She looked up, surprised. "Rufus!" she cried, quickly drying her eyes. "What are you doing up here?"

"awww, Yori sad." Rufus said, pure sympathy in his little voice. "Rufus help!"

The little rat jumped to the ninja's shoulder, reaching out to pat her head lovingly.

"No cry, girl." He said, trying to be soothing to Yori. "Me luv you!"

Yori smiled the first real smile she had in days at the little rodent. "Thank you, Rufus-san. I love you also. Sorry for you to see me so…weak."

"No problem!" Rufus smiled. He ran down her arm to stand in her cupped palms. "What wrong?"

"I do not think you would understand Rufus-san. It is a little difficult…" she said.

"uh, you still mad Ron?" he said, surprising her.

"NO!" Yori shot back. "It's just… he is proving hard to get... around…"

"No, over!" Rufus cried, nodding.

"What?" Yori asked, giving Rufus a look.

"Get over! Ron…" Rufus added. "My boy, oh yeah!" he cheered, just showing love for his boy.

Ron had been right in assuming that Rufus didn't really understand human sexuality. However, the little guy understood emotions, all to well.

"Yes…" Yori smiled slightly again. "Your boy is proving hard to get over…"

Rufus flitted quickly around her head, pulling her ninja hood up. "We do fun!" he squeaked, jumping up to the ridge of the bell tower, then across to the drain spout of the next building, giving himself a little 'push' with the Power. He ran up the side of the building to the roof.

"Can't get me!" he taunted the girl, his tongue sticking out.

"Oh, Rufus-san…" Yori said, smiling playfully under her mask, caught up in the little rat's joy. "When I do catch you, I am going to kiss you…right on your tiny pink head!"

"Uh-Oh…" Rufus wailed, as the ninja girl easily crossed, landing right next to him. "Me run!"

Hours Later…

Ron woke from the nap before Kim, and slid out of bed without waking her.

'Man, I feel nasty…' Ron thought, having not bathed in almost a day and a half, walking to the big tub. He felt the water; it was still tepid. 'Bet I could sneak a bath in while Kimmie sleeps…'

He had taken his robe off before the nap. He undid the clasp of his cargos, sliding them down, glancing at Kim.

'Sleeping Beauty…' he thought, smiling. Turning back to the tub, he slid down his drawers and climbed in with nary a sound.

A pair of emerald slits widened for a second when the boxers came down. '

O my God!' she inwardly giggled, feeling herself begin to tingle pleasantly at the view of his bottom. His back was to her, and he began to quietly scrub himself with the same soap she had used. She silently got up from the bedding, noting that the room had darkened considerably with the coming of dusk. Her ninja gi still on her body, she blended right in as she tip-toed over behind him. She watched him, cleaning, a naughty smile on her face. She began to strip off the gi, removing the garment quickly and silently.

Not silently enough. Ron's back stiffened.

"Kim? Your standing right behind me, aren't you?" he whispered.

"Yes, I am." She answered coyly. "Turn around, Ron."

Back outside…

Yori flopped down on her butt, leaning against one of the school buildings. Rufus collapsed next to her, panting. They had run, leaped, dived, and rolled for at least three hours. Yori had run her emotions down, and felt somewhat better.

"No catch…"Rufus said, his pink chest heaving, "No kiss…"

"No kiss, Rufus-san. You are very... light on your feet…" she said laughing at her own joke.

Rufus smiled at her, giving her the thumb's up, still on his back.

Yori looked down at him. "Rufus-san," she said, her eyes misting, "Thank you. I see now why Stoppable-san loves you so much."

"Welcome!" the little guy simply said, understanding.

Sensei's dojo...

The wiseteacher in the Lotus position sat floating six inches in the air, in his personal dojo. Candles were lit, and sweet smelling smoke drafted thru the room. On the floor before him, Nooni sat, also in the Lotus position. Two ghostly puke green forms faded in and out on either side of them, weaving like so much smoke. To Sensei's rightfloated a young Asian warrior, the Lotus Blade strapped to his back, robes of the monkey draped upon his torso. To Nooni's right, flew a maskedwarrior princess with stunning Asian eyes, her slim body clad only in a dark gi, with a beautiful blue sash about her middle, a long pony tail hanging from her head through a slit in the back of her mask.

