Home To Me

Disclaimer: Don't Own PR, just using the characters, don't sue.

Home to Me is another great song by an up and coming artist, Josh Kelley. If you have heard his songs on shows like "Smallville and One Tree Hill" I definitely recommend buying his CD, great music. Just an all-around great person as well.

Hint: Italics displays location at times, conversations on the phone, flashbacks, you know the dilio

Timeline: This story has occurred after Turbo and Space. Tommy Oliver is finishing up college about to head out working on paleontology digs throughout the world. Tommy was in his finally year, taking all the trips he could throughout college. He was about to embark on another dig in Australia and Europe in a few days with a very famous archaeologist, Anton Mercer. Kimberly Hart, American's heroine after her great win in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, she took home 4 medals that year, now is an inspiring actress with her own CD out there. A collection of songs she wrote. (Think of the female verison of John Mayer, a cute, sexy sounding music that will be the next best thing in the world)

Summary: Tommy and Kimberly are dating, but can a one-night stand affect their lives and destroy their love forever. What will happened when there is a baby involved? Will the couple survive? Should they survive? All that and more.






Chapter 1: Another Sad Love Song

Galaxy Star Apartments

Just as Kimberly was about to take a sip of coffee, the doorbell rung. Kimberly split the coffee on her robe. She tried to clean it before going to give whoever was at her door so early a piece of her mind.

"WHAT!" She swung open the door in rage at the constant ringing and knocking.

"Good Morning to you too."

"Tommy, sorry."

"What did you do? Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"This time, I actually got to pick which side I slept on last night."

"Ouch. Can I come in?"

"I don't know."

"Kimberly, we have to talk."

"You told me everything I needed to hear!"

"We don't...we ..I don't even know if it's true yet. She is waiting on the tests."

"Do you realize you are to leave in 3 days! We are to leave in 3 days!"

"I know."

"Look, I don't want to be late for my meeting." She went to walk away, but Tommy grabbed her arm.

"No. This is more important. We are more important."

"Are we!" She pulled away. "Were we so fucking important a month ago!"

"That is not fair." He held her shoulders to look at him. "I do love..."

"You know what is so unfair. I actually let you talk me into us again." She walked away from him. "I fucking let you!" She shook her head and ran up her stairs to her bedroom.






JIVE productions were to produce Kimberly's next album after the success of her first one. They gave Kimberly all the creative power to do what she wanted, since that is what worked the last time, but since she moved on to JIVE, they did want her to do at least one of their songs for a hit and get her mainframe. She was to start touring, and Kimberly picked Australia first, since she wanted to be close to Tommy, but now that they were fighting, this meeting was to try to get out of that.

"Well, I hope you have packed? Flight for Australia is at 6:50 am, so I want you arriving at around 5:30."

"David, I wanted to discuss a change, maybe a delay." David Braxton was her manager, the man that got her foot in the door after hearing her perform in a club. He was a well-known manager, but something about Kimberly that night made him want to put her out there into the world. He worked for months to get her this tour deal, and Kimberly knew it.
"Having second thoughts about a tour?"

"No, I mean, I want to do this tour, but maybe let's not start in Australia."

"We can't change it now, Kimberly. We have the vendors waiting for you. Are you getting nervous about performing for another act?" Kimberly had joined the mainframe of another group that was already big. She was to be their opening acts as they went to Australia and moved on to Europe. It was a great deal and a change from the small shows Kimberly did around California and west coast.

"No, I think...I know I'm ready."

"This wouldn't have to do what that boy again."

"That boy, David. He is not some boy, okay."

"I thought he was going to Australia as well and will be meeting up with you in Europe."

"He is. His trip is still on, I just..."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Something like that."

"Don't let that screw-up this chance. We have worked too hard for that."

"He'll be ready to see you now," the secretary said finally.

"Great." David held Kim's shoulders. "You look great, let's go wow them again." He took her hand and led her inside.


Tommy came by JIVE and found Kimberly walking around. Tommy came up behind her Kimberly and placed his hand on her lower back.


"Excuse me," Kimberly went to walk away. Tommy followed, before pushing her down a secluded hall. "What is your problem!"

"I'm sorry."

"Doesn't help."

"I know. I just wanted to tell you that."

"Talk to me, Tommy. What exactly are we dealing with here?"

"I won't know until her test come in."

"And what will you do if she is pregnant!"

"Take responsibility."


"NO! I love you!" He cupped her face.

"You do?"

"Of course I do!" They kissed. "Here." He handed over a envelope.

"What is this?"

"Open it later, not now."

"I still have some things to sign and straighten out before our flight. How about lunch?"

"Sure. Your place, okay. I'll bring the food."

"Deal." Kimberly checked her water. "It's only 10. How about let's say 1."

"Perfect." He kissed her again. "I'll see you then."



Kimberly was carrying 3 huge suitcases down her steps near the front door, when there was knock at her door.

"IT'S OPEN!" Tommy walked in as Kimberly was piling up her bags.

