So yeah, I haven't updated this story in like months. What brought me back you ask? The people who reviewed and said "update soon" or "PLEASE UPDATE SOON" or "continue soon". I'll be honest, I most likely wouldn't have wrote this chapter if all of you reviewers hadn't urged me to. So... this chapter goes out to everyone who reveiwed my fic, even tho the last time I updated was in the end of January. I love you guys and thanks for giving me inspiration!

P.s. So if I start slacking off, you know what to do lol. Forgive and notify me if there are any mistakes. I'm kinda tired, so I'm not going to check it over. I know, I'm being bad... Sawi...



Mimiru scowled darkly, her blue-green eyes glaring out of the window. She was so pissed off that she could scream. Her eyes strayed to Subaru, who was actually sitting on Tsukasa's white hospital bed, holding onto his hands as if he was dying from cancer. She wasn't even sitting in the empty chair that was next to the bed; no, she had to sit on the bed.

Mimiru wanted to rip Subaru's blue hair out, but restrained herself. She had chosen to drag her own chair away from the oh-so-happy couple and seat herself next to the window. She found herself transfixed by the view. Tsukasa was in a nice, clean hospital, near many trees and singing birds.

Mimiru's Mother and Bear had left a few hours ago, most likely to talk about Tsukasa. The two adults knew that Subaru and Mimiru would take care of Tsukasa while he slept. Mimiru glanced quickly at Tsukasa. Indeed, the silver-haired boy was still fast asleep and this worried her.

"He still hasn't woken up." Mimiru's head shot up at the sound of Subaru's sweet voice. It made her sick. "Mimiru, I'm worried."

Mimiru snorted and tossed her head. "There's nothing to be worried about. He's perfectly healthy; even the doctor said so." She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled again. God she pisses me off! Finally, the brunette stood up. "I need to get some air. I trust you can take care of him." Might as well make her feel useful.

"Yes." Subaru nodded, smiling. Mimiru strode over to the door and reached for the doorknob, but the door swung open wildly and nearly hit her in the face.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Mimiru screeched as Faith leapt into the room, clutching a bouquet of flowers. "What… are you doing here?"

"Hi-hi, Mimi-chan!" Faith bounded past the first empty bed and entered Tsukasa's side of the room. Mimiru was forced to whirl around and follow the hyper girl. "Eh? Who are you?" The dark-haired girl pointed at Subaru.

"Hello." Subaru stood up and extended her hand to Faith. "My name is Subaru. What's yours?" Faith cocked her head to one side and slowly took Subaru's hand. She then pumped it up and down rapidly. "Ow…" Subaru muttered as Faith finally released her hand.

"I'm Faith and I'm here with my family!" Faith threw the bouquet of flowers onto the table next to Tsukasa's bed. She then chose to dive right on top of Tsukasa, hugging the boy around the waist and pressing her head to his chest. "Kasa-kun! Wake up, Kasa-kun!"

"K-Kasa-kun?" Mimiru could only watch in shock as Faith continued shouting in her loud, sing-song voice. "Oi, get off him! He needs his rest!"

"But Helba said that he was fully healed." Faith turned to Mimiru, pouting. Mimiru's eyes widened in shock and Subaru looked at the brunette, completely confused. "Nee, nee, Crim-itoko, Sora-niisan, Helba, and even Balmung-warui are coming here! It'll be like a big family reunion!"

"WHAT?" Mimiru exploded, grabbing Faith by the back of her shirt and prying her off Tsukasa. She threw the overexcited girl onto Subaru's empty seat. "Explain yourself. Now."

"Oh… umm… BT-neechan drove here… and as soon as she reached the entrance, I flung myself out of the trunk and ran all the way here!" Faith grinned widely, spreading her arms wide. "So… they should be here any minute now. Except BT-neechan, cuz she had to grade some papers."

"And Helba's with them?" Mimiru asked disbelievingly.

"Yup, yup!" Faith nodded her big head and turned to Tsukasa. "But Helba didn't say that Kasa-kun would still be sleepy."

"Why is this Helba the only person you don't refer to as family?" Subaru asked curiously and Mimiru looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Because… Helba is in a class of her own." Faith said mysteriously. She then jumped forward and slapped Mimiru across the face.

