Black Fire

Disclaimer: I don't own beyblade or any of the songs that my characters use. If the characters are oc's or not. I don't own anything apart from my oc's and the plot.

So please enjoy and review afterwards. This is my first fanfic so i'm sorry if i have any spelling mistakes. I got somwone to check them for me but i still think that I might have some.

Chapter 1: Running

The icy cold wind hit her face like a thousand needles. Her eyes stung from the snow falling into them. As she ran her legs were starting to cramp up but she ignored it and pushed on. Nothing was going to stop her, not the pain she felt . . . nothing.

Slowing down to a jog she looked over her shoulder. She wasn't being followed any more, thankfully. She didn't know how much longer her legs would go before they buckled. So she stopped and began panting for breathe. Looking down to where her black cargos used to cover her legs she saw the large cut on her left leg going from her knee down to her foot.

'Guess I shouldn't have kept pushing so hard.' She thought. Looking around her surroundings she found herself in a large and dark alley.

Her ears pricked up at the smallest of sounds. Spinning around she gasped. A boy stood at the entrance of the alley. Even though the orange street lights were just behind him his face was still covered by the shadow of his hair.

Gulping she took a step back. Cringing as pain shot up her leg, instead of standing on it fully she put most of her weight on her good leg.

"You thought you could escape did you? Well that was very foolish of you Talie." He sneered as he advanced towards her.

She couldn't move. No matter how much she tried she just couldn't, her throbbing leg just refused to move.

Panicking her eyes darted around looking for a place to run . . . anywhere . . . as long as it got her away from him.

Chuckling he took one more step forward and gasped, "What's going on Talie!" He demanded. Looking up his yellow eyes shone in the darkness.

"Huh?" Looking confused at him, the look of horror was plastered right across his features.

Was it just her or was something glowing behind her? Looking to the side at the walls there was a bright light on them. Recognizing the glow she smiled, "You've just made a big mistake Steel." Looking him straight in the eye.

Hooves slowly tapped the ground behind her and the glow got brighter. It also got warmer like flames.

Steel quickly repeated his steps to the entrance of the alley. "This isn't over yet Talie! You'll come back to us I know it!" Turning around he ran off.

Sighing Talie ran her hand through her matted blue hair. 'That was . . . interesting.' She chuckled within her mind.

Looking over her shoulder to see the glow was gone; also whatever made the hoof noises.

"I should get going. Don't know what Steel's gonna do." Slowly she limped out the cold and damp alley and into the cold dark streets.

Shivering Talie rubbed her hands on her arms to try and keep warm. But the cold and icy wind just blew across her already cold form.

She didn't know how long she'd been walking since she met Steel in the alley way but she guessed it was really late. Lifting her head slightly she looked around the area where she stood. She was in a large park, with two large floodlights standing opposite each other at the edge of the park.

A shiver ran up her spin as she felt a hot breathe brush against her bare leg. Her eyes widened even before she turned to see what it was. Even though she had a pretty good idea of what it was. Taking in a deep breathe she slowly turned her body around to meet a pair of sickly pale yellow eyes staring up at her.

'Ok don't panic don't panic.' She thought to herself as she took a step back from the grey wolf that stood in front of her.

Looking over her shoulder she tried to guess how long it would take her to run out of the bright light and into the shadows but the mess her leg was in she knew she couldn't outrun the wolf.

In one swift movement the wolf lunged forward, baring its' teeth and claws ready to sink into Talie's sweaty flesh.

Letting out a small scream she managed to jump out the way but she skidded on the damp grass and fell onto her already throbbing leg. Looking up she didn't have anytime to move out the way as the wolf clamped its' jaws on her shoulder. Screaming in pain she tried to move her right arm but it wouldn't budge, that only left her other arm which was desperately trying to get the wolf off.

The more she struggled the more the wolfs' jaws closed together. Blood flooded from her shoulder and down the wolfs' mouth and running down its neck.

Taking in deep and hard breathes Talie tried to escape from the canines grasp. She could feel the teeth inside her, the sharp pearl white intruders, pushing the outer layer of skin inside her wounds. She only managed to turn her head slightly to look the wolf in the eye. Its' eyes showed no emotion, nothing. It was like staring into two large empty pools.

Gasping as the wolf let go off her. But the relief was short lived as the wolf took another part of her body in its' teeth. Her neck. She just managed to let out another scream as the jaws were limiting her from breathing. This time she panicked and started hitting the wolf in the face near its' eyes.

Growling the animal tightened its grip around her neck, a loud growl rumbling up its' throat and out its' mouth making the flesh of Talie's skin vibrate. Screaming again she coughed up a large amount of blood.

'That's it . . . . its all over and there's . . . .no way I'm going to make it out alive.' She thought, tears running down her cheeks as her body began to feel weak and heavy. Her lungs were pounding in her chest demanding air but received none. Her heart was starting to slow down and her eyes began to close. When her world went dark and everything went ice cold . . . . . . . .

So what do you think? I hope you liked it, please review and as soon as the reveiws start coming in I'll put up another chapter.