This goes out to all you Pheely fans out there, it's my first PotF fic, so you'll have to excuse me for ooc, cuz I don't watch the show all too much, just like 5 episodes when I was hanging out with my sister. If you remember the episode where Phil and Keely looked into Keely's future, and at the end Phil noticed she had a wedding ring on, then that's where this episode picks up…


A Phil of the Future story by Norwegianchick101

Chapter One

Phil pulled out the Giggle and said the words that would change his life forever.

"Giggle On, Keely Teslow's marriage."

Then, right before his eyes, he saw a moment that had never even crossed his mind.

"Keely." the priest said. "Place this ring on Phil's finger and say, 'With this ring, I thee wed.'"

Keely smiled at Phil, and did as she was told, placing the ring on Phil's finger, she spoke. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"Phil, place this ring on Keely's finger and say, 'With this ring, I thee wed.'"

Phil beamed at his fiancé, following suit. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"Now, I pronounce you, man and wife. Phil, you may kiss your bride."

Phil blushed and moved in towards Keely to kiss her, for the first time, as man and wife.

Once the couple had moved away, the priest resumed. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to introduce to you for the first of many times, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Diffy."

As the audience clapped, Phil screamed and stuffed the gadget under the couch before anyone could find it and question the cause of his screams.