"What was that for?" Mimiru was about to hit Faith back, but then saw the large grin on the girl's face. She must have some odd reason for doing it… "Okay, what is your psychotic head cooking up now?"

"Yay! Now we're engaged!" Faith jumped onto Mimiru and the brunette was forced to hold her. She gave Mimiru a huge smooch on the cheek.

"WHAT?" Mimiru was beyond livid at this point. Subaru started laughing and tried to cover her mouth with her hand. She couldn't control herself and burst into a fit of giggles. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?"

"In a place, very, very, very far from here-you have to get flushed down a toilet or come into contact with water to reach it- called Shin Makoku it's a custom to slap someone across the cheek so you can get engaged!" Faith squealed happily, wrapping her arms around Mimiru's neck.

"I don't WANT to be engaged to you!" Mimiru was seething. Wherever the hell this Shin Makoku is, it's not here! "We're in Japan! Their customs don't apply to us!" Faith bounded off Mimiru with the grace of an eagle.

"Shibuya Yuri, Harajuku Furi!" Faith chanted happily as she began dancing about the room. It was a miracle Tsukasa didn't wake up.

"I see Faith found the room safe and sound." Crim, in all of his spiky-haired blue glory, strolled into the room. "Sorry if she caused any trouble."

"We're engaged." Mimiru said flatly and Subaru giggled at this. As the brunette was glaring at her rival, Sora and Balmung sauntered into the room. Sora was carrying a bouquet of flowers and a heart-shaped, red box, most likely full of chocolate. Balmung was lugging a cute, white teddy bear wearing a blue T-shirt that proclaimed "GET WELL" in bright green letters.

"Shibuya Yuri, Harajuku Furi!" Faith continued, completely disregarding the fact that her cousin was in the room. Or maybe she was too caught up in her own happiness to notice anything.

Balmung, with a disgusted look on his face, walked straight past the girl and flung the bear onto the table, next to Faith's flowers. "You should have seen his face throughout the car ride!" Sora jumped up and down with glee, slinking over to Subaru. "And who are you, my pretty?"

Subaru blushed and backed away, looking at Mimiru for help. Mimiru couldn't help but feel bad for the pathetically shy girl and walked over to them. She placed her arm around Subaru's shoulders and drew the girl closer to her.

"Her name is Subaru and she's feeling just a TAD overwhelmed because all these strange people just burst into her boyfriend's room!" Mimiru blew up and all the antics ceased. "Do you people have any manners? Tsukasa is trying to sleep!"

"Actually, I'm up now Mimiru." A tiny voice said from behind Mimiru and she whirled around, turning Subaru's body as well. Without a doubt, Tsukasa was awake and sitting up in bed his bed, with an amused smile on his face.

"GET THE HELL BACK TO SLEEP!" Mimiru bellowed, her free hand ready to smack the stupid boy. Faith shook her head at this.

"Mimiru, why don't you sit down?" Subaru shrugged off the brunette's arms and gently pushed Mimiru down into the seat near Tsukasa's bed. Mimiru growled, but willingly sat down and crossed her arms over her chest crossly. "Now then, everyone, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Subaru." She gestured to Sora. "What is your name?"

"I'm Sora." Sora pointed to himself, his green bangs swaying about. He then wandered over to Crim. "This is my boyfriend, Crim."

"Nice to meet you, Subaru." Crim smiled gently at her. "Once again, I apologize for all this. We didn't mean to wake Tsukasa up."

Sora then crept over to Balmung, who had seated himself in the chair nearest the window, away from everyone. "The sourpuss is Balmung. He doesn't want to be here, but Helba threatened him." He grinned happily as Faith stuck her tongue out at Balmung. She began twirling about the room again.

Balmung shoved Sora away from him and the green-haired man retreated to the safety of his boyfriend. "Faith, sit down at the foot of Tsukasa's bed." Crim ordered sternly and Faith obeyed, pouting slightly.

"Where is Helba?" Mimiru broke the uneasy silence.

"Who cares?" Balmung surprisingly answered, staring darkly out the window, much like Mimiru had been a while ago. Crim let out a small sigh.

"You rang?" Helba herself strolled into the room, holding a small child by the hand. Mimiru froze. It was as if the devil had walked into the room. The small child was a girl with long, wispy, curled, white hair and eerie, purple eyes. She was wearing a white dress with frills at the bottom that reached her ankles.

