Chapter 15: Through The Flames

(A/N: Ok last chapter! I'm so sad!)

"Oh no" Harry said, "not here, not now, please, no!"

Becky's laughs became lower and lower, as Harry's ears were filled with screams, screams from his mother.

Then came Dumbledore's last words, and the morning he had woken up to find Hermione gone.

"No… please, not now" Harry muttered.

"Stand aside silly girl!"

"I trusted you"


"Not here… not now"

"Harry, I'm going to have to place you under arrest"


"That's right Harry, I'm tired of you taking the spotlight so I decided to get some myself"

"BECKY! RUN NOW!" Harry yelled, looking around.

She just laughed, "They won't hurt me, I'm their leader, my daddy gave them to me for a present"

Harry was confused, Voldemort was communicating with her? How?

"What do you mean Becky?" Harry coughed through the smoke, "You know your daddy is dead"

Becky shook her head, "No he's not, he's in here" she said, pointing to her head.

Harry still didn't understand, "Becky, is your daddy telling you to do these things?" He asked.

She nodded remorsefully, and Harry saw her eyes flash back to their normal blue for just a moment.

"What were you doing with the cauldron Becky?" Harry asked.

"My daddy said that if I put some blood in here then he would come out of it, and he showed me what to do" she said.

Voldemort was trying to come back to life, Harry had gotten it all wrong, Becky's purpose was not to be an heir, it was to make sure Voldemort could live again after his death, he was using this innocent little girl, and communicating with her somehow, possibly even controlling her.

"Becky! Come here now, I'll take you to your mommy" Harry said, holding out his hand.

She shook her head, "No, my daddy doesn't like mommy, if I go to mommy he might make me hurt her"

Harry was again marveled at how smart this five year old girl was.

"Becky, I promise, I won't let him hurt your mommy!" Harry said, getting impatient.

She shook her head violently and the frozen flames grew higher.

Then the window behind Becky shattered, and Harry could see the familiar black cloak of a Dementor.

"Becky! NOW!" Harry shouted a little louder than he intended.

Becky plopped down on the ground and buried her face in her knees, which she tucked into her chest.

"Go away! Leave us alone!" she whined.

"Us?" Harry said.

"Yes, me and Nagini just want to be left alone!" she yelled into her knees.

Two Dementors glided through the window and stopped near Becky, as if guarding her from Harry.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Harry roared.

The two monsters remained motionless.

Harry heard a loud shriek and the rustling of a cloak outside the window, and it dawned on him.

"I see my bodyguards were correct in wanting to proceed me" Ron said, stepping through the broken window.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Harry repeated, his wand now pointing at Ron.

Ron placed his hand on Becky's head and she flinched.

"I finally have the honor of meeting my master's heir, it is my duty to see that her rise to power in uninterrupted" He said.

"RON! I MEAN IT!" Harry yelled.

Ron shook his head, "If you would be so kind as to escort the young lady back to the dragon please" he said to the closest Dementor.

They grabbed Becky's arms and pulled her, kicking and screaming, out of the house.

Harry took a step forward but Ron drew his wand.

"Relishio" he muttered and the flames vanished.

"Ron" Harry said warningly.

"You don't pose a threat to me anymore Harry, I'm not intimidated by you, you could be dead at any time that I wished you so"

Then Ron's face paled,

"H-H-Harry… I don't h-have m-much time… I'm… fighting his c-control, h…help me it's h-him, he's con-controlling me" Ron stuttered.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I said, I no longer fear you Potter" Ron said, raising his wand level with Harry's heart.

Immediatley Harry's mind started working, how far did Voldemort's power extend, even though he was dead?

He was dead, yet he was controlling Ron and Becky.

"Morning Beautiful" Mark said as Holly's eyes fluttered open.

"Morning" she said, sitting up and stretching.

Mark stared lovingly as the blankets fell off her chest when she sat up.

"What?" she said, turning to look at him.

"You're just so bloody beautiful" he said hoarsely.

She just laughed and he kissed her nose gently.

"Holly, I want you to get something out of the pocket in my robes, it's the left one"

Holly looked around for his robes and reached into the pocket, Mark watched anxiously as she extracted her hand, box in hand.

"Mark Potter, what did you get me and how much did it cost?" she asked.

"Cost doesn't matter when it comes to you, just open the box" Mark said, grinning anxiously.

She slowly opened the box and gasped.

"OH… MY… GOD…" She shrieked, pulling out the ring.

"It's GORGEOUS!" She squealed.

