Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

7 November 1077

One stormy day in northern Scotland, a lone figure walked out of the Hogwarts gates, illuminated by a flash of lightning flickering across the darkened sky. Rowena Ravenclaw, wearing deep blue and gold robes, strode through the storm, walking down the small road connecting the magnificent Hogwarts school to the new wizarding village. The village had sprung up nearby the school to house the many witches and wizards who helped build the school.

The regal witch was searching for a candidate to instruct the students in the art of Divination—an art for which Ravenclaw held very little patience. She believed that what was meant to happen would happen. The wizarding world was better off focusing on the present, not imprecise predictions of what might come in the future. However, as one of the four founders of the school, she recognized the art could be useful at times. The knowledge should be preserved forever, in spite of her reservations about that particular knowledge.

Walking through the doors, she waved to the bartender, who motioned for her to continue upstairs to a private parlor. The candidate she had arranged to meet with was awaiting her up there. As she walked up the stairs, the sounds of the bar below faded away, until all she could hear was the soft click of her shoes on the cold stone floor. With a sigh, she opened the door.

"Miss Ravenclaw," said a mystical voice, emanating from a chair by the fire. "So nice to see you in the physical world at last."

"Why thank you," said Ravenclaw, who didn't know if she should appear startled by the strange woman's proclamation or not. "You were interested in teaching my students Divination, were you not?"

The strange woman looked at Ravenclaw with her large, dreamy eyes. She almost looked like she hadn't heard the founder at all. Ravenclaw saw the candlelight reflected in her eyes. "Divination is not a subject that can be easily taught. If a student does not have the Sight, there is little I will be able to teach them. However, in every generation, there are a few who possess the Sight. I can instruct them and guide them in the use of their abilities."

"Well," said Ravenclaw, standing up to leave. "Thank you for your time, Miss Trelawny. I will be contacting you shortly by owl." She paused by the door, and looked back into the room when she heard a harsh noise. Not knowing if she should run to the help of the strange woman, or run for help, she watched.

Trelawny's eyes turned orange, fire reflecting through the eyes and out into the room. In a harsh voice quite unlike the soft, mystical voice she had been using earlier, she recited a prophecy. After this strange outburst, she collapsed on the floor, sound asleep.

Ravenclaw turned, contemplating what she had just heard, and walked out of the Hogs Head. The woman was completely unaware that her sole heir would encounter a very similar situation in the next thousand years.

Author's Notes

Well, here's the prologue of my newest story. This will be a Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossover, and will include HBP Spoilers, so you might want to read the book before reading my story. The story will take place when Harry is 19 and about 2 years out of Hogwarts, and Buffy will be slightly older than him, but it will be set shortly after the beginning of season six.

I'd like to thank Ringo's Wildrose for her invaluable help with this story, and for beta reading this story, correcting my many mistakes with the Buffy side of it.