Hey peoples! That's right, I'm updating! Took me a while but I am! Lol, thanks to all my faithful reviewers! As most authors ask, please review! I love reading them no matter how short or long. Well, here you go!

Hermione- The 5 Year Old Witch

Chapter 14

Black strolled into the room, a smirk marring his handsome face. Clad in a green silk dress shirt and black Egyptian cotton slacks, he resembled the prefect Slytherin god. The air that surrounded him was a dark elegance.

"Blake!" exclaimed Draco in anger. Stepping in front of Hermione, he held her hand tightly in a protective manner.

"Oh, my dear cousin, that's no way to greet the ruler of the Wizarding World!" said Blake, smirking.

"Blake, stop! This isn't you! Why are you doing this?" questioned Hermione, pleading. Her memory had reverted back to what she had known before the accident but snatches of what came after seeped slowly in.

Blaise's face scrunched up into a mencing scowl but gave way into one of a broken boy's who had his favorite thing in the world taken away.

"Why? You are so blind! How can you say that?" shouted Blake. "You're so wrapped up by your lover boy that you can't see what's right in front of you!"

"Oh…" was all that could escaped Hermione's cherry lips. Salty tears started to build up at the corners of her eyes.

"Oh! That's all you can say? After I tell you how I feel? You deserve the world! I have it to give and share! What more could you possibility want?" yelled Blake.

Then the dam broke. Hermione just broke down from all the stress and confusion.

"how dare you! I never asked for this or want it! YOU make up that conclusion. Have you ever thought of even asking me! I'm sorry I don't love you! You can't control true love, no matter what!" screamed Hermione, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The sense of guilt that the torture of many innocent individuals overwhelmed her and adding to the fact she had been a 5 year for most of the last month added to everything.

"Hermione!" said Draco lovingly. He wrapped his arms around her and laid her head on his chest.

Harry looked at the couple and sadly gave up. Anyone sane could see that those two belonged together.

"Aww! Isn't that touching?" said Blake. Tears also were in his eyes. "If I can't have you, then no one should!"

Slowly, he raised his wand, pointing it at Hermione.

lol I'm sorry! I just really wanted to update on Christmas. I guess I wasn't able to write as much as I hoped. Well, it's better than nothing, right? Well please review! I'm trying to make it so that I update on New Years.