"Who is that?" Crim frowned at the girl. "I hope you didn't kidnap her…" Faith's jumped up and crawled as fast as she could to Tsukasa's side. She grasped him by the waist once again and buried her face into his chest, quivering in fear.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Tsukasa stroked Faith's black hair. Balmung narrowed his eyes at the girl and Sora inched even closer to his lover.

"Aura? What are you doing here?" Of all people, Subaru stepped forward and knelt down so that she was face-to-face with the girl.

She knows that little demon? How? Mimiru screamed inside of her head. The brunette couldn't remember a time when she had been so scared. The girl seemed to emit chaos and destruction. She was surprised the sky hadn't turned black at her fatal appearance.

Tsukasa found himself mesmerized by Aura's pools of purple, so much like his own. They were empty, impassive, but they held implicit insight. Aura's eyes pierced right into his very soul and he felt very exposed, as if he was naked.

"I found her wandering around in the halls, calling for Tsukasa." Helba said simply, letting go of Aura's hand. Subaru picked Aura and scolded her for walking around alone. "I figured you being her cousin, had mentioned Tsukasa to her."

Subaru, still holding Aura, backed away from Helba. "How did you know that? My uncle just adopted her." The blue-haired girl stared suspiciously at Helba. "I don't know who you are… but I don't want you around my cousin anymore!" Subaru turned to Tsukasa. "I'm sorry, Tsukasa, but I have to bring Aura back to my uncle. I'll stop by your house tomorrow, okay?"

"Tsukasa…" Aura mumbled softly, but the entire room heard her. No one said anything. "Tsukasa…" Mimiru felt a new wave of fear wash over her. Aura's voice was delicate and innocent, but still so ominous. There was darkness behind her explicit purity.

Tsukasa felt Faith shiver even more against him, and with good reason. "Goodbye, Aura." Helba said firmly and the girl turned her head to look at the enigmatic woman. Aura simply nodded her head and rested it against Subaru's chest. Subaru briskly walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. All was silent, except for the sound of Faith's quivering body.

"O-kay… was anyone else MAJORLY freaked out about her?" Sora finally broke the troubled silence, earning him a smack in the back of the head. Faith finally let go of Tsukasa and crawled back to the foot of the bed, sitting up.

Mimiru's eyes widened. That was "her". She was the one! The brunette turned to Helba, only to see the woman nod her head in agreement. What does she want with Tsukasa? Is Subaru in danger? Does she even know how dangerous her new "cousin" is? One more question haunted Mimiru's mind: Why was Faith so scared of Aura? Helba said a quick goodbye to everyone and departed.

"Well, I think we've spent enough time here." Crim gave Tsukasa a small smile. "I hope you feel better."

"Thank you!" Tsukasa bowed his head quickly. Sora sloped over and gave him a loving smack on the back. "Ow…"

"Be gentle!" Mimiru snapped, standing up and yanking Sora's green hair.

"Ah, such a protective lass she is." Sora grinned widely and winked at Tsukasa. "You'll be better in no time. If not, she'll probably kill you." Mimiru growled at Sora and he leapt back into the protection of Crim.

"I hope you like the flowers." Faith jumped off the bed and gave Tsukasa a lop-sided smile. It was obvious she was still unnerved by Aura's appearance. Balmung stood up, fixed his icy gaze on Mimiru for a moment, and then walked out of the room. "Sorry, Kasa-kun… he meant to say goodbye but he's a jerk."

What the hell was that? Mimiru scowled crossly. And he didn't even say goodbye to Tsukasa! She stalked out of the room, turned right, and almost crashed right into Balmung's chest. The brunette gulped and backed away slightly, a light blush on her cheeks.

Balmung raised an eyebrow at her, clearly waiting for an explanation. "I-I just came here to say that you should've said goodbye to Tsukasa! You're nothing but a rude jerk!" Mimiru shouted at the top of her lungs, her hands clenched into fists. Wow… great one "Mimi-chan". She mocked herself.

"I see." Balmung crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at her. Mimiru found herself spellbound by his eyes. The first time she saw him, she thought they were green. But they actually seemed to be a mix of green and gray.

