AN: And here my friends is the final chapter of King Thrushbeard. I loved writing it and I hope you all enjoyed reading it. I won't waste time writing a long note, so I'll just write the responses and get right into the story.

Kurimuson Chishio-Thank you!

Anime-lover-forever2007- Sorry, but if you kill me you'll never find out what happens to Sess and Rin. And if I ever do rewrite Mulan, I'll consider making it Sess/Kag but I might not since I love Inu/Kag. But one of the next stories on here will be a love triangle between Inuyasha and Sess over Kag.

Inu-Yasha's1gurl16- Thanks for reading King Thrushbeard, and sorry if I took to long to update.

Dmweasley- Thank you, I hope King Thrushbeard was as enjoyable as Donkey Skin.

Silver Jounetsu- Kassie you jerk, get online right now! You know I go insane when I can't discuss plot ideas with anyone.


LostintheRain84- It made you cry? YAY! ...I mean, oh no. I wanted it to be sad but I didn't think it would be that heartbreaking. (But I'm good at writing stuff like that, go me!) Thanks a lot for dropping a review and for the wonderful compliment! I hope the end is as good as the rest of the story was.

Doggieearlover- Sorry about Toads and Diamonds, I'm thinking about getting rid of that one and just totally rewriting a new one, I know I can do a better job then that. (You know, it could be kinda cool if I did that as a modern day one, I still need to write one of those...) But I really loved Donkey Skin, so I'm glad you liked it to. Hope King Thurshbeard was as good as Donkey Skin (and better then Toads and Diamonds.)

OrlandoLover- Well, you're the only one who said anything about the lemon so thanks for that. Hope you like the end of King Thurshbeard.

What happened last time- (sorry, not another scene of Hojo getting beat up.)

"And you succeeded. I love Rin, the musician, the courageous friend, and the poor peasant. You aren't my Rin. I don't even know you." Sesshomaru said coldly.

He bent down and picked up his kimono and swords. "I can not stay here any longer."

Rin heard a cracking sound that she vaguely recognized as her heart breaking, "Sess, please don't leave, I'm still that Rin." she said desperately.

He shook his head slowly as he walked to the door, "No, you aren't."

Rin watched him go, knowing nothing she could say would stop him.

She failed, she made Sesshomaru love, but he didn't love her.

Rin sank to the ground, as she screamed in agony, tears pouring down her face.

He was gone.

And he wasn't coming back.


My beta and I had a fight about how long my chapters should be. If you want to see shorter chapters (but keep in mind my stories would probably be longer) please let me know, and if you think my chapters are fine the way they are, tell me also. I'll conform to the majority's demand. (Ohh, I sound so smart) And while you're at it, you might as well drop a few words about how the story was, right? Come on, you know you want to. (...please?)

And now, without any further interruptions, the final chapter of King Thrushbeard...Sort of.

Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha or King Thrushbeard.


Inu no Taisho, Miroku and Inuyasha watched in shock as Sesshomaru left Rin's home, found Inuyasha and started traveling back to the castle, running at full speed with the bull tucked under his arm.

"That fucking fool." Inu no Taisho said finally.

"I can't believe this moron! He has the love of his life right in front of him, and instead of grabbing her and never letting go, he walks away." Inuyasha snorted in disgust and looked over at his father and friend. "And you guys thought I was stupid."

Miroku shook his head sadly. "I just can't believe we failed. We got him to fall in love with her, but forgot how strong his pride is. He would never stand for being lied like that." Miroku remarked softly.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes as Miroku paused the screen, leaving it focused on Sesshomaru's blurry red eyes.

"I just think he's a moron." he mumbled. "Goes to show you how evil animal abusers are. Couldn't he hold Inuyasha a little more carefully?" he complained and his father and Miroku just ignored him.

"We have to think of a way to get them back together, the fate of our nation...I mean, the fate of Sess's happiness is depending on Rin!" Inu no Taisho corrected hastily while Inuyasha stared suspiciously at him.

"Inu no Taisho! How could you let this happen?" his wife demanded furiously as she, Kagome and Sango marched into the room.

The men shrieked and jumped up as their woman stopped in front of them and glared.

"Izayoi!" Inu no Taisho stammered nervously. "What are you doing here?"

She glared at him harder. "We all know what you three have been doing down here. Did you honestly think I wouldn't realize something was going on? You never spent so much time in your office, and that's the only place you've been since Sess left!" Izayoi pointed out and Inu no Taisho guiltily looked over the mountain of paper work he hadn't gotten to yet.

"And Miroku isn't the only one with spiritual powers Inuyasha! Why couldn't you come to me?" Kagome asked him angrily.

Sango thumped Miroku hard on the arm, "And I bet you never even thought of asking me to come watch with you, right?"

Miroku rubbed his aching arm, "So you're telling me you've been spying on us while we've been spying on Sess?" he asked, slightly dazed.

"Yes!" all the women snapped at once.

"And you let Rin get away from Sesshomaru!" Izayoi angrily accused he husband.

Inu no Taisho fought the urge to beat his head against the wall, "Sweetheart, there isn't much I could do now. But don't worry, we're going to come up with a plan to get them back together. " he said determinately.

The six of them sat together in a circle, Inu no Taisho drawing his mate close by wrapping his tail around her, Inuyasha slung a arm around Kagome and she leaned against him, while Miroku held Sango to him tightly.

"We could try making Sesshomaru jealous." Kagome offered. "Hojo is already in Rin's court so we could just drop a few hints."

Inu no Taisho frowned, "I don't know, does jealously really work?"

"Yes." the three woman said at once, staring meaningfully at their men.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "I had a right to knock that damn wolves face in, he wouldn't stop staring at your legs." he whined.

Kagome didn't let up her glare, "I wasn't your mate then, he could have done whatever he wanted." she shot back.

His eyes flared, "Are you saying you wanted him to look at your legs?"

Kagome growled slightly, "No I didn't! I just think you shouldn't have punched him for doing something you didn't have enough guts to do yourself!"

"Children." Inu no Taisho broke in before a screaming match could start, followed by hot make up sex. "Can we please argue later? And that is a excellent idea Kagome." he praised and she sent a smug look at Inuyasha over her shoulder.

"What about dropping a few rumors Rin is in trouble? Sess might go to her if he thinks she's in danger." Sango pointed out.

