Nothing is mine, only the plot. The title belongs to Sara Evans so no sue me plz!

Dark. The one thing that hides her imperfections. The color of her soul. Her favorite color. She loves its mystery, its beauty, and its complexity. She swims in the darkness, she is weightless. Free of all her pain and troubles. She is wearing down slowly in the daylight, the dark is where she recharges, where she prepares herself for the next day of lies and pretending. She goes from day to day waiting and longing for the night. The dark.

Hermione Granger strode down the platform 9 ¾ her trunk gliding behind her on the trolley. This was her final year at Hogwarts. She narrowed her swollen eyes against the sunlight her dark circles standing out on her pale face. Finally as she steps on the train she spots a flash of red slip into a compartment. She quickly slides into the compartment behind him. As soon as she steps into the compartment she is slammed in between two bodies.

"HERMIONE SANDWITCH", she heard vaguely.

"RON, HARRY", she yelled, "I CANT BREATHE!".

The two large bodies pull away and she gets a good look at them. Ron is huge, almost like a lighthouse with his bright red hair like a beacon. His freckles stood out more than ever with his tan from Quidditch. Harry was not quite as tall. With his messy hair and muscular frame he was very handsome, Hermione noticed. So was Ron.

"Some girls would kill to have BOTH of them at their sides, even as best friends", she thought.

"Hey guys", she said trying to sound like her old self.

She knew she didn't look like it. She was thin, she was very pale, and her dark circles under her eyes were very noticeable. Her hair stood out though. It was the only thing on her that looked healthy, like it wouldn't break if you touched it too hard. It was curly, the frizz was gone, and it shone golden brown in the sunshine. Her eyes changed also, they were a dull brown, and not the warm rich chocolate brown they used to be. You could no longer look into them and see her soul, her happiness, her will to live. The only thing that could be seen was the reflection of whoever was peering into them.

"Hermione", Harry said, "You look tired, did you sleep well last night?"

"She was probably studying," Ron said.

"Yea", Hermione answered, "Just needed to finish that last chapter."

They didn't notice how thin she was, "probably because of my robes," she concluded. Harry and Ron then proceeded to talk about their Quidditch filled summer at the Burrow. Hermione looked out the window of the train and began to think, to think about her one true love. The thing that she so desperately needed. The Dark.

Hermione didn't know why she turned to the dark after it happened. It was just there waiting for her with open arms. It had always been there but she had never noticed it before. After it happened she noticed a lot of things. She saw things that were right there but she had never known, it was if she was seeing for the first time in her entire life. And Hermione didn't know if she liked it. But she did know one thing, the only thing she could look forward to and count on was The Dark.

A/N: Whats wrong with Hermione? Why is she suddenly obsessed with "The Dark" What is "It" Why is Harry wearing pink boxers? Lol j/m! I decided to write again, lets see if I can actually finish this one. I know this chapter is short but its kind of a prologue so bear with me. Well read and review and tell me