Mimiru couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something about Balmung's eyes that she liked. Maybe because she couldn't figure out what color they were. Maybe because for once, his eyes didn't seem as cold as she looked up into them. Hey… is there some blue in there, too?

Balmung frowned slightly. Usually, when women stared at him, there was nothing but lust, pathetic adoration, and borderline obsession in them. Usually, when women stared at him, he got annoyed and snapped at them. Usually, when women stared at him, it never lasted too long.

But Mimiru was different. To his dismay, Balmung found her turquoise eyes just as interesting as she found his… eyes. There wasn't any hunger, worship, or fixation in hers, just innocent curiosity that… didn't annoy him. But then, a slight cough broke their timeless moment.

Mimiru jumped a mile and whirled around, only to see Crim standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face. "It's a good thing Sora and Faith are still inside, or else you'd never hear the end of it." The blue-haired man said simply and walked off down the hallway.

Mimiru let out a squeal of surprise and covered her hands with her mouth. Balmung, just as surprised as she, simply followed Crim without saying a word. The brunette slowly stumbled back into Tsukasa's room, barely noticing as Faith and Sora passed her, skipping out of the room.

Mimiru sat down on the bed next to Tsukasa and let out a long sigh. "What the hell was that?" She groaned and fell back onto the bed so that she was lying across Tsukasa's stomach.

"Mimiru, are you okay?" Tsukasa leaned forward, his silver hair falling with him. He watched as the brunette let out one sigh after another. He knew not to complain of his newly acquired weight, because for one thing, Mimiru was his best friend and she didn't weight that much more than him.

"No, I'm not okay!" Mimiru sat back up rapidly, almost falling out of the bed. "That stupid, stupid, STUPID Balmung- I hate him!"

"If you're chosen to be their new lead singer, then you'll have to get used to him." Tsukasa pointed out, which only made Mimiru even madder.

"NOT HELPING!" Mimiru shouted crossly at him, standing up. "I should leave you here!" Grrrr… stupid, stupid, stupid BOYS!

"Mimiru…" Tsukasa sounded so dejected and broken that Mimiru instantly felt guilty, although she would never admit it.

"Ch, like I can actually leave. Your precious girlfriend would cut off my head with an axe if I left you here." Mimiru sat down in the chair instead, facing Tsukasa.

"Why don't you call her 'Subaru'?" Tsukasa asked curiously.

"Why can't you mind your own business?" Mimiru shot back, growing angrier by the second. Tsukasa smiled sadly and looked away. Okay… time to salvage whatever's left of our friendship after I completely bitched at him. "I'm sorry Tsukasa… it's just that Balmung confuses me a lot. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I mean… why can't he act like a normal person?"

"I don't know, Mimiru. But you deal with Motoki and me, so he can't be that much worse." Tsukasa joked lightly and was rewarded with a smile from Mimiru. "See? As long as you keep smiling, Balmung can't get to you."

"Yeah… you're right." Mimiru stood up, suddenly encouraged, and shot her fists into the air. "Let's get out of here! There's a whole world to explore!"

"Uh… Mimiru? What are you talking about?" Tsukasa frowned. Just what warped idea did I implant into her mind?

"Just you and me, Tsukasa, we'll take 'em on!" Mimiru grinned widely. "There's got to be more of those monsters out there, right? Plus, that Aura girl is after you. The only way we can assure that we'll live is if I practice with my sword."

"W-wait a minute, wasn't that just a dream? And besides, even if it is real, we shouldn't go looking for trouble!" Tsukasa protested nervously.

"Should we wait for another monster to come and try to murder you?" Mimiru smirked down at Tsukasa. "It's time to test out our powers!"

"S-shouldn't we wait for Helba to help us?" Tsukasa persisted.

"How do we know Helba's not on Aura's side? Look, the only way we'll get anywhere is if we start investigating on our own." Mimiru rolled her eyes. "Don't you want to know who sent that monster after you? And how they knew it would scare you?" Tsukasa let out a long sigh, admitting defeat.

Mimiru ran over to the window and kicked it open with strength she didn't even know she had. "Let's go!" The brunette said excitedly as the wind ruffled her already messy hair. I can't wait! Time to fight!

"Out the window?" Tsukasa shrieked as Mimiru yanked the bed sheets off him. "Are you crazy?" Mimiru responded by grabbing him around the waist and picking him up out of the bed. "Mimiru- let me go! You're going to get us killed!" Did Faith inject her with something while I wasn't looking?