"That could work. I remember Inu no Taisho rushing to save me whenever I screamed during the first years of our marriage." she glared at him. "Now he won't even kill spiders for me anymore."

Inu no Taisho groaned. "You're not in any real danger with a spider Izayoi, and with all the guards I've surrounded you with, you're perfectly safe."

She tossed her head. "You should still be able to get a measly little bug even in your old age."

Inu no Taisho growled at her. "Old? I'll show you how 'old' I am tonight woman." he promised.

"Are there any other ideas?" Miroku interrupted them before they could start.

He sighed when no one offered any. "Good, I just want to make clear that no one can let Sess know he and Rin aren't married. Maybe if he thinks he's bound to her he'll go back to her."

Inuyasha chuckled loudly. "Yeah, that would be pretty bad for you if Sess found out you can't legally marry people yet."

"You aren't qualified for marriage Miroku?" Sesshomaru asked calmly from behind them.

Miroku froze up and slowly turned around to see a really pissed off Sesshomaru with a scared looking calf at his side.

He felt his entire face go pale as Sesshomaru smiled cruelly and slowly lifted a hand to show off the glowing green tips.

"Miroku. I am not feeling generous at all so you aren't getting the chance to run." Sesshomaru informed him and lunged for him.

"SANGO!" Miroku shrieked as ran for his life.

Rin, Two months later

Rin stood at the window in her office, neglecting paperwork and other documents on her desk as she watched the snow slowly fall to the earth.

She absently caressed the slight swell of her stomach as she stared out, her eyes blank.

Even now, when so many things demanded her attention, she couldn't focus on anything but Sesshomaru. She tried everything she could to get his attention, she sent long, long letters begging him to forgive her, endless gifts and every single one had come back unopened. The weather was to horrible for her to travel, especially in her condition, so she was stuck in the north until winter was over, and even then she had to wait until after she delivered her baby.

She smiled slightly and cupped protective hands over the small lump in her stomach. She hadn't been certain before, because she hadn't been getting very big, but when she started getting morning sickness and her blood flow still hadn't come, she was sure she was carrying Sesshomaru's child. She had yet to tell her subjects about her baby, the only ones who knew were Hojo and her trusted guard Hiten, she wasn't sure how everyone else would react.

But honestly, she felt she proved herself enough that any child of hers would be welcomed with open arms. There might be a few protestors, but she could get Hiten to silence any of them.

She would do anything to protect her child. There was no way in hell anyone could stop her from having the baby or giving it away, she would kill them with her own hands if anyone tried.

And it looked like the child would be the only piece of Sesshomaru she would ever have.

A small knock sounded at the door and Rin turned around just as Hiten walked in carrying a tray of food.

He grinned widely and bowed, "Good afternoon my queen. I took the liberty of ordering lunch to be brought to your office."

She smiled slightly back, "Thank you Hiten, please, sit down and eat some with me." she offered as she walked away from the window and sat back down.

He sat across from her and started setting plates of food down in front of her. "No thank you my queen, I wouldn't want to take away any food from my future ruler. But I will stay and keep you company if you wish." he said and stared at her until she sighed slightly and started eating.

She took a small sip of soup, "Thank you Hiten." she murmured, hoping the soup would soothe the queasiness of her stomach.

Hiten studied her as she ate, "Are you sure you don't want me to hunt down your lover and force him to marry you your highness? I would gladly do it."

Rin gave him a look, "No."

He shrugged slightly, "As you wish. When are you planning to tell your council about the child?"

She sighed, "I was thinking about today. There isn't any use in waiting."

He frowned, "I wished you had told me earlier, I would have set up extra security."

"I doubt any one will try anything for at least a few days, but it might be safer to increase guards. Didn't you say your brother Manten was coming back from the mainland?" she asked.

Hiten nodded. "Yes my queen, I know he will guard you and the child with his life." he promised solemnly.

She looked away to stare back out the window, the falling snow reminding her of Sesshomaru's beautiful silver hair. She hoped the child had that same white hair. "I hope it doesn't come to that." she replied, her mind wandering.

Hiten sat back in his chair after taking a cup of tea and sipping it quietly. "Does this man know about the child?"

Rin winced, "Um, no."

He stared at her steadily from over the rim of the cup, "You have to tell the man he's going to be a father my queen."

Rin sighed and pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen from her loose bun. "I know but..." she hesitated. "I'm scared."

Hiten raised both his eyebrows and nearly fell back in his chair. "You? You're scared of this?" he asked in amazement. "I've been your guard since you were a child my queen, you've never been afraid of anything. And you're frightened about telling a man he's going to be a father?" he shook his head. "If he's any kind of man at all he should be thrilled a woman like you is bearing his child." Hiten remarked.

Rin didn't even smile at the compliment, but stared down at the surface of her soup, sighing heavily again. "You don't understand Hiten, he can't forgive me for something I've done, he might even hate me." she looked outside again. "And I don't want him to think I'm using this child to bind him to me. If he comes back at all I want it to be because of me." Rin explained softly.

Hiten opened his mouth to say something, but there was another knock at the door and Hojo stepped in, bowing at Rin as he entered.

"The council has gathered my queen. It's time." Hojo said gravely.

Rin took a deep breath and stood up, followed by Hiten.

She tried to grin. "Well, let's not keep them waiting." she said cheerfully, and stepped though the door, Hojo and Hiten following her faithfully.


Sesshomaru watched the screen intently, mentally calling himself a fool but was unable to tear his eyes away from images of he and Rin's time together.

After trying to attack Miroku two months ago, Sango had used her slayer skills to quickly subdue him and bind him to the floor of the office. Honestly, he was surprised at how fast she moved and was impressed with her skills.

And Miroku having a slayer as a lover who could stop him like that was another reason Sesshomaru couldn't wait to kill him.

But since Sango decided it would be a good idea to get Miroku away from Sess (she obviously was the smarter one in the relationship) there was no way he could find him.

So here he sat, torturing himself with images of the past.

...alright so it wasn't that much 'past' but it seemed like two years instead of two months he had met Rin

Inuyasha whimpered as he walked though the office door and sank down next to Sesshomaru, looking up at him pathetically.

Sesshomaru automatically stroked a hand down his head, trying to soothe him. He glared up at the screen, still unable to believe his family had spied on him and Rin. 'To make sure he didn't kill Rin' they said. He could definitely see Miroku coming up with an excuse like that.