"It's only gonna be 4 months, you know."

"Ha ha! I'm finished with clothes and shoes." Tommy laughed.

"Come on, lunch on the terrace would be great." Tommy took her hand and lead her through the doors to the outside balcony. Kimberly kicked off her slides and took a seat beside him. After eating, they retreated to Kim's bedroom where they made slow passionate love. Kimberly was lying on her back to Tommy's chest. both just resting. Kimberly was playing with one of Tommy's hands, while he stroked her shoulder and other arm. Her phone went off.

"Hello?" Kimberly sighed and pulled the sheet up to cover her chest. "Hi, Mom. Yea yea, I'm fine now. Yes, really, I'm okay. Of course. I understand. I can't wait too. Alright, tell Daddy I said hi. I'll call you when I arrive in Sydney, okay." Kimberly saw the envelope. "Yea, sure. I love you too. Bye." She hung up her phone and picked up the envelope. She laid back to Tommy as she opened it. "What is this?"

"You can't read?" She slapped his chest.

"How did you get this?"

"With skill."

"This is one of the most expensive restaurants ..."

"And romantic."


"Because you need it. We need it."

"Thank you." She kissed him.



Kimberly sat in front of vanity mirror curling her hair. Dressed in a lavender silk triple tier dress with pink 2-band slingbacks. She picked out her newly expensive dress that she was saving for tonight. Kimberly had Aisha on speakerphone as she was in Africa, having opened a hospital for animals and working on higher degree.

"So dinner, are you two okay now?"

"Yea. Been fighting for a week now, I guess it was time to end." Aisha laughed.

"You know, Kim, you are my girl, my best friend that I love deeply and I don't want to hurt but..."

"But what?"

"Has he told you his plans exactly?"

"Yes! Tommy said he would take responsibility, but in no way would he jump into marriage. And I have to agree with that. Marrying someone just because you got them pregnant, it's wrong, not just for you, but the child. I mean, look at my parents, if it wasn't for Tim or me..."

"But your parents are together again."

"True, that worked out in the end, but gosh, all the years of fighting over it. I wouldn't wish that on anyone."

"What about Joan Do you think she wants this responsibility alone?"

"She won't be alone! Tommy and I will be there for her and the baby, always."

"You don't truly believe it will be that easy, I hope."

"Aisha, babe, I love you. Trust me, everything is fine." Tommy knocked on the door to her bedroom.

"Hey, the front door was open."


"Wow, Kim, you look beautiful."


"Thanks." Kim looked at the phone.

"What is she thanking herself for?" Tommy asked.

"Hey, I was the one that picked out that dress in the catalog for Kimberly months ago!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Aisha."

"You're welcome. Enjoy your night."

"Ready to go?"

"In a minute. Aisha, I will call you when we arrive in Australia, okay."

"Okay. You take care and safe flight you two."



Kimberly clicked the end button.

"Okay, just give me a few seconds."

"Take your time."





Dynasty Room

Tommy watched Kimberly across the table from him as their plates arrived and they were eating.

"Do you like the salmon?"

"Uh, yea," Tommy said. "How is your pasta?"

"Great. Here, have a bite." She feed him some. "Good, huh?"

"Great." She smiled. Right before dessert was to be ordered, Tommy's cell phone went off. "Excuse me."

"Would you like dessert, sir?"

"Sure, Kim, just order me whatever you want." Tommy got up and left the table. The waiter handed over the small menu. Kimberly looked through it.

"Okay, the double chocolate cheesecake, looks great."


"Uh, sure."

"Good choice." He took the menu and the few plates away.

"And a cappuccino."

"Of course, miss." Kimberly looked over and saw Tommy wasn't where the phone area was. She went to find him. Tommy was outside away from the restaurant yelling into his phone.

"NO! This is ridiculous! That is not my fault!" Kimberly came up behind him. "I can't! I can't delay this dig, it has be set for months now! Of course, I understand that. It's not that I don't care...this has nothing to do with Kimberly. This is us talking here, okay Joan. Fine, we can meet tomorrow again." Tommy felt someone behind him and turned to see Kimberly. "I'll call you in the morning. You too. Bye."

"So, what's going on? She is pregnant, huh?" Kimberly groaned and walked away.

"KIM, WAIT!" She went back inside and picked up her purse and jacket.

"I took the notion of making it to go," the waiter said bringing over a bag.

"Good night, Tommy." Kimberly left. Tommy looked over the bill quickly, tossing 2 hundred dollars to the table, before racing after Kimberly.

"Would you just hold up?" Tommy grabbed her arm as she raised it for a cab.

"WHY? You know, deep down, I wanted her not to be pregnant. How selfish is that? Do you want to know why? Because I knew it, I knew if it was true, I couldn't handle it. We couldn't handle it."

"Why not?"

"Because you're going to be a father! And I will never be apart of it." A cab pulled up. "Good night, Tommy. Have a great life." She opened the car and slammed the door. Tommy groaned and hit the top of the cab before it pulled away.


