1Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy... If I did they would be shagging instead of trying to kill each other. JK Rowling owns the rights, so don't sue... I'm not making any money while she's making billions XD

Author Notes - I bought Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on Saturday July 16th, 2005 at 12:26am, reading until 7:30am. I then slept until 2:00pm, and instead of eating breakfast and doing regular morning activities, I divulged in the book until 5:30pm, when my boyfriend came over. When he left at 9:00pm, I proceeded reading, finishing the book at 10:00pm.

I finished HBP the day it came out.

(Yes, I am still in shock)

Summary - Draco failed his mission. The Dark Lord guaranteed his and his mother's death if he failed... Eventual H/D Post HBP, WARNING! SPOILERS!

Chapter 1 - Afterwards


A resounding crack could be heard in the cold, silent night air. House lights remained blackened and not a single sole, except one young man, moved through the streets.

The young man ran through the deserted streets seeming to be searching for a specific place. Slightly out of breath, the pale young man began to sport a slight sweat as he made his way towards his destination.

A left, a right, another right and a left later, the young man ran towards a manor on top of a hill, which, unsurprisingly, had all of it's lights still on.

Quickly turning off the security alarms, the young man tore through the gate and up the stairs, into the manor.


"Draco? Oh you're home! Thank Merlin!" His mother cried, astonished that her only son was still alive.

"Mother, listen to me. We need to leave now. I'll explain later, just grab my arm and hold on tight." Draco Malfoy demanded. Had his mother not been his mother, she would have missed the panicked and scared look in her sons silver eyes.

Narcissa did as her son advised, and all too soon felt the highly uncomfortable sensation of Apparation. She tended to avoid Apparation whenever possible; it was not her favorite way to travel. As the pressure on her chest dulled into nothingness, she had more than a few questions.

"Where are we, Draco?"

Draco remained silent, checking a street sign before walking quickly down the street entitled "Privet Drive," completely ignoring his mother.

"Draco, I asked you a-" Narcissa began. She allowed her son freedoms, but ignoring her? Oh no, it just wasn't allowed.

"Mother, please! I promise you, I will explain everything, but not now. Tonight, yes, but not at the present hour." Draco said quietly, interrupting his mother.

Narcissa nodded, beginning to understand the seriousness of the situation. Something, maybe even more than one something, was wrong. She could tell by the panic in Draco's voice.

Draco looked around worriedly. They hadn't been followed; Severus had turned around to fight Potter last he knew... The rest of the Death Eaters had Apparated to the Riddle house, like he was supposed to have done.

Severus was not supposed to have murdered Dumbledore; it was Draco's mission. The Dark Lord has promised Draco's and his mother's deaths had he failed or another Death Eater completed the mission. Draco was in deep shit, plain and simple.

Oh yes, Draco cared about dying, but not as much as he cared about his mother being murdered for one of his mistakes. He wouldn't let it happen.

That was why Draco and his mother were currently on Privet Drive instead of their manor in London; the Death Eaters were sure to arrive at the manor to look for them.. To murder them. Privet Drive was also a great amount away from Spinners End, where Severus and Pettigrew happened to reside as of late.

"He wouldn't be home yet..." Draco mumbled out loud. His mother didn't miss it.

"Who wouldn't be home, Draco?"

He was silent for a moment. "The only one that can help us." He answered softly.

Draco looked at the house numbers, searching for number four. The street lamps provided a certain amount of light to show the numbers, but to keep them invisible to home owners who happened to be looking out of their windows at ten in the evening.

Number four looked identical to the neighboring houses. The automobiles matched; even the licence plate numbers resembled each other.

And then it hit him, causing him to stop dead in his tracks.

"He lives here, doesn't he?" His mother asked quietly after bumping into him.

Draco nodded. This was Harry Potter's house. This was where, hopefully, he and his mother would reside, seeking refuge from the Dark Lord's wrath.

"The only problem is that he won't be home until tomorrow." Draco told him mother, sitting on the lawn. He could wait. The Dark Lord knew of the protection on Potter's house, so he would never think of coming here, let alone that Draco and his mother would.

Narcissa watched her son carefully, registering all the emotions that flickered over his face. First there had been admiration and hopefulness, for what she didn't know.. Yet. Next there had been scaredness, which had progressed into doubt and finally morphed into assurance. She would question Draco throughly, when the time was right.

She stepped over the curb, and sat next to Draco. He was paler than usual and had even gathered a grey tinge. His silver eyes had lost their passion and life that summer. He hadn't grown, she thought the shock of everything that had happened over the summer had somehow stunted his growth. He had also lost a fair amount of weight, and even more while he was away at Hogwarts; she was very worried to say the least. More questions for later.

Draco cast a dissallusionment charm on himself and his mother. Never could trust muggles; what would they do if they awoke to find Draco and his mother asleep on their lawn?

With that thought, Draco layed down and, staring at the stars and wondering how Potter would react, soon fell into a troubled sleep, invaded by cruel, cold laughter and flashes of emerald eyes.


Author Notes - This takes place immediatly after Draco Disapparates from Hogwarts in chapter 28, The Flight of the Prince. I still can't believe I've finished it already... Now I want the 7th book lol! Anywho, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter There's so much more to come, so please keep reading! Please review, I love hearing from you