And it was number 56 on his list of why he should kill Miroku slowly and painfully, right next to reason 55 of coming up with the idea in the first place.

He stopped glaring at the image of Rin on the screen and his expression softened as he watched her play for the village, on that one perfect night.

Why couldn't that night last forever?

"You're a fool you know." a voice said bluntly from behind him.

He turned around, ice mask firmly in place to glare at the woman standing there. Before he met Rin, she would have been lovely with her jet black hair pined up with some kind of beaded feather tie, her elegant kimono curving over her hourglass figure and her purple eyes staring at him in disgust.

But now, there was nothing that could compare to Rin's beauty.

"Lady Kagura." he said coldly once he recognized her as the wind witch from the East visiting his family. "I would not be one to talk."

Unexpectedly she snorted and rolled her eyes, "Insults aren't going to work for me, Lord Sesshomaru. I can serve them back just as fast. You're a fool and a coward for letting her walk out of your life." she said, gesturing with her head to the frozen image of Rin on the screen.

Sesshomaru felt the barest tremble of fury go through him, "How dare you? You have no right to talk to me like this. And you know nothing of myself and Rin."

She shook her head, smiling bitterly, "I was like that to before I met my love. Cold, bitter angry. But he changed me into something better." she said, recalling lost memories.

"Just what is the point to this?" Sesshomaru asked cooly.

She glared back at him, "The point is you lying around like this, moaning because you lost your life is absolutely pathetic. I would give up anything to have him back, even my own life and yet you drove the woman you love away from you, and then have the gall to suffer!" she shouted and flung a hand towards Rin's face. "I've heard enough to know that Queen Rin truly is kind, brave, and wonderful but you want some pale image of her instead. Rin the peasant is only a part of Rin, and you've let your pride and hurt feelings clear your vision, or you would see that to."

Sesshomaru stared at her, " do you know all this?"

She smiled wryly, "I'm in the room next to Lady Sango's, I've heard your family rage about this."

His face harden, "It's still none of your concern." he told her.

Her lips settled into a hard line, "Fine, ruin your life, I hope Rin finds someone else she can love!" Kagura whirled around, never noticing the dark look that crossed Sesshomaru's face.

Sesshomaru stayed still for a few moments, before deciding what to do.

"Show me Rin." he commanded.


Rin collapsed into her chair with a groan and rubbed her hands over her face. Hiten swept the room and the hall, making sure it was clear from prying ears before shutting himself, Hojo and Rin in her office.

She sighed, "Well, that could have gone worse I suppose." she murmured grimly.

Hojo shook his head, "I can't believe that man Tesso! The way he carried on, you would think our queen murdered children, drank virgin's blood and worshiped the devil." he muttered angrily.

"We all knew he would be one of the protestors, he's hated Rin ever since she took the throne. We just didn't take into account the amount of followers he's taken." Hiten said wearily. "Guarding you is going to be a freaking nightmare now your majesty." he complained, almost sounding like he wanted to whine instead.

"I'm sure you'll rise to the challenge Hiten." Rin said absently, watching the snow fall again.

Hojo rubbed his temples, "At least Tesso doesn't have as many followers as we feared, but a few of them are very powerful we may have to tread cautiously when dealing with them." Hojo warned.

"We have twice as many lords however, I think we'll get by alright." Rin remarked. She glanced at Hiten, "Have you chosen a guard yet for her?"

Hiten smiled slowly, "You can tell it's a girl already your highness?"

Rin nodded, placing a protective hand over her stomach, "Of course I can."

Hiten tossed his braid over his shoulder when it got in the way. "I've been examining some possible choices, I'm sure I'll find a trustworthy one in no time my queen." Hiten reassured her."

"If it's no trouble, I'd like your brother to be the guard Hiten." she smiled briefly. "I'd ask you, but you're to dear to my heart."

Hiten bowed low, feeling humble. "It will be a honor for my family to continue serving you my queen."

"Well, now that's all decided we should go over each member of Tesso's group and decide what to be done with them." Hojo broke in.

Rin nodded once, "Very well, let's start with Lord Sayo."


"We have to come up with a way to get rid of Queen Rin." one of the traitors hissed furiously to Tesso.

"It's an embarrassment our queen would have a child out of wedlock! This only proves how much of a slut she is!" another one remarked.

Tesso pressed his fingertips together and rested his chin on them as he listened to the other's complaints. "Patience my friends, we'll soon be rid of that whore who calls herself queen. But we must be careful in doing so, she has more supporters then enemies at the moment."

"Those fools. How they could side with a harlot like her I'll never understand." one of the traitors raged.

"We must come up with a plan to be rid of her. Any suggestions?" Tesso asked the men.

"I'll be more then happy to help you get rid of that bitch." a voice said from behind the group.

The men turned in shock, and Tesso examined him, liking what he saw.

"I'll think you'll serve our purposes very well." he purred.


Sess frowned as he watched Rin talking to Hojo and the man she called Hiten, not understanding at all what they were talking about. What did Rin tell her council that had them so furious? And how did she know what was a girl? Maybe he should have started watching over her earlier, because he had no idea what was going on, but he felt something was wrong.

He snarled when Rin said that man Hiten was 'dear to her heart'. Damn wench, the only man suppose to be 'dear to her heart' was him.

He turned his attention to Hojo, still slightly in shock that the man wasn't a complete and total moron. He was actually a very good adviser, and he was able to talk intelligently even if Rin was in the room.

Inuyasha perked up when he heard a knock on the door and the other Inuyasha walked in, holding a bowl of grass and cold water.

"Here you go Inuyasha. Dinner." Inuyasha sang out and set the bowl down next to the bull.

He crossed his arms and glared at Sess. "I hope you're taking proper care of him." he said sternly.

Sesshomaru stared at his brother. "Inuyasha is a cow." he said calmly.

Inuyasha growled. "He's a bull." he said tightly.

Sesshomaru raised an elegant eyebrow. "Did I say I was talking about the bull?"

Inuyasha opened his mouth to snap an insult just as his mother swept into the room. She brightened as she saw the two boys snarling at each other.

"There you two are! Dinner is about to start." she smiled kindly at Sesshomaru. "The cook has made your favorite dish tonight Sesshomaru, won't you please come eat with us?" she asked.

Sesshomaru opened his mouth to refuse but at the look in the woman's eye reluctantly nodded instead.

