Disclaimer: Darling, I don't need to own Naruto and Samurai Champloo to write fanfiction.

Penname: LiveLoveLaugh

FanFiction Story: Sunflower Samurai

Summary: (Naruto X Samurai Champloo) Sakura had stepped into a spellbound when she fell asleep in a garden of sunflowers, in a strange event she was taken in a coma where she dreamt she lived in a world not her own, traveling with three other wanderers.

AN: Ah, ah, leave me alone! I know you guys are going to be probing at me for the answers of the pairings, and no thank you! It's in my blood, almost, that I would never tell anyone of the pairings unless it's deliberately for a trashy romance fanfiction story I might write or a one-shot. All I will hint at is, I just hope some of you are non-cannon lovers or, at least appreciators because these pairings WILL be unexpected. Here's the second updated chapter!

Powerhouse Tsunami

The people within the walls of gigantic extravagant inn had begun to hear the echoing noises of the burglar alerts, low and loud whistles of the town police brigade with their sheathed swords in their clothed belts and wicker sandals had dashed through the busy night streets as the lampposts had ignited. People looking out of their windows had hit pots and pans together to make some noise, as worry and horror had hit the main town.

Fuu looked around with confusion before she could even climb the stairs towards the main chambers of the innkeeper's and his family. She stared dumbfounded when people, both guest and servant, ran around clutching onto their loved ones and valuables as they ran amok in the entire colorful building. The two men behind her held their hands readily on their sword handles, one with a passive look and darting eyes, another with a smirk and excitement pumping in his veins.

"What's going on, sir!" she stopped one balding servant, who defensively pushed her away.

Mugen looked angry when the same man had bumped him over, running around with the rest of the rush hour, "OH YEAH? Screw you!"

Jin quietly glanced at both sides, his glasses glimmered from the lit skylights. His ears were drumming with the sounds of the wind chimes, the melody connecting and fluttering louder and softer in so many numerous places. People over the place tried to calm down others. Fuu finally found the innkeeper's shrieking wife running with her heavy body and her plump children behind her.

"M'am! M'AM!" Fuu rushed over to touch the round arm of the inn lady, who yelled at the sight of the brunette. "Calm down! What's going on?"

The woman went hysterical.

"Someone! MY STUFF! Thief! THIEF! WAS HERE! GIRL GONE! Thief! SHE'S THE THIEF! STOLE MY JEWELRY!" the inn lady squealed, her double chins jiggled to her shrilly voice as she covered her devastated expression with her pudgy hands, her wine-colored nails gleamed discolored, cracked at the tips, and fading away. The kids cried frightfully and grabbed their big mother's fine silks and cottons of her heavy kimono in their hands.

"Wait! You mean the girl stole your stuff!" Fuu exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with disbelief.

"You mean that chick you were bragging about was the thief!" Mugen looked both pissed off and excited as if a street dog were to be in heat, "What ever happened to your great people skills?"

"Will you just shut up?" Fuu yelled.

Jin blinked, his sixth sense had finally picked up something, and their heads turned to the crumbled giant fusuma opened immediately. The police patrol had burst through, their swords were in their hands, crying out authority but people kept running in all sorts of places. Barking trained hounds growled and they held on by their leashes. The spectacled samurai ran over, his sandals hitting on the ground, as he grabbed onto one leash. The officers looked surprised and anxious.

While the inn lady was wailing and pulling at her hair, Fuu found chastity as she pulled Mugen with her to Jin's side.

"What are you doing Jin!" Fuu cried, her eyes were fearful.

Mugen looked at the black hound the other samurai had picked, that seemed to have a liking for his blood.

"I think I might know where the thief is, I would need to borrow one of your dogs," Jin reassured them, pulling onto the largest, most vicious hound. Their hands released that leash, letting all authority fall onto the mysterious navy-clothed swordsmen as he quickly pulled the barking black hound with him and dashed up the stairs in quick fluid movements. His other two traveling companions had followed him shortly behind.