The ring was made of pure silver, with real diamonds encrusted all around the band, and on the inside was the inscription, you're my everything.

Holly flew into Mark's arms and started attacking his neck and lips with her own.

When she stopped kissing him and freaking out Mark finally spoke.

"Well?" he asked.

"What?" she whispered in a voice that was barely audible.

"Holly, I love you, and I've come to the conclusion that you are the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with, you are my everything and I love you more than life, Holly? Will you be my wife once we graduate?"

"Mark…" she began, "that was the sappiest thing I have ever heard in my life"

"What?" he asked, highly disappointed, he had rehearsed that for two hours after she had fallen asleep last night.

"Oh so sappy, but I'm a girl, it was sweet and romantic, I adored it" she said, giggling.

"Well? You haven't answered my question" Mark said excitedly.

Holly went into a state of mock thought for a moment.

"Hmm… Of COURSE I'll marry you!" Holly said.

(A/N: That was the engagement ring and proposal I gave to Felecia, and her response, I always add bits of personal things to my stories, as most of you can already most likely tell)

Becky didn't like the effect the Dementors were having on her, they were supposed to be hers, they should let her go when she told them to.

"LET ME GO!" She screamed, she was angry.

She felt like her daddy had abandoned her, usually when she got into some kind of trouble, he was there to tell her what to do.

However, right now, that part of her head was unusually silent.

Becky had the unusual ability to read fearful thoughts from peoples minds, and Uncle Harry's thoughts kept running through her head, scaring her slightly.

" I get it now, her purpose isn't to be an heir, it's to be controlled by a dead Voldemort so she can bring him back to life, he is using an innocent little girl"

Becky couldn't understand why he would want to use her as Harry had put it, and she didn't understand who this new man who commanded the Dementors was, or what he wanted with her.

Was her sole purpose in life to be a regenerative vessel? (A/N: Yes these are the thoughts of a five year old girl, but remember she is extremely smart, maybe even as smart as Hermione)

"NO! IT CAN'T BE!" She screamed, she closed her eyes tightly trying to block out these thoughts, and a flash of silver emitted from her body, she didn't understand at the moment, all she knew was that the Dementors holding her had disintegrated upon contact with the light.

She didn't know what had happened but she didn't care, she ran back to the house, she had to find Harry.

When she entered the house and ran back to her bedroom, she found Harry and Ron standing in the pile of ashes that were once her bedroom, and each had their wands pointed at the other's heart.

"Becky! Stay back!" Harry shouted, waving his hand.

Suddenly Ron spoke, "Nice knowing you Harry, but this is it, you've annoyed me enough," He said,

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" he roared.

As the jet of green light emitted from the wand, time slowed down, and before Becky knew what she was doing, she flung herself in front of the curse.

The time flow resumed it's normal pace when the curse collided with Becky.

She screamed, Harry screamed, and Ron shrieked.

"NO!" Ron screamed.

"BECKY!" Harry screamed.

The little girl fell to her knees, "Uncle Harry, I don't feel so good" she said, before falling over.

"BECKY!" Harry screamed as Bella's baby fell to the floor with a thud.

She had sacrificed herself to save Harry, they had been close and Harry now felt an impending twinge of pain.

Harry's face contorted with rage.


Ron didn't move, or speak, he was still in shock over what he had done.

No-one moved or spoke for several minutes, until a little, sputtering cough sounded from the carpet.

Harry looked down, Becky was still breathing.

"How?" he wondered aloud.

Harry knelt down and turned her over slowly.

"Becky?" he whispered, tears forming in his eyes as he smiled at her.

"I'm ok Uncle Harry" she said weakly.

She extracted herself from Harry's arms and stood up.

"But he won't be for long" she said, pointing at Ron.

Ron's eyes widened, as if he knew what she was capable of.

"Becky? What are you talking about?" Harry asked, looking up at Ron.

"He's friends with my daddy, and he's going to pay" she said.

Ron backed away slowly.

"Now… Rebecca… think sensibly… I…I…" He stuttered.

However, Becky paid no heed to his stutters, she raised her hands and lightning shot out of her fingertips.

Harry hadn't seen that since Voldemort had invaded Hermione's house 17 years ago, but this was stronger.

The blue bolts collided with Ron with such a force that they raised him up off the floor.

Becky sent a screaming Ron flying across the room, to collide with what was left of the walls.

The bolts of electricity stopped flowing from Becky's fingers and Ron dropped to the floor.

However, he wasn't on the floor for long, because she flashed her eyes and he flew across the room, slamming into the broken glass of the window and flying out to land in the yard.