She beamed as she smiled. "That's wonderful! The cook will be so pleased! Now come along boys." she ordered brightly and the two lords followed her with one last glare at each other.


Rin slowly walked down the hall to her chambers, Hiten following behind her.

She had dinner cooked by five of the best chefs in the North, dined on the most beautiful porcelain in Japan, drank tea out of pure jade cups, and sat on cushions of silk and feathers.

But she would have given anything to have been back in her cottage, with the chipped and cracked plates, the slightly burned flavor of her food, and the cheap throw pillows, if only she could have Sesshomaru back with her.

She sighed softly, hoping Hiten hadn't heard her. She knew he was worried about her, and would gleefully drag Sesshomaru by his pretty silver hair to her if he ever found out who he was. But she couldn't do that to Sess, she'd already done enough by making him fall in love with someone who didn't exist, she-

She paused when she thought she heard a slight thump and a scuffle, but when she turned around, she only saw Hiten standing in the shadows quietly following her.

She frowned slightly, it wasn't normal for him to hide in the dark like that but she shrugged it off and continued to her room.

She heard feet pounding behind her and she turned around to see Hiten rushing towards her with a long sword in his hand.

She gasped, unable to believe he would betray her in this way.

Her eyes widened when she saw another Hiten jump from out of the corner.

"Watch out my queen!" he called out and she ducked just barely in time to avoid the blade heading for her neck. It just scratched the top of her head and then Hiten was on him, expertly wielding his sword in defense of his queen.

The man stayed in the shadows no matter how much Hiten tired to draw him into the dim light of the hall, blocking and lunging out of the way with the skill of a master swordsman. Finally he kicked Hiten hard in the gut, sending him back a few feet as he spun around and rushed towards the open window, vaulting over the still as he disappeared into the night.

Hiten swore loudly and raced after him, but didn't jump out as well since the window was over a cliff. He leaned over and looked down, but no matter how hard he looked he didn't see any sign of the attacker.

Finally with a soft curse he closed and tightly locked the window, making his way back to Rin.

He frowned and gently touched the cut on her forehead. "That bastard made you bleed my queen." He hissed furiously.

She rolled her eyes and carefully looked him over, "Don't worry about me, it's only a scratch. What about you, are you alright? Tell me what happened." she demanded.

He took hold of her arm and gently led her down to her chamber, looking everywhere suspiciously. "I'm not sure my queen. I was escorting you to your chamber when someone reached out and grabbed me. When I finally broke away from the man that imposter was about to kill you." he said grimly.

He whistled twice and his sister Soten melted out of the shadows, followed by her pet dragon Koryu. Rin hadn't let Hiten himself come to the village with her so he'd sent his sister instead, and for being a little girl she already was very powerful in illusions and trickery. And after studying under Sesshomaru for that brief period she was becoming better in tactics and fighting.

"Soten, mask the queen while I check out her room." he ordered, and she obediently threw a veil over Rin as Hiten stepped into the room.

She waited nervously until Hiten stepped back in and nodded that it was alright to come in. Soten kept the veil up until Rin was safely in her room and guarded by Hiten before going back to bed.

Rin sat on her bed as Hiten carefully held a piece of cloth covered in a healing ointment to the cut on her forehead, neglecting his own injures to tend to hers.

"Really Hiten, I'm fine. Take care of yourself for once." Rin protested and he slowly let go off her to spread the cream over his own bruises and cuts.

"We need to increase security on you immediately. For now, I'll stay in your room tonight just right outside your door to make sure there aren't any other surprise attacks." he informed her and slid his worried glance to her stomach. "Is the babe alright?" he asked nervously.

Rin nodded and put her hand protectively over her stomach. "She's fine." she reassured him.

He smiled in relief. "Thank Kami. And about the child my queen, I was wondering if you shouldn't be resting more? Should I should look for finding a midwife or a doctor? And what about your diet, my queen, is there anything we can make sure you eat so the child is heathy and strong? I've already asked Hojo to look for more servants so you won't have to do so many things yourself. Is there anything else I can do to make things easier for you?" he asked.

Rin laughed out loud for the first time in three months. "You aren't going to become one of those protective, overbearing guardians are you Hiten?" she asked teasingly.

Hiten nodded solemnly, but there was a teasing light in his eye "I'm afraid so my queen. When I swore to do all I could to protect the crown that extends to the children she has as well."

Rin sighed, "I suppose you'll suddenly start treating me like a fragile piece of glass?" she asked.

"Yes my queen, I'm glad you understand." Hiten said, sounding pleased.

Rin laughed again, shaking her head. "We'll see about that. Let me change for bed now, I doubt anyone else is going to try and attack me but I feel better when you're near."

Hiten bowed low, "Anything for you my queen." he swore.

She smiled at him before walking into her dressing room, thinking if she surrounded herself with friends like him, maybe the pain of losing Sesshomaru would finally start to fade.


Sesshomaru jumped to his feet, his fists clenching and he snarled furiously as he watched an attacker try to kill his woman. His growl nearly vibrated through the castle as he saw the blood trickle down Rin's forehead and watched as her guard finally came to her rescue.

For some reason, he grew angrier as he watched this Hiten (Hiten, what kind of name was that? Certainly not as noble as a name like Sesshomaru.) Defended Rin when it should be him in his place, making this attacker wish he'd never been born as he slowly and painfully killed him for even thinking about harming Rin.

But he wasn't there, he was hundreds of miles away in the West, safe inside a palace watching his mate in fear for her life and needing another to protect her.

He growled low in his throat as he watched Hiten touching a wound that should have been soothed by his touch, while Rin worried about any injuries he might have received. (Not that he would have gotten any of course. But he'd learned it was nice having someone worry for you.)

He had the sudden urge to reach through the screen and tear Hiten's throat out as he guided Rin down the hall and entered her bedroom with her, taking care of her before even thinking about healing his own wounds.

He felt his face go pale, and for the first time in his life his knees felt weak.

Rin was pregnant.

With his child.

He started trembling with rage all over again, wishing he had at least five minutes with her attacker so he could rip his intestines out through his nose for daring to harm his pregnant woman. He gritted his teeth as he heard Hiten being concerned for his child, and making plans for it's- her future and well-being. It should be him Rin was teasing about becoming overprotective.

He should be there.