They came upon a broken fusuma sliding door, with its heavily torn and crushed wooden hedges and white coverings. Fuu gasped when she came close to the wardrobe, nearly cleaned out of the gutter when all she saw were fallen coins and golden ryou tablets, with spills of pearls and red jade. Mugen's obvious greed sparked in his dark eyes as he picked several of them up, while snickering aloud, and stuffed them into his pockets, though his stealing meant nothing to the others.

The black hound, the patrol men called Kisho, had sniffed the place with it's giant wet nose. Jin looked over the following valley with his keen eyes, his hand held firmly on the leash. Fuu was spinning in circles, her sandals twirled with her toes as she kept asking herself over and over again.

"Argh! Oh God, she seemed so nice! She can't be the thief! And polite! No! Her eyes are so honest! How can she be the thief?" Fuu groaned in frustration, smacking her head with both hands, "It just doesn't make sense!"

"Best be on your guard, you can't trust anyone," Jin whispered, without turning around.

"But she can't possibly be a thief! We might have mistaken her! Or something! Ugh!" she moaned, her pretty face turned painful with such concentration. She fell on her behind and curled up in a ball with two fingers pressed on to her temples, her attitude that of a stubborn mule's. Mugen, who was quite satisfied at how much he had rigged, rolled his eyes and picked her by the collar of her mauve pink yukata.

"Get up, diva," Mugen growled roughly, his eyes narrowing at her protesting squeals and flailing arms, "The mutt's got a scent."

Kisho quickly lifted up his head from the crumpled heap of a dirtied hooded sweater and drops of blood from the sheets, his nose pointed beyond the balcony scenery. Jin nodded, and they made a move for it.

It was the smell of pine forest and wet dirt, the water sounds had washed underneath the giant bridge. It had stretched over a cold blue-gray river that shimmered from the half moon. The sweat developed devastatingly under her arms and the backs of her knees, as the flaps of the brown leather cloak she wore shot into the air. Her body was depleting chakra, and she tried her best to run as fast as she could. The heaviness of the stolen goods on her shoulder began to intensified, causing her breathing to be hoarse and her lungs to expand and hurt.

No, she had more strength than this! The kunoichi glared up ahead, dragging along her heavy legs toward the bridge.

If she could make it, she could cross it.

The pain in her ribs had not yet healed far enough, she felt it to be broken and fractured. If only she had enough time to set it right. But all she was hearing all around the market streets in this foreign place was long echoing whistles of alerts and people who ran around with fear in their voices and faces. She knew some people were after her, she still didn't understand what's going on, how she could ever find her way out.

Her eyes turned wide and hopeful, when only a few long steps before her feet could touch the hard wood planks of the bridge.

"Argh!" she cried, unfeminine.

The shoulder that connected to the muscles of her ribs was roughly pulled on, throwing her back from her destination. Her back slammed against the hard flat front of someone's chest, smelling of sun-baked earth and sweat. The hood of her stolen cloak had hid the face of this damn intruder and instead all she could see the dark sheen of bright red in the night. Their hands clasped all around her body underneath the cape, making her breath hitch and her cheeks flush. Their touch was harsh, rude, and predatory, she could feel in their body.

"Hey! I got the thief!"


Some dog barked heavily.

"Don't hurt her Mugen!"

Instantly, she knew she was going to be caught.

She felt as though she was already locked away, killed.

That's not going to happen!

"Get your hands off me!" she screamed, pushing him with freakish strength that send him flying at the group of dark figures coming closer and closer to her. One of his wooden clogs that he wore had tipped over and fell into the iris bushes nearby. She ran for her life. She ran for everything.

"THAT BITCH!" the same person screamed.

"Mugen! You alright!" Fuu cried, running to his side. Her mauve pink kimono looked disoriented and her hair was frizzy with worry, not for him, but for the safety of their prey. The accused was running as fast as she could, looking like she was battling with pain over her body while someone navy and dark soared past him and chased after her over the bridge.

