Hello all! Welcome to my hopefully incredible "Incredibles" fanfiction. I just thought that it would be fun to take Violet's character farther than the movie portrayed as well as her social life. So while I slip in my disclaimer, please, make yourself comfy.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the wonderful production or story of Disney and Pixar's creation, The Incredibles.

Ehem... Without further delay... Friday at Seven


It's here. This day has finally come! Violet thought as she tossed the green salad her mother had asked her to for dinner that evening. Not that Violet would be able to eat that night, save the popcorn she had agreed to buy for the movie. Every word of that conversation with Tony Rydinger at Dash's track meet was engraved into her memory, as well as every movement that he had made during their conversing. He had been so charming, so debonair, and so adamant to get her attention.

How many times before had she craved the same courage as Tony's to waltz right up to him and give a confident "Hey. How's it going? I'm Violet Parr, y'know, the girl who's in five of your classes?"

But every time the little kernel of bravery she had mustered would shrivel up right before she approached him, and she would disappear. Really, she'd vanish. So what if she was a superhero with superpowers and fought supervillians and saved the world countless times in very super ways; talking to a person of the opposite sex, who you just happened to have been in love with for the past three years is not a feat easily succeeded.

After almost losing a part of or possibly her entire family, reality rapidly sunk in, revealing to her that a refusal from one person for a date was completely insignificant and miniscule, compared to the preciousness of her family. That didn't mean, however, that she wasn't totally thrilled for her date with Tony. Oh, no. Even Tony had noticed a change in her, as had she. It was time to manifest that change further and create a new mold for herself, Violet Parr. A date with the hottest, nicest guy in school… yeah, that's a good start.