Sesshomaru went still as the though hit him. Lady Kagura was right. He should never have left Rin, after watching even the littlest interaction with Rin and her normal life he could tell she was so much more then what he had fallen in love with. He should have been there with her these last few months, protecting her, marrying her and fully making her his.

He was such a fool.

Determinedly he strode for the door, ignoring all the shocked servants faces as they saw their lord running past them with actual emotion on his face.

He had been a fool, and he swore to himself that if he got to Rin in time before the next attack he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her.


He snarled in rage as he pulled himself up the cliff, after catching hold of a jagged piece of rock that jutted out. This was his third attempt at killing her and the bitch was still alive.

That's it, there would be no way in hell he would fail at the next attempt. He would kill himself before he lost.

He hoped Queen Rin had made her peace with Kami, she would be seeing Him pretty soon.

Rin, Next Day-

Rin took the warm cloak from the servant with a absent smile of thanks as she wrapped it around her and wandered outside, Hiten following her closely. She hadn't been able to work at all today, distracted by the falling snow and thoughts of Sesshomaru. She stepped outside, Hiten closing the door behind them as she stepped down into her courtyard. Everything was covered in a thin layer of snow, and as Rin walked she tilted her head up to feel the flakes fall on her face. She smiled slightly as she cupped her stomach, wondering if her daughter would want to play in the snow with her when she was old enough. She wondered if she would have golden eyes that lit up in delight every time she captured a snowflake in her palm or if she would have puppy dog ears that would need to be carefully protected from the cold.
Rin walked under the trees lining up the pathway, their branches weighted down by the ice covering them as they sparkled in the faint light. Rin drew her cloak a little closer around her as the wind started to pick up, blowing the snow on the ground around her in a whirlwind of white.
"My queen?" she heard Hiten call out from somewhere behind her. "Perhaps we should go back inside, the weather doesn't look good." he remarked, sounding nervous.
"Just a little longer, please Hiten?" Rin asked still walking towards the pond she knew there was at the end of this path.
She didn't hear a reply, so she assumed he would allow this, and stepped off the path to the frozen pond she had spent so many days at as a child.
Uncaring of the snow under her, she sat down, spreading the red cloak around her as she stared at the view across the surface of the pond beyond the trees, just thinking. This was where her father imparted words of wisdom to her before he died, where her mother listened to her fears and secrets, comforted and soothed her. Her parents had been such an important part of her life, she missed them so much still. Even her father who was normally busy with ruling his land had made time to be part of his daughters life.
She wondered how her own daughter would fare without her father.
"I see you've picked a place to die. You've chosen well, this is a very peaceful spot." a evil voice crooned to her.
Rin's head jerked over to the man standing at the end of the path in shock, as he grinned cruelly at her. "Muso!" she gasped.
"Finally, you've figured it out. Did you really think I wouldn't want revenge on you for what you did to me you bitch?" his smile disappeared and he started yelling, "You took my love away from me! If it hadn't been for you, Tsuyu would be mine!" he cried out, shaking in fury.
Rin shook her head, "Even if you had won that battle she wouldn't have been yours, she would never love you." she told him, her eyes seeking a way to escape, knowing even if she screamed she was far away enough from the castle no on would hear her.
He bared his teeth in a snarl. "She would of! I could have made her love me! But now she never will since she picked that worm Nobunaga instead of me!" he drew his sword out and pointed it at her. "And for that, you die!" he roared as he rushed her.
Her eyes flew open and she scrambled to the side as her hands went to her stomach.
She would not allow her baby to die.
Her hand closed over a rock a little bigger then her fist and when he tried to stab her as she sat on the ground she ducked and drove the rock into his gut, missing his cock by inches.
He roared out in pain and she sprang away, sprinting for the woods. She cried out as he grabbed her legs and sent her straight for the ground. She narrowly missed landing on her stomach and gasped when he landed on top of her, wrapping his hands around her throat.
She chocked, gasping for air as she remembered what Hiten had told her and dug her fingers into his left eye. He let go, jerking back as he clutched at his eye and yelled out in pain while she crawled out from under him and desperately searched the ground for his forgotten sword.
"Damn it you bitch! There's no way I'm letting you get away again!" he screamed, and dropped his hand as he lunged for her, his eye clawed red and bleeding.
She ducked and he crashed on the ground, splitting his chin open as he fell onto a rock. She smiled in triumph when she spotted his sword laying near the edge of the pond and ran to it, praying she would get it before Muso.
He cursed when he realized where she was heading and got up, his longer legs catching up with her quickly. He shoved her and as she fall he picked up his sword with a cry of pleasure, before slowly turning to face her as she struggled to get back up.
She stilled when he pointed the sword's tip at her neck, grinning madly.
"This is where you're going to die unless you have any other tricks up your sleeve." he said softly, trailing the sword up and down her neck like a lover's caress.
She swallowed and met his gaze bravely. There was no way she could save herself or her daughter, but she wouldn't dishonor them both by begging for her life.
She pictured Sesshomaru in her mind, wanting him to be the last thing she saw. Please forgive me Sesshomaru. she begged him silently.
Muso's grin widened. "You're ready to die then? I'll be more then happy to oblige you!" he screamed in delight and drew his sword back for extra momentum.
She gasped as something grabbed her and whisked her out of the way just in time, traveling at lighting fast speed. She looked down at see herself clutching at white fur and she looked up as Sesshomaru gently placed her down and ran back to Muso.
Muso stumbled as his sword met nothing, looking around in confusion and anger.
He cursed when Sesshomaru appeared in front of him. "Damn it! I though you were finally gone, you fucking white haired freak!" he cried out.
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. "'White haired freak'? First you dare to harm what is mine, even after the warning the first time, and now you insult me with such a vile name? You now have no chance of mercy I might have given you." Sesshomaru informed him coldly as he drew his sword. Muso yelled wildly as he rushed Sesshomaru, swinging his sword around madly before being stopped by his blade. He looked down at the sword though his stomach as if he was confused about why it was there, before sliding to the ground. "Damn you both. I swear to fucking Kami I won't give you any peace in your lives. My spirt will haunt you the rest of your days and-" he was interrupted as Sesshomaru cooly speared him though the mouth, shutting him up forever.
He stabbed his sword through the earth, cleaning it of any blood before dropping it, and pulling Rin into his arms before she even heard the clang it made as it hit the ground.
He held her tight against his chest, stroking his hands all over her to make sure she was fine. He cursed when he saw the bruises circling her neck and leaned down to gently heal them.
Rin's arms came around Sess, clutching at him as she trembled. "Sesshomaru. Please tell me this is really you." she begged.
He lifted his head from her neck to cup her face. "I promise you I'm here and I'm not leaving again." he told her softly as he stroked his thumb across her cheek.
"Sesshomaru I am so sorry-"
He brushed his finger over her lips, stilling her. "No, I am the one sorry. You were right, I never would have given you a chance if you hadn't forced me to get to know you. If I had let go of my pride earlier I would have seen that. You're my Rin and I'm not letting you go again." he told her fiercely. His expression turned unsure, "...if you'll still have me that is." his eyes flared again. "But I swear Rin, if you say no now, I'll spend the rest of my life convincing you to say yes." he swore. "Just ask Inuyasha, I'm very persistent in getting what I want."
Rin smiled as she reached up and tugged his head down to her lips. She kissed him slowly and sweetly before letting him go, "I would be a fool if I said no." she grinned wickedly, "Though, being convinced sounds like fun."
His eyes smoldered as they traveled up and down her body, pausing over her stomach and growing solemn. "Is the child well?" he asked concerned.
Rin groaned, "No fair! I wanted to tell you, and you already know?" she pouted.

