I don't own Teen Titans.


"Hey, has anyone seen Star?" Cyborg asked, walking into the living room.

"No. I haven't seen her for a while. Check the roof." Robin replied, not looking away from the TV. Cyborg nodded, and walked up to the roof. He opened the door quietly, and sure enough, there was Star, looking out over the water. She had her arms around her knees, pulling them to her chest. Cy saw her sigh, and rest her head on her knees. He knew what was wrong. Star had been like this since Val-Yor had left.

Cyborg shut the door, going to Star and sitting beside her. She didn't move. The two sat there for a few moments, before Star broke the silence.

"Do you think he was right?" Cyborg turned to look at her.

"Val-Yor?" She nodded.

"Yes. Do you think that I am a Troq?" She looked up at him, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

"No. Of course not. You're not nothing. You're the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful person I know. Don't believe a word that jerk said." Star smiled, then threw her arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you Cyborg." He grinned, blushing, and put his arms around her. He looked into her eyes as she pulled away. He suddenly knew it was the perfect time to tell her his feelings.

"Um, Star? We need to talk."

"What would you like to discuss friend Cyborg?" She asked, tilting her head. Cyborg smiled. She looked so cute like that… "Friend Cyborg?" He shook his head, trying to regain his thoughts.

"Well, its just…well, I…I mean uh…oh, the hell with words." He leaned forward, kissing her quickly. Once he realized what he had done, he pulled back. "Star, I-"

"I believe I have seen that in movies. That was 'the kiss', correct?" He nodded, unable to speak. She smiled. "It is quite enjoyable. Might we participate in 'the kiss' again?" He stared at her in shock.

"Star, I don't think you understand…"

"I thought 'the kiss' was a sign of affection."

"It is but-"

"And returning 'the kiss' is a sign of returning affection, which is followed by 'the date' or 'the going-out', meaning more than a friendship is wanted, correct?" He nodded. "So might we partake in 'the kiss'?" He smiled at her.

"You mean you like me too? As more than a friend?" He asked, making sure she understood. Her reply was simple, yet effective.

Star returned 'the kiss'.


"Has anyone seen Star of Cy? It's almost dinner time." Beast Boy grinned.

"Cy's not here for dinner? Do you know that this means?" His two teammates simply stared at him. "TOFU!"