"I'm fine!" he said defensively, picking himself quickly off the ground. His posture on the ground was uneven and he limped slightly from missing one of his wooden clogs, toeing it off and immediately unsheathing his katana from his green beige belt holster, the clanging of metal scraped and the waitress girl squealed.

"What are you two doing!" Fuu shrieked, ran after him and Jin, who had had his own sword in his hands.

Mugen ran over the wooden planks barefooted, after the silent samurai as the cloaked stranger staggered around the ledges, breathing harshly and stumbled on her steps.


"SHUT UP!" Mugen yelled, with his katana overhead jumping over Jin who widened his eyes behind his lens.

Sakura turned around too quickly and watched horrified as the gleam of red, brown, and silver had descended upon her.

"APE-FACE!" Fuu squealed mortifyingly.

In a flash, the air became thick in waves.

Thick with wooden splinters.

And a loud splash.

Mugen's blade had embedded itself into the solid ledge of the bridge, his throat was choked with annoying grunts and his bare foot was smacking against the wood on the side of the sword as he tried to pull it off. Splinters landed by his feet, and on the red cotton of his yukata top. He shook it and stamped, about to break the katana. Jin, Kisho, and Fuu ran over, and grabbed their hands on the bridge edge as they had seen, the girl had fallen over the bridge accidentally, unharmed, and into the water.

"She was nearly killed!" Fuu screamed.

"Well she lost my shoe!" Mugen screeched, finally pulling off the blade.

"She can drown!" Fuu slapped him upside the head.

"The water's not deep enough," Jin muttered, "But she's probably still underneath. We can still catch her."

"You're kidding me!" Fuu looked admonished, "You guys aren't going to—" She yelped when the two, contrasting of blue and red, had jumped over the bridge ledge.

"SHOW OFFS!" she cried, never knowing how to swim.

Kisho barked.

Mugen and Jin landed into the water, soaking through their clothes immediately with the splashes. The river water had risen up to their knees and stuck the soles of their feet to the muddy ground. They ignored the freezing cold water that nearly ice-cubed their body, sending them shivers up their spine and their skin to tingle with They held out their gleaming katana, the blade in front of their crouched forms. Their searched impatiently for the girl underneath the depths of the water, moving around their hips as their faces looked on.

"Those egotistic jerks!" Fuu yelled to herself animatedly, the black hound was her only audience, "Thinking they just kill anyone they want to, and always causing trouble! Freeloaders too! Jerks! Idiots! Morons! They like nothing better than getting to kill each other and ditching me behind! It would be great when one day when I just have a more worthy companion traveling with me instead! YOU MADE A PROMISE GOD DAMN YOU!" She shook her fist threateningly, puffing out her cheeks.

Kisho looked at her with his dark canine eyes, his long pink tongue stuck out as he panted.

"WHAT!" Fuu yelled at him, slapping her forehead, "Oh never mind! You're just a dog, and dogs don't think like how people think…" Suddenly she winced, blinking, "Uh, well…better than those samurai-wannabes, so you got something to look forward to…"

Kisho barked excitedly, turning back his snout to the opening of the bridge barriers.

"Eh?" Fuu turned back. Her eyes right away popped out, whined, "WHAT'S GOING ON DOWN THERE!"

Mugen and Jin inched back cautiously, their heels pushed at the water mud and pebbles as they watched stunningly as someone rose from under the bubbling water. But unlike anyone in other ways they had known before, she wasn't swimming, and she wasn't floating either, but standing on top of the water.

The heavy brown cloak clung to her back as she grabbed hold of her front and one-handedly pulled herself up from the cold water, her knees pushing her up. She sputtered clogged water from her burning nostrils and rash throat, her head was unbalanced and her movements were slipping off the chakra platform she had created from her small body supply. She coughed violently and clasped her hands at her ribs and the side of her head. Water dripped from her soaked form, freezing her to the spot.

She looked up, her hair slipped from the wet hood and glided down her neck, dipping over her shaking shoulders. The sopping sheens of glossy pink that glowed near silver in the night had shined over the dark fabric of her heavy cloak that clasped over her slender muscles. The strings of the leather bag had cut into her shoulder blades. The soaked clothes made her skin crawl with cold and it made her feel dirty. She bent her knees achingly biting down her lip, her fractured ribs had made her do so, her bare pale legs and training skirt peeked out from the brown flaps.

