Title: Your Honor

Author: allergic2stupid

E-mail: The Lost Boys

Genre: Romance, mostly. Fluff, if you will. And some drama fo yo mama.

Rating: I don't need a rating. I'm sure you bitches can handle this.

Warning: What's to warn?

Paring: Sam/Alan

Summary: Slash. Chapter two, a bit of a songfic (Regina Spektor - "Your Honor"), but not much. Chapter three coming later today.

Disclaimer: Disclaimers are against my religion.

Chapter 2

I kissed your lips and I tasted blood.

I asked you what happened and you said "there'd been a fight."

You said, I've been fighting for your honor, but you wouldn't understand."

I said, "Hold on, Your Honor, I'll get ice for your hand..."

The doorbell rang and Sam ran to the door. He'd already told his mom Alan was staying over. He opened the door and was stunned. Alan stood there with a black eye and a fat lip.

"What happened?"

"Me and Edger had some words and it got out of hand, I'm alright."

Garggle with peroxcide, a steak for your eye

But I'm a vegitarian, so it's a frozen pizza pie

You tell me that you care, and you never do lie.

You fight for my honor, and I just don't know why.

"Come here..." Sam pulled him inside and to the upstairs bathroom. He opened the medicine cabnet and pulled out a bottle of hydrogyn peroxcide and some band-aids. Sam dabbed some peroxide on his forhead and Alan flinched. "Serves you right. What all was going on?"

Alan smirked sheepishly. "It was about you. Edger wouldn't shut his mouth, so I shut it for him."

Sam glared, "That's not cool."

"Well he should have listened"

"You should have ignored him." Sam said while pressing a cold cloth over his split lip. There was a moment of silence. Alan looked disappointed. He thought Sam would be happy he made Edger eat his own words, but that wasn't the case. "...So did you kick his ass?"

Alan's grin returned, "You bet your ass I did." They laughed.

They walked into Sam's room across the hall and Sam gave him a different shirt to change into. Alan layed down and Sam followed suit. They rested with their foreheads touching and arms around eachother and waited for Sam's mom to call them down for dinner.