Sensei's eyes opened as did Nooni's.

"It begins…"

Back in the Guest House…

Ron slowly turned his head around to look at Kim. She stood before him, hair aglow in the twilight, her young, nubile, teenage body radiating an inner warmth. She smiled, slow and easily at him, her arms down by her sides.

"Close your mouth baby, you'll catch flies like that…" she purred.

"Let 'em come…" Ron could barely breathe, let alone shut his jaw. "Kim…" he whispered, meeting her eye after drinking every inch of her body in first. And second.

He quickly dunked himself, spinning, popping back up facing Kim, flipping his wet hair.

A thin slice of water droplets splashed across her mid-rift, causing her to jump, making the sensitive skin on her breasttighten up. Ron's Power increased, his eyes starting to glow.

'As if they weren't tight enough, all-righty then…' Ron'smoaned to himself.

"Ron, get outta the tub…" Kim softly ordered, grabbing a towel, shaking it out, her body jiggling nicely. "Stop looking, start touching…"

"Oooowa…" Ron growled deep in his throat, his eyes glowing flash bulb blue. His body sprung up out of the tub, his body going monkey style for a second, but landing straight and tall, two feet in front of Kim.

"Oh…" Kim started, surprised, noting his too bright eyes. "Here's a towel…"

He took the towel from her, promptly throwing it to the ground. He sneered at her wantonly, like an animal in heat.

"Ron…" Kim said softly, not backing away. Her eyes flashed blue as Ron moved in to take her. "…First Time."

Ron's eyes instantly dimmed low; he stood before her, panting, his aggression dissipating.

"Thanks, KP." He said, looking at her lovingly.

Kim picked up the towel, handing it to him, trusting. "Sure, Ronny. What was that like?"

"Like being a monkey, or ape or something." Ron stated, shivering. "My control was… there, but I was thinking like a primate. Not good. You snapped me right out of it though. Thanks for being there, not getting scared or anything."

Ron looked at her body again, double-taking. "Kim, you are absolutely fine!"

Kim blushed, raising her arms up as cover. She had forgotten they were bare when Ron flared up.

"Kim… KP, don't, I wanna see…" Ron quickly said, softer, awe in his eyes.

She stopped her arms, lowering them back to her sides, letting his eyes roam her body.

She loved it. She was glad he spoke up. She liked the look on his face.

"Man…" Ron whispered, "… I knew you were beautiful, very, very beautiful, inside and out, Kim, but you are… truly beautiful."

Kim smiled, satisfied. And turned on."Thanks Ronny. I'm glad you like. Now will you kiss me, please and thank you?"

She pulled him against her body. "And, Ronny, honey?" she halted.

"Yeah?" Ron asked, looking at her.

"I want you to… love …me with the Power, but just be my Ron Stoppable, ok, we'll try the Monkey Master another time, I promise."

"Kim, that's a toughy. I can't promise that right now. I feel it like never before. And I want it. I want you too. KP? What's the plan, your call…"

"Ron, you wouldn't… hurt me, I know that." Kim said, certain, her trust in him showing.

Ron's eyes glowed soft blue. He was both relieved and assured. She trusted him, even through all this crazy ninja/monkey stuff. He could be the Monkey Master and himself, and he accepted that, as did Kim. He reigned in his primal side.

"No way, I would never hurt you, Kimmie." He stated, his glow encompassing her, her breath shooting out in a harsh gasp.

'Oh… Ron, this is… oh…' was all Kim could think of, her body and mind awash with his.

The couple levitated, Ron moving his body on top of hers, slowly lowering them down to the bed with the Monkey Power. He kissed his love, both astrally and physically.

'Ok, that's new…We're flying Ron…' she thought, releasing the dual kiss.

