A/N: another lame attempt at a story. I got the idea from watching the movie. Please tell me if it sucks or not. If you like it, review.

Disclaimer: if the characters were mine, do you really think that I would be writing on this site? Also I don't own the plot, either. If I did, id be richer than rich.

Claimer: I only own the character changes and song changes. Those are mine! Lol. Ok. On with the story!

Across a desert plain, our narrator shares his song and story with you. He hopes that you will not hit the back button and think that this story is not worth reading.

Oh, I come from a land

From a faraway place

Where the caravan threastels roam

Where it's flat and immense

And the heat is intense

It's barbaric

But, hey, its home!

Where the winds from the east

And the suns from the west

And the sand in the glass is right

Come on down,

Stop on by,

Hop a Nimbus and fly!

To another wizarding night!

Wizarding nights, like wizarding days,

More often than not,

Are hotter then hot

In a lot of good ways!

Wizarding nights

'Neath magical moons

A fool of his guard

Could fall, and fall hard

Out there in the Dark!

"Well, hello, and good evening, my friends!" he says to you, the reader.

"Welcome to the story! Where there will be mystery, enchantment, and the finest magical kingdom that all of Europe has ever seen!" he says the last part rather quickly.

He shows you a number of things that include relics from the Marauders days, but you are not interested in that, are you?

No, you are interested in a story worth reading, not something you can but over the internet!

He finally shows you a magic lamp. One that looks centuries old.

"Do no be fooled by its appearance," he reminds you. "Like so many things, it's not what is outside, but what is inside that count."

"Maybe you would like to hear what happened?" at your continuous reading, he tells you.

Stupid line won't show. Pretend this is the line. Ok? Good.

The story begins on a dark night. Where a dark man waits, with a dark purpose.

He had on a cloak with the hood up to hide his face. He has a rat on his shoulder and is looking at a man with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes who is on the floor in front of him.

"You…are late." Sneered the man in the cloak.

"A thousand apologizes, master." Said the man bowing.

"You have it, then?" asked the man under the cloak.

"I had to Obliviate a few wizards, but I got it." Said the other man, holding up a gold piece. It was half of a golden beetle.

The first man went to grab it, but the other man snatched it away.

"The reward." Said the second man reminding the other of their deal.

The rat jumped from its master's shoulders and onto the other man's hand and bit it. He grabbed the beetle and gave it to his master.

"Trust me, my faithful servant. You'll get what's coming to you." He said as he withdrew the other piece and put the two pieces of the beetle together. It came alive and started to fly toward the Dark Forest outside of Hogwarts.

"Quickly, follow it!" yelled the first man as he climbed on a broom and flew to where the beetle was.

The beetle went deep into the forest ad settled its pieces onto either side of a dune. The ground started to rumble and shake as the pieces became eyes and the head of a tiger was soon formed.

"After all my years of searching! The Cave of Wonders!" said the first man triumphantly.

"By Merlin." Breathed the second.

"Remember, bring me the lamp, you can have the rest of the treasure, but the lamp is mine!" warned the first man.

The second man slowly went to where the tiger's head was and saw into its open mouth a staircase. He made to go down the stairs, but was pushed back by the tiger speaking.

"Who disturbs my slumber?" it asked in a roaring voice.

"It is I, Lucius, the humble Death Eater." Replied the second man.

"Know this: only one may enter here," it said in the same voice. "One whose worth lies far within: a diamond in the rough."

Lucius looked to the other man and cloaked man told him to go into the Cave.

He carefully stepped into the mouth and sighed, but it was too late. The dune started to rumble again as it swallowed Lucius whole and the cloaked man was knocked to his feet.

He heard the echo of the tiger's voice saying to find the diamond in the rough.

"I can't believe it. I just don't believe it!" said a new voice. It was a short, balding man. He stood where the rat once was. "We're never going to get that stupid lamp!"

"Patience, Wormtail, patience." Said the cloaked man as he took the beetle's pieces from him. "Lucius was obviously less than worthy." He said as he pocketed the pieces.

"Oh, there's a big surprise! I think I'm going to have a heart attack and die from that surprise!" said Wormtail sarcastically. "What are we going to do! We got a big problem here, a big—"

He was cut off from the cloaked man shutting him up with a Silencing spell.

"Yes, only one may enter. We must find this one. This diamond in the rough." He said as he went back to his hiding place.

Stupid, stupid line won't show. I have having to do this instead.

"Stop! Thief!" cried a voice throughout Hogwarts' dungeons. "I'll have your hands for a trophy, Potter!"

"All this for a piece of boomslang?" the boy muttered to himself. He ran until he found a closet to hide in. Snape had probably gotten Filch and a couple of Slytherins to help him look for the thief.

He came out of the closet and ducked into a girls' bathroom. There were only about 3 girls in there and they didn't even flinch. They were used to it because Harry had gotten into trouble a lot.

"You wont get away so easy!" he heard Filch say.

"He thinks that was easy?" Harry said and the girls laughed.

"Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we, Harry?" asked done girl.

"Trouble? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught." He told the girls. Suddenly the door opened and Snape caught him by the collar.

"I'm in trouble." Harry muttered obviously. Snape cloak was suddenly pulled over his head, covering his eyes. Harry ducked and escaped.

"Perfect timing, Ron, as usual." He said as he ran with his best friend at his side.

"Hello." Ron said as they made a run for it.

"Let's get out of here!" Harry said as he and Ron made a run for it.

Harry and Ron: Got to keep
One jump ahead of the bread line
one swing ahead of the wand
we steal only what we can't afford
that's everything

One jump ahead of the Slytherins
That's all, and that's no joke
These guys don't appreciate we're broke

Slytherins: Riffraff! Street rat! Scoundrel! Take that!

Harry and Ron: Just a little snack, guys.

Slytherins: Rip him open, take it back, guys

Harry: I can take a hint, got to face the facts
You're my only friend, Ron!

Slytherins: Who?

Ladies: Oh it's sad they've hit the bottom
they've become a two-man rise in crime
we'd blame parents except they don't have them

Harry and Ron: Got to
eat to live, got to steal to eat
Tell you all about it when we got the time!

One jump ahead of the slowpokes
One skip ahead of my doom
Next time going to use a
nom de plume
One jump ahead of the Slytherins
One hit ahead of the flock
I think I'll take a stroll around the block

Crowd: Stop, thief! Vandal! Outrage! Scandal!

Harry: Let's not be too hasty

Pansy: Still I think he's rather tasty

Ron: Got to eat to live, got to steal to eat
Otherwise we'd get along

Slytherins: Wrong!

Harry: One jump ahead of the wand points


Ron: One hop ahead of the spell

(Street rat!)

Harry: One trick ahead of disaster


Ron: They're quick, but I'm much faster
(Take that!)

Harry and Ron: Here goes, better throw our hands in
Wish us happy landin'
All we got to do is jump!

They got a spare flying broom from a closet and literally threw themselves out of the nearest window. The Slytherins were actually stupid enough to follow them! They ended up falling into some spare brooms.

They flew to the abandoned shack in the neighboring town and started to brew the potion. They needed the boomslang for it. It was a potion to keep them from starving. It helped them make food.

Ever since the Second war, Harry had disappeared. Voldemort had cast a spell that threw them into an alternate reality of everything.

No one remembered their former lives, or even if they had one. Harry and Ron had been outcasts ever since.

The castle that was across the view was known as Hogwarts. It was a kingdom. Dumbledore was the sultan and he had a daughter named Princess Hermione.

"And now, we feast!" said Ron as he put the potion into two glasses and drank his down in one shot. It tasted awful, but at least his stomach wasn't growling anymore. It had worked!

As Harry was about to drink his, a cry got his attention. He saw two 11-years-olds in the trash cans looking for food, when something bit one of them.

Harry took one look at his potion and opened the window to offer it to them. He told them what it did, and them being so young, would keep them full for about a couple of weeks.

Ron said that he had sympathy for those less fortunate than themselves and that was saying something, as they barely had anything.

They heard commotion outside and saw that there was a very important-looking person on his way to the castle. He was on a Firebolt.

"Another suitor for the princess." Commented a townsperson.

Harry and Ron looked in awe. Anyone who had that broom was certain to be rich. They heard giggling and the boy from earlier came out with his sister behind him. They were admiring the broom.

"Out of my way, mudbloods!" the man said, but Harry stepped forward as Ron shook his head. The man was about to put a spell on the kids.

"Hey!" Harry said, getting in the way. "If I was as rich as you, I could afford some manners!" he spit at the pale boy.

"I'll teach you some manners!" said the pale boy as he kicked Harry into the mud. The onlookers were laughing by now and Ron rushed to his friend's side.

"Look at that, Ron." Harry said loud enough for everyone to hear. "It's not everyday you see a broom with two arses." The crowd held their breaths.

"You are a worthless mudblood," said the obvious prince. "You were born a mudblood, you will die a mudblood, and only your fleas will morn you!" he said as he flew towards the gates to the castle.

Harry went to go after him, but Ron stopped him.

"He's not worth it, mate." Ron said.

"I'm not a mudblood, or worthless. And I don't have fleas." Harry said as he scratched his head, proving the prince right. "Come on, Ron. Let's go home." He said as they both went through the passage way to their home. (A/N: the commotion was in Hogwarts grounds.)

Harry: Half-blood, street rat
I don't buy that
If only they'd look closer

Ron: Would they see a poor boy? No, siree
They'd find out
There's so much more to me

"Some day, Ron. Things are going to change." Said Harry as Ron was already snoring. "We'll be rich, live in a castle, and never have any problems at all." He said as he looked through the window to the castle.

A/N: sorry to end it here, but I wanted to introduce Hermione in the next chapter. Please tell me what you think of it!

Review, me hearties, yo ho!


Check out my other stories, too, please!