To cave in to love (Hekomu Horeru)

By: Reincarnation of Kagome

Chapter 1: Snow Storm

"Inuyasha, we have to go back and look for the others." Kagome yelled at the hanyou who walked away from her.

"Look, Miroku and Sango will go back to Kaede's village. We'll meet them back there, we still have a jewel shard to find." Inuyasha growled back at her.


"Inuyasha, it looks like the snow is getting worst." Miroku yelled over the wind, as Shippo slept comfortably in his robes. Worry was starting to set in because of the rapidly dropping temperature and increase of snowfall they traveled in. Sango and Miroku rode on Kirara's back as they head forward up the mountain.

"Will you stop complaining!" the hanyou yelled, over his shoulder.

Kagome slightly hit Inuyasha on the head, "You know I'm right behind you, so next time don't yell in my ear." Kagome said wrapping her arm back around Inuyasha's neck.

Inuyasha tightened his grip under Kagome's knees a bit, in apologize. They had been traveling up the Northern mountain path, or what should have been a path but it was covered in ten feet of snow.

"Kagome, are you sure you sense a shard in these mountains?" cried Sango through the howling wind, that just seemed to be getting louder and stronger.

"I'm positive," Kagome shouted.

Inuyasha squeezed Kagome's knees, saying in a low voice, "Look who's talking, yelling in my ear. And mine are more sensitivity then yours."

"Sorry, Inuyasha." Kagome whispered in his ear. And she felt a small shiver run through Inuyasha's body. Kagome just smiled at herself for the reaction she got from him.

God I wish she wouldn't do that, Inuyasha thought as he felt a shiver run down his spine. Especially with a tiny hint of spice that was starting to be add to her original sweet scent.

Then suddenly the wind died down, and the snow started to slow. "See Miroku the storm is letting up." Inuyasha said. And the group continued on their journey.

But an hour later a cold breeze came along, ruffling their hair and causing Kagome to wrap her arms around herself, since she had started walking on her own about forty minutes ago, trying to stay warm. Inuyasha saw her shiver out of the corner of his eye, and sniffed the wind, eyes on the sky, Oh, fucking GREAT...a damn blizzard.

Growling slightly, he turned back to the group who had stopped, "There's a storm coming. It would take to long to turn back to get to the last village we saw two and a half hours ago. The next village should be coming up soon. It's best if we keep moving."

Inuyasha walked over to Kagome to let her climb back on his back. Kirara transformed and Sango climbed on followed by Miroku with Shippo who was still asleep in his robes.

A few minutes later Inuyasha had to shield his eyes from the blowing wind and snow with one hand as best he could, and hold Kagome and tried to see through the snow blowing around him. Behind him Kirara came with the others, but Inuyasha couldn't see them even if he turned around but they where there, he could smell them.

Kirara probably was having the same luck with seeing as Inuyasha. She was following Inuyasha and Kagome by scent alone.

But soon the wind and snow dulled Inuyasha's sense of smell, and lost Kirara's scent, and if his couldn't smell her then she couldn't smell him.

Finally the snow and wind slowed an hour later, and Inuyasha still hasn't found the village that should have been nearby. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara was nowhere in sight.

End Flashback

"Inuyasha, don't make me say it," Kagome said. Inuyasha turned and looked at her. He knew what 'it' was. A single word, osuwari, the word would seen him to the ground.

"Like I said, we'll met up with them later." Inuyasha said.

"Not likely." a cold male voice said. "You'll be dead."