'Yeah, I think I just figured out Sensei's floaty thing…' He answered, kissing her again, running his hand down the side of her body. She felt everything; the kiss, the touch, his eyes, his thoughts… his mind, both astrally and for real. It was… indescribable. There would be no playful bites, no eager licking, no pats on the bum tonight, both parties knew what they wanted, and both bodies were ready. Ron moved above Kim, his passion tapping at her door.

Sensei's dojo…

The two spirit forms started swirling about the room, twisting, turning, gaining speed. The wisps never touched, however close they flew by one another.

Nooni began her mantra, as Sensei's body began to shine in a globe of brilliance.

"I walk beside the one true Master, My Love will protect him, his Peace will guide me…" the old woman repeated, chanting.

The spirits grew more and more excited, flying crazily about the room.

Guest house…

Ron slowly entered where no man had gone before, grunting softly, her door opening. Kim bit her lip, whining lightly.

He looked at her. 'Kim, did I hurt…'

'It's ok Ron… it's nice…' Kim answered, looking in his eyes lustfully. '…more, just be slow and gentle. All of it…'

Ron continued down her pathway, luxuriating in Kim's essence. The blue glow covering their entwined bodies increased steadily.

Ron began to pick up his pace, Kim's ankles rising to his haunches to clear the way for him.



'I love you forever…' they both heard, felt, and totally experienced at once. They became one.

Ron, seeing the end of his travels in the distance, began to sprint, his face clenching in anticipation. Kim began to pant, in time to the rhythm he laid down, her hands gripping his shoulders so tightly her fingers went white. The glow from the Monkey Power was blinding.

'Ron…now, give it to me, all of it!' Kim shrieked, her eyes rolling up inside the sockets.

'Yes… take it, take it all…' Ron grunted like an ape, his heart pounding over and over again as he reached the end together with Kim.

Kim's body arched up against his, feeling his flow mix with her own.

Suddenly all the Power from Ron's glowing body rushed into hers, leaving him spent, filling her completly. Kim reacted, her head tilting back, a loud feral howl issuing from her pouting mouth. Her center felt as if it was white hot. Ron moaned, satisfied, having unloaded the growing Power, feeling 'just normal' again. Not exactly 'normal'; after this, he would never be normal. He liked sharing with Kim. Very much.

Seconds later, the Monkey Power rushed back into Ron's body, Kim gasping as it ebbed out of hers, channeling into Ron, his eyes glowing again. She knew, however, that now there would always be a little Power in her. Their bond was complete, unbreakable, and forever.

"…not so little…" she whispered, pulling her love closer, feeling Ron's body relax with hers.


Nooni's chant had become loud and ragged, and Sensei floated like a tiny Sun, his aura globe blazing.

"FOREVER!" Nooni suddenly shot, voice cracked with age, as she bellowed the word in Japanese. Sensei's glow stopped abruptly, dropping his body to the ground.

The two spiritszoomed out the dojo window, streaking up into the heavens, coming together, finally, at the apex of their flight. Something in between fireworks and pixie dust, glowing blue, burst forth as they touched, lighting the sky above the school in a fantastic display, causing the students to look up in wonder, some clapping in delight.

Yori sat with Rufus. "WOW!" the little guy giggled, happily watching the sky, his little eyes flashing blue quickly. Something had 'tickled' his insides, making him feel great.

"Yes…" Yori whispered, a small smile forming on her lips. She realized it was right that Ron and Kim were in love, in her heart. It gave her peace, now. It was the way it had to be.

"It is… all good, Rufus-san."


Somewhere, deep in the mountains of Japan, and man curled to the floor in pain. He felt as if someone had fired a grapple gun at his very soul, his source of Power, and was yanking it roughly from his body.

As the pain receded, he found he could no longer touch the Mystical Monkey Power. A fury rose up in him, his face contorting in anger. He raised his hairy arms to the sky.


end - THANKS! for reading. Peace and Love for all! - Matt.