Becky pulled him back in and let the electricity flow from her fingers once more, and this was at a higher level even than the first time.

The bolts were a mix of black, blue, and yellow, all flowing into Ron's continuously weakening body.

Harry had to guess that this electricity was over 400,000 volts, and he couldn't understand how Becky or Ron were holding out this long.

Wandless magic was a huge energy drainer, Harry preferred not to use it as much as he could help it.

With a final shudder and scream, Ron's body went limp, and Becky stopped.

The little girl staggered backwards into Harry's arms, where she passed out on the spot.

Harry didn't know what to do about Ron's body, he supposed that would be up to the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

He decided to take Becky home, she seemed to be all right, just drained.

Harry picked her up and dissapparated with a loud CRACK!

Over the next few months Becky and Bellatrix returned to normal, now that Ron's reign was over, Harry was sure that most of the danger the wizarding world had been in was over too.

Harry's department rounded up and executed the last of the Death Eaters, it seemed extreme to kill them all, but Harry didn't want to take the chance of Voldemort returning and the Death Eaters returning to him.

Mark and Holly graduated Hogwarts at the top of their class and both decided to attend the next year of Hogwarts.

The next year, Mark and Holly were made Head Boy and Head Girl, much to Hermione's delight, and then they graduated seventh year at the top of their class.

Straight out of Hogwarts, a scout drafted Mark onto Puddlemere United; there he performed so well that he was chosen to be the national seeker in the World Cup.

After becoming as rich and famous as his father, Holly moved in with mark and they inhabited a large castle on the outskirts of London.

Soon, Holly became pregnant and they had a daughter, Erica.

Mark, even though he had to travel a lot, was home so much it seemed like he had an ordinary job, he always made time for his family.

Whenever Holly and Mark needed time alone, Harry and Hermione were overjoyed to stay with their granddaughter.

Hermione soon retired from the modeling business and Harry from his job.

But there was still one more step in Mark and Holly's relationship…

Mark watched as Holly walked down the isle in Hermione's wedding dress, he was surprised she could look so happy; a month ago, her parents had been killed by the last surviving group of Death Eaters.

But even now, she was wearing a radiant smile and her eyes were sparkling.

Mark was captivated by Holly's stunning beauty as she walked down the isle on Harry's arm.

Harry said something to the minister to witch the minister responded and Harry helped Holly up the steps.

Mark hardly heard any of the minister's speech, he was too captivated in Holly's eyes.

But eventually, he found himself saying, "I do"

He heard his mother burst into tears as he kissed Holly with all the passion he could generate.

"I love you," he whispered in her ear as he led her down the isle and out of the church to the waiting limo.

The End

Ok, really short last chapter, sorry.

I thought I would give it a sweet ending, and I hope you guys liked it.

All though my favorite parts in that chapter were the Harry/Ron/Becky parts, I really worked hard on the

Mark/Holly parts too, so please review, but if it wasn't good, don't say it was.


Ok, anyway, I'm sort of sad that this is over, because I had a great time writing it, and I had a great audience.

I loved all of the reviews, and I have to say the most important part of a story is it's readers.

Most of you were all very good, a few exceptions with people who flamed or asked questions that were a little too personal.

You guys gave a bunch of great ideas and I'm sorry I couldn't use them all.

I thank you for all of you're compliments, you guys have all been awesome, and it's fun talking to you guys to.

I actually feel like I've gotten to know a couple of you (looks pointedly at Holly).

Some of you gave short and curt reviews, some of you thought I was experienced enough that you asked me for advice.

And some of you gave really long reviews, (looks pointedly at Michelle Moonshine).

But no matter the length, you all gave great reviews and I was very happy that you guys liked my story.

I really feel loved, (Ok now I sound gay)

(You can probably tell by now that I'm a very sentimental person)

And I can tell that no matter how good any other story of mine is, this one is going to be my favorite story out of every story I ever write.

I'm thinking up Idea's for the next story now, it will mainly focus on Holly and Mark.

Ok, anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing!

And on another sad note, I have decided not to write a third story, I'm sorry but I don't know what else to write, I think the ending as perfect and I used all my idea's.

I may write a story about Mark and Holly later, but I will not write a third story in this series.

You can kill me if you want, (please don't) but I really am out of idea's.

PS: Incase anyone was wondering

This story's length is:

65 Pages and the first story was 32 pages

I want to dedicate this story to: My Fiancé, Felecia, and to Holly, my most faithful reader.

Yours truly,

Anakin34567, the truly thankful writer