Mimiru set Tsukasa on the ground and chuckled. Tsukasa looked so cute like that, with his disheveled silver hair and his purple eyes, wide with confusion and fear. He was wearing the classic hospital garb, a white, short-sleeved cloth that went down to his ankles and white socks on his feet.

"Well… first we'll get you some clothes." Mimiru looked Tsukasa up and down until he blushed brightly.

"Black Rose." A sharp voice cut into Mimiru's antics. "What are you doing?" It was Helba, right on time.

"I think you know what I'm doing." Mimiru shot back at the air, smirking. "I'm sick and tired of you being in control. It's time for Tsukasa and me to take back our lives."

"I see." Helba sounded amused. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

"I… er…" Mimiru hadn't the faintest idea and she turned to Tsukasa for support, which of course, he was always ready to give.

"It seems obvious that what happened back in the that realm of white wasn't a dream." Tsukasa said thoughtfully. "We aren't normal humans; you taught us that much. But why are we being targeted? Why were we chosen? We'll never find the truth unless we seek it ourselves."

"You're going along with her willingly?" Helba asked, surprised.

"Yes. I trust Mimiru with my life." Tsukasa said firmly. "I will follow her everywhere." Mimiru smiled gratefully at Tsukasa, his words warming her heart.

"Very well then, I give you my blessing." Helba sounded satisfied.

"Ch, like we needed it." Mimiru rolled her eyes. Tsukasa shook his head at her and sighed. "So, Helba, any words of wisdom for us?"

"Your impulsive selfishness will do nothing but cause him harm." Helba said straightforwardly. "But it is that very impulsiveness that makes up your essence, so I have no desire to change it. Instead, I will aid you, so that you will not have to worry about protecting Kite during a battle."

"What do you mean?" Mimiru frowned, a bit confused. First she insults me, then she takes it back, and now she's helping us? Mou, what a confusing woman…

"I will bestow a Guardian upon Kite so that you will not be distracted by his frailty." Helba answered and a golden light appeared above Tsukasa's head.

"I'm not that weak… Am I?" Tsukasa cocked his head to one side, unaware of the light that was hovering above him. Mimiru gulped and pointed upward. Tsukasa looked up and let out a shocked yelp, his eyes partially blinded.

The golden light condensed into a circular shape and Mimiru saw a tint of orange in it. When the light stopped shrinking, it turned into a bulky, golden bracelet with black incisions, zigzags, and slashes all over it, in a decorative manner, of course. The bracelet floated down to Tsukasa's left wrist and attached itself to him. Mimiru's jaw dropped open as Tsukasa frantically tried to shake it off.

"Mimiru… it won't come off!" Tsukasa fruitlessly squirmed about. Mimiru gave Tsukasa an apologetic smile; she knew there was nothing she could do.

"Now, now, Kite, don't do that. The device on your wrist is called the Twilight Bracelet. It serves many useful purposes, including transporting you to the world you seek; a world where monsters will relentlessly pursue you.

"In that world, Kite, you will utilize that bracelet in order to protect yourself. Upon summoning your 'Guardian', your bracelet will transform into a monster that will passionately protect you with its life. However, this fact you must always remember: while your Guardian protects you, you cannot escape back to the regular world. Think wisely about the times you choose to summon it." Helba warned Tsukasa sternly.

"I… I'll be careful." Tsukasa promised, nodding his head.

"Fight with honor, Black Rose." Helba advised the confused brunette. "I bequeath my blessing upon you." Mimiru and Tsukasa found themselves rising up into the air. Mimiru felt her body flying somewhere and she closed her eyes tightly.

Yay! Another great chapter finished! Later on, you can look forward to Mimiru's and Tsukasa's adventures in (as Helba said) "That World". Look out for creepy creepers, vicious beasts, pandemonium, and hey- maybe another character will be reunited with a sharp weapon capable of slicing a monster's head off!

Omg, omg! I just watched the new episode of The 4400 and I'm sooo impressed. It's a non-anime, supernatural TV show that I LOVE. (and occasionally obsess about). Yea, it was amazingly good. After I finish this, I'm going to go read some fanfiction. Tom & Diana FOREVER! Lol I'm such a loser...