A drabble thing i did awhile ago, then forgot about. I'm in a YukixMachi phase. So, R & R (Damn, I've always wanted to say that. xD) and i will be a happy camper.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket. blah blah blah.


It was inevitable.

Or it would be, if she knew what inevitable meant.

'Ah', she hit herself lightly on the head. 'I'm begining to sound like Manabe.'

Machi rolled her eyes, noticing a strand of her pale brown hair blocking her view. She quickly blew it away, then bent over to finish organizing the student council papers. The strand fell into her face again. She brushed it back behind her ear, annoyed. She sighed, absent-mindedly stacking the important papers on top of each other messily. She looked out the window, and narrowed her eyes. Snow. She swallowed, averting her gaze back down to the disorganized papers. Suddenly, she clutched them tightly in her fists, the frail sheets crumpling beneath her petite fingers. Perfect. It was all so perfect...


Snapping out of her crazed state, Machi dropped the papers immediatly. ' Wonderful..' She thought dryly. She glanced over at Yuki Sohma, then bowed, apologizing. " Sorry, President."

Yuki smiled and shook his head, waving his hands. "No need to apologize." There was an awkward silence, then; " I just came here to retrieve the student council papers..."

"Oh, right." Machi tried aimlessly to smooth out the crumpled paper. " Sorry..." She apologized again, feeling foolish. She tensed when she felt Yuki come a bit closer, but relaxed when he began to smooth out the papers in suite with her.

That damned strand of hair fell into her face again. She glared at it, lifting up a hand to pull it back behind her ear.


Machi looked at Yuki, surprised. "Huh?"

"It's just that.. it's cute with it hanging there like that." He smiled teasingly.

Machi narrowed her eyes at him, and pushed the annoying strand behind her ear again. She picked up the half crumpled papers and handed them to Yuki. "Here."

"Thank you." He took them, smiled at her again, and walked out of the room.

'Idiot.' She bent over to gather her things to head home, and that godforsaken strand of hair fell in front of her face again.

She left it there.