Sesshomaru smiled mysteriously, "This Sesshomaru knows everything." His smile turned into a scowl. "Just as I know you should get rid of those imbeciles Hiten and Hojo."

Rin gasped, "Hiten! Where is he? Muso didn't kill him did he?" she asked, her eyes filling with tears.

They heard a groan coming from the outskirts of the forest and watched Hiten stumble out, rubbing his head. "No, but that bastard tried. Damn, my brain feels like Hojo is in there doing an Irish jig." he complained.

Rin cried out in relief and rushed into his arms, "Hiten! Thank Kami you're alright!"

Hiten's arms came around her on reflex as she hugged him, "My queen, this is very flattering and I've very happy you appear to be unharmed but I have the feeling your...friend might try to harm me." He gently extracted her from his arms while he looked over Sesshomaru. "Who is your friend by the way?" he asked with a calm he wasn't feeling.

Rin smiled lovingly, but before she could open her mouth Sesshomaru tugged her back into his arms with his tail and stared back at Hiten, "I am Lord Sesshomaru, Heir to the Western Throne. Rin is carrying my child and will become my mate. Who are you?" he asked cooly.

Hiten mockingly bowed. "I am Hiten, Queen Rin's personal guard since she was a child." he studied Sesshomaru. "So you are the man who left her alone for two months." he said softly. He met him eye to eye. "I swear on my honor if you ever harm her in such a way again you will be dead." he promised.

Sesshomaru raised a eyebrow. "I assure you, it won't happen again."

Rin watched the men nervously, "Guys, can you try to get along? You two are some of the most important men in my life, please don't argue." She begged.

"I should be the only important man in your life." Sesshomaru remarked mildly, still staring at Hiten.

Hiten smirked, "We have yet to see about that."

Rin sighed as the two men started to growl at each other, "If you have to fight, don't do it in my presence and don't kill each other. Hiten, Sesshomaru is the man I love, and Sess, Hiten is the man who's protected me from birth. Try to be nice for me." she asked.

Hiten sighed and broke away from Sesshomaru's glare, "I'll try, but I'm not promising anything." he said.

Rin looked at Sesshomaru expectantly. His upper lip curled, "We shall see." he grumbled.

Rin smiled brightly, "Great!" she beamed and the men silently decided they would try to get along for her sake.

Hiten frowned looking over her, concerned, while Sesshomaru possessively drew her closer. "Shouldn't you go inside my queen? The cold can not be good for the baby." he kicked Muso's corpse with disgust. "I shall take care of this trash for you while you rest."

Rin opened her mouth to protest but Sesshomaru was already lifting her into his arms. "That is an excellent idea Hiten. Perhaps there is hope for you yet." he said, as he walked towards Rin's palace, leaving Hiten to take care of Muso.

Hiten shook his head, mentally telling himself to let it go as he dragged the body to the middle of the woods, dug a small hole, burnt the body and shoved the ashes into the earth, leaving a rock on top since the soil was to hard to mold over the grave.

He left without a second glance and totally forgot about the filth he buried.

Several Months later-

Sesshomaru kneeled down next to Taromaru and Suekicki, critically viewing their work. They watched him nervously and sighed in relief when he nodded. "Very good boys. This will do well. Go set it up." he complimented them before moving onto the next group.

"Well? Will Koryu be able to do it Soten?" Sesshomaru asked as they practiced different forms.

Soten pitched a ball of paper at Koryu, grinning when it sailed though his form. "Yes sir, we'll be able to do it." she said triumphantly.

Sesshomaru nodded and went to Hiten's group as they worked on the net. "Are you almost finished?" he asked.

Hiten looked up, his fingers still pulling rope and tying knots. "We've almost completed it." He smirked. "The target won't know what hit him." he boasted, liking Sesshomaru more now then he did before.

"Bunza coming!" one of the children shouted as the little cat demon ran into the room, panting. "They're coming! We have maybe twenty minutes!"

The troops gasped while Sesshomaru silently cursed at the lack of time. "Stay calm." he ordered his soldiers and they instantly went silent. "We still have time to set this up. Taromaru! Try to move more quickly, Koryu and Soten can help you. Koume, you're still responsible for luring the target here, are you prepared?" he sighed in relief mentally when she firmly nodded her head yes. "Hiten's group, complete your mission as fast as possible, we will hook it up when your finished. Everyone's aware of what they're doing, now move!" he commanded and the children scrambled to do his bidding.

He watched them as they completed their tasks, smiling in relief when they finished it in time. Taromaru and Hiten carefully hooked the most important part up and the children stepped back to admire their work for a few seconds, before they fled to hide.

Koume was the only one who stayed in view, breathing deeply before spotting their prey and smiling brightly.

"Hojo!" she cried out as he, a very pregnant Rin and Sesshomaru's family and friends came around the corner. "I'm so happy to see you!" she beamed, holding her arms out wide.

He looked suspicions as he studied her seemingly innocent form. "Forgive me Koume as happy as I am to see your parents have allowed you to visit us, I remember what happened last time you gave me that innocent look. Are you up to something?" he asked, his eyes sweeping the floor and walls.