Just standing on top of the water looking like that, almost made her celestial. Godly.

"Argh," she groaned, she shook with intense burning pain all over her body. The chakra underneath her feet had flown away and she began to sink vertically down to the mud, in even lengths with the tall samurai. Mugen and Jin stared at her disbelievingly.

She looked up with the sharp focused glowing eyes of emerald green, glimmering solidly like the stone. She angrily walked across the heavy water around her thighs, one step by another when she saw them standing there. All she could see was the blurry images of crimson and indigo, and the shining threats of their raised katana. The pain was nearly unbearable, nearly pleasurable.

Masochist, her inner self whispered smirking.

"Leave…" she breathed, watching them come closer, "…me…ALONE!" Abruptly, she pounded the flowing waters of the freezing river with a green chakra-covered hand and like a miniature tsunami had erupted from the bowels of the water had collided towards the red and blue figures, which the both had flew up from the upcoming tidal wave caused by just her fist.

Fuu squealed, ducking for cover when the hard sprays of river water had rained down her lithe body, drenching her, the giant black dog, and the entire bridge. The two samurai had skidded aside for the tsunami to run over and suddenly when they landed next to each other, a fist shot in between of them, yelling swear words not meant for a woman.

They widened their eyes, when the pink-haired thief flung herself on them, wanting to hurt them. Mugen and Jin repeatedly dodged every attempt of the stranger who was throwing hard punches to kill and her screams in their faces. They came just close enough to throw their swords on her, at least to injure her, but she near magically unsheathed her own weapon. She quickly took out a sharp kunai in each hand and scrapped metal with their katana blades.

As a team, ironically for both Jin and Mugen, they fought her with their speed and strength. Their entire body flexibly moved with each others, twisting around and shooting down at her with their swords that she had blocked with her own steel weapons. The water was too heavy to move easily like on land, so their movements were heavily forced and they tried to tire her out. Sakura was soon coming out the loser, when her every pore of her chakra valves was wasting away as she danced over the splashes.

Their swords knocked off the kunai from her hands, cutting her palms.

"UGH!" She threw one strained bleeding punch and landed it on Mugen's chest.

He yelled as he was thrown back again by her pushes, and landed into the denser parts of the water. She twisted around hurting, and gasped when she nearly came into contact with a sharp cut of Jin's blade that sliced the river water in half in that amazing second.

She achingly choked and coughed, wheezing in the cold. She grasped onto her ribs when terrible agony had threw her off coast, the sizzling scratches on her hands had added to the horror.

Suddenly she jumped back forcibly when the man with glasses had sliced at her, and many more times after that. His skinny pale body hidden behind his burdening navy outfit had moved so fast that she couldn't see and that she couldn't dodge as quickly as before. Blood dripped from her palms like stigmata and into the waters that were being rippled and carried forth as the near-unconscious girl moved her entire life as the tall towering samurai nearly had her head.

"DON'T KILL HER!" Someone yelled from above.

Sakura turned around on her toes and looked up instantly, she realized she was under the tall bridge and she grimaced when she couldn't even see it correctly without first seeing the dark fragments of meshed brown and black. Suddenly she panicked, her back on her enemy.


She gasped when she blacked out. Jin's hand outstretched and hit hard on the back of her skull, his katana sheathed at his belt. His eyes was closed, and reopened to catch the fainted girl in his arms. The brown hood fell off, and a flow of long pink locks had fallen over her face and exposing the back of her neck as if for execution. She landed in his careful hands, her small waist in his wet fingers as he stared at her with awe.

"What are we going to do with you?" he asked when he carefully picked her up.

"FLY YOUR OWN KITE MAN!" Mugen cried, from several yards away.

He sighed.

To Be Continued

See? This was long! Waiting that long does make you satisfied! Well, anyway, please be patient for the next chapter!