She pouted and she slowly lowered her arms, " don't trust me?' she asked quietly.

Hojo's eyes went wide as her's started to fill with tears. "No! It's nothing like that Koume!"

Her bottom lip trembled, "You don't even want to give me a hug." she wailed, her tears slowly starting to spill down.

Hojo looked nervous as he looked carefully around the hall one more time before going to her. "No, of course I want to give you a hug Kou-AHHHH!" he screamed as tripped the hidden wire and the net came up around him and lifted him into the air

He was still screaming and squirming as Koryu changed from the rug that covered the net with a pop and Soten released the veiling spells that hid the pulley, rope and wires.

The men in Sesshomaru's family and the children were on their knees in laughter, tears pouring down their faces as Sesshomaru allowed himself a very smug smirk with Inuyasha who left Rin's side to rub his face into his stomach, finally being tall enough to do so.

Rin wadded over to Sesshomaru and smacked him on the arm, not letting up her glare when he captured her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Sesshomaru! Put my adviser down right this minute!" she ordered. "You promised me you wouldn't do anything to Hojo!"

Sesshomaru kept a straight face as he raised a brow. "What do you mean? I did nothing to Hojo, it was all the children who did all the work." he said innocently.

Rin continued to glower at him. "Put. Hojo. Down. Now." she ordered. Sesshomaru mentally sighed as he waved a hand and the boys cut the rope that held Hojo up, squealing in laughter when Hojo screamed again as he fell.

She put her hands on her hips, trying to look threatening. "I have a very important lord coming here soon, I can't have my advisers hanging from the ceiling Sesshomaru!"

Hiten cleared his throat. "Ah my queen, you haven't give me my credit due yet." he said, sounding almost happy at the though of getting yelled at for hanging Hojo from the ceiling like a lantern.

Rin carelessly waved a hand as if to shoo him away, "I expect no better from you Hiten, I thought Sesshomaru could have better manners. Go bring the children to lunch Hiten please." she ordered and Hiten and the children reluctantly left

Sesshomaru leaned close to his mate, "I also have a guest coming today." he whispered, glancing at Inuyasha, Inu no Taisho and Miroku who were now poking Hojo to see if he was still alive or just knocked out.

Rin slowly grinned, forgetting her anger. "You mean...she's coming?" she whispered back, sounding gleeful.

He nodded and she sniggered evilly, or as evil as a happy pregnant woman could sound. "With the finished product she started the last time she saw them." he added, and Rin's grin widened.

"The women are going to want one." she said softly.

Sesshomaru nodded, "She's bringing extras." he affirmed.

They turned back to their family, trying to look as innocent as possible when Inuyasha stepped back from Hojo with a sigh.

"He's still alive." he said glumly, but brightened. "But now I have the chance to help torture him!" he beamed.

Kagome scowled at her mate, "Inuyasha! You will do no such-" she gasped and threw a hand over her mouth as Rin's eyes widened.

Lying on the floor under her feet were two perfect diamonds, one ruby and three roses.

Inuyasha cursed and wrapped an arm around his mate soothingly, "Damn that old wench Keade! She's getting so old she can't do anything right! She promised us it would be a few more months before we needed to worry about the jewels again." Inuyasha raged as he rubbed his hand up and down his distressed mates back.

Rin blinked slowly. "...did jewels just fall out of her mouth."

Inuyasha kicked at one of the diamonds as if it was worthless trash. "Yeah, my priestess Keade gave Kag this gift that whenever she talked jewels and flowers would fall out of her mouth. Only people tend to trample her to get the jewels and it starts to hurt her throat after awhile." he explained since Kagome couldn't. "She couldn't completely get rid of the gift but she can turn it off for awhile."

Rin felt her head spin and Sesshomaru wrapped his tail around her protectively. "Well...that's nice." she said, feeling a little dazed.

Kagome's eyes widened. "You really don't mind?" she asked, and two pearls, one lily and one orchid fell out.

Rin shrugged. "Who am I to judge? You got jewels falling out your mouth, more power to you."

Kagome and the rest of the family grinned as Izayoi swept forward and hugged Rin. "I haven't said hello to you yet have I?" she asked cheerfully and motioned for the rest of the family to join her.

Inu no Taisho and Inuyasha pressed light kisses against her cheek as Kagome and Sango hugged her, aware to much touching could get Sess jealous.

Izayoi patted her cheek motherly, "How's the baby dear?' she asked.

Rin and Sesshomaru smiled as she slid a hand down over her stomach, "She should be getting ready to come out soon. Maybe in a month or so." Rin said with a happy glow, eager to see her daughter.

Kagome stepped forward, "That reminds me..." she said as she scooped up the fallen jewels and presented them to Rin before closing her mouth and taking a deep breath.

She chocked and coughed out a huge yellow diamond, it was bigger then her two thumbs pressed together and the exact shade of Sesshomaru's eyes.

She handed it to Rin, smiling as tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. "I wanted to give you this for the baby." she said, her voice starting to sound horse.

Rin clutched the jewels to her, honored beyond measure. "Thank you," she whispered, tears starting to fill her own eyes. "I'll have a necklace made for her with these." she said.

Kagome continued smiling and stepped back into Inuyasha's arms. He looked over her carefully, "Hey sis? You mind if we go to our room a little early, Kag doesn't look so well." he said, concerned.

Rin beamed at the title of sister, "Of course! I'll have a servant bring you there immediately. Just have someone send for me if you need anything at all." she urged as she gestured for a servant to led them to their rooms.

Kagome smiled gratefully at her as they walked away, her mate's arm wrapped around her closely.

Miroku smiled smugly at Sess. "So, you happy here Sess?"

Sesshomaru forced himself not to grit his teeth. "Yes." he forced out.

"And who's the one responsible for your happiness?" Miroku sang.

Sesshomaru glanced down at his mate. "Rin." he said simply and she beamed while Miroku's face fell.

"No, you're suppose to say-ow!" he moaned when Sango dug a elbow into his ribs.

Hiten walked back in, stepped over Hojo's still unconscious form. "Lord Kouga has just arrived my queen." he announced and a few seconds later Lord Kouga of the East stepped around the corner with his faithful servants Ginta and Hakkaku.

Kouga bowed respectfully to Rin and she inclined her head, unable to bend over. "Lord Kouga, what a pleasure for you to join us." Rin said stiffly, not sure if she could trust Kouga or not. He was one of the rulers who refused to have anything to do with her when she first took the throne, but Inu no Taisho and Sesshomaru assured her it was alright to have Kouga come to her court to speak with her.

"Queen Rin." he said formally. "I have come first to ask your forgiveness in the way I treated you the first time we met. I didn't believe a woman could rule but you've managed with your land so well I was...wrong when I said that." he said, sounding like a man who wasn't use to saying he was sorry or wrong.

Rin studied him, not sure if she should accept. "And the other reason?" she asked guardedly.

He hesitated, "I wanted to warn you and Lord Inu no Taisho," he bowed in his direction, "About a new issue. You see-"

"Forgive me for the interruption my queen, but Ayame is here." Hiten broke in.

Rin brightened as Kouga looked shocked. "Ayame?" he asked, half in longing and half in dread.

The woman turned the corner, beaming as she carried a large painting under her arm. "Hello my queen and king!" she called out cheerfully. "I've brought the finished...' she stopped suddenly when she caught sight of Kouga.

They stared at each other, and nobody spoke, waiting to see what would happen.

Finally Ayame shoved the painting into Hiten's arms and marched up to Kouga until she was a few feet away from him. "You!" she spat out, glaring at him.

Kouga looked shocked before glaring back, "Me?" he shot back. "You! What the hell are you doing here?" he hissed.

"I'm here because my friends asked me to come visit them." she sniffed, "Why are you here? The last I heard you thought Queen Rin was a joke."

He gritted his teeth, "That was before."

"Before what? Before she got married and you thought since there was finally a king it would be a good time to come introduce yourself?" she asked.

"She's still in control of her country. Sesshomaru hasn't even been made joint ruler." Kouga said, feeling a headache coming on.

She sneered, "So what is it? Do you have a problem in your own country? You want a few extra soldiers or cash?" she asked cruelly.

Kouga growled low in his throat. "No."

Ayame rolled her eyes, "Well I'm sure it wasn't out of the goodness of your heart. The last time I saw you, you didn't have one." she taunted.

Kouga started to shake in fury. "Damn you Ayame! Don't you dare disrespect your betters like this! I could have you killed if I wanted to." he threatened.

She tossed her head proudly, "Go ahead, it won't be the worst you've done to me!" she yelled and tilted her head, exposing her throat. "Please, kill me my lord. Don't let a miserable peasant like me suffer existence." she said, her voice steady.

Kouga cursed and spun on his heel, stalking away from her.

Ayame looked at his retreating back longingly before turning her's as well and marching past the stunned royal family of the West.

"I'm sorry my queen, but I can't stay here. I hope you enjoy the painting." she said, her voice sounding chocked.

No one spoke as she left, just looking at each other nervously. "Well, does anyone want lunch?" Izayoi asked brightly.

They quietly agreed, not sure what to do or say after that fight.

After they left, Hojo sat up slowly, shaking his head and looking around. "Hey...where did everybody go?"


Rin sat in the circle of Sesshomaru's arms, wanting to purr like a cat as he slowly trailed his fingers up and down her stomach and watched the fire burn the logs.

"We really are lucky aren't we Sess?" she asked softly, resting her hand on his arm.

She felt him press a kiss to the side of her head, "Yes we really are." he said softly and continued to stroke her stomach.

She sighed as she leaned into his caress. "I hope Ayame is all right. Maybe I should have gone after her The weather is horrible."

"With the baby? I never would have let you." Sesshomaru scoffed.

"I know...but she seemed so upset. I hope there's something I can do to help."

She felt him shrug. "Just wait for her to come to you. She'll tell you what happened when she's ready." he reassured her.

Someone knocked at the door and Sesshomaru left Rin comfortably propped up against a few pillows to answer it.

She came back in, smirking, with something tucked under his arm. "With that fight this afternoon we forgot about the painting Ayame brought us." he said smugly and carefully laid it down on the floor while he got back behind Rin.

Slowly, he drew the protective cover off the painting and he and Rin immediately started laughing.

Inu no Taisho, Inuyasha and Miroku were on the painted surface, each wearing a pretty flowered kimono, flowers in their hair, rouge on their cheeks, breasts on their chests as they clutched at the handsome, manly figure standing heroically in front of them, with the monster he had saved them from laying under his feet.

Rin chuckled and slipped her arm around Sesshomaru's waist, "I have to say Sess, Ayame paints you better as a man then as a woman." she complimented him.

He smiled smoothly as he looked her up and down, "Of course she does." he said arrogantly as he slowly pushed her down over the pillows.

She gasped as he cupped her breast in his hand. "Sess! What about the baby?"

He nuzzled her neck tenderly, "The doctor said we couldn't make love until the baby was born, but she didn't say anything about what else we could do." he said suggestively. He slowly started to untie her kimono but paused. "Just wait one moment for me?"

She frowned. "Why?"

He grinned slowly again, "I asked Hiten to deliver copies of that painting to Inuyasha, Miroku and my father." he explained

"AHHHHHHH!SESSHOMARU!" he heard his family's cries rock the palace and he smirked as he dug his head back into Rin's now naked chest.

"Now, I'll be more then happy to start." he said and she was only more then happy to let him do so.


A dark figure crept along the forest in the back of the queen's palace, ignoring the cold and the harsh wind as the stranger searched for something along the ground.

Finally, a pale hand emerged from the dark cloak around it and lifted a rock off of a hole, dipping a slender white finger into the ashes before carefully scooping the contents into a bag the figure carried.

Once every last speck of ash was in the bag, the rock was carefully replaced and the bag tucked safely away.

And the figure calmly walked away, the wind and snow covering every trace of the footprints as if they were never there.

AN: So at last you realize this was the Sess/Rin sequel to Toads and Diamonds...Sort of. ...what? Of course I knew I was going to do this all along! (Whistles innocently.) Not sure when I'm writing the Aya/Kou sequel for this, might be the next one, might not be. I want to thank you for reading King Thrushbeard, I hope you all liked reading it as much as I loved writing it! I can't believe it's finally done! (I remember when I wanted to make this a one shot.) Anyone who wants a specific fairy tale next, let me know and I'll see what I can do.. Thanks again, and a really, really, really big thank you to my reviewers and an even bigger one to my beta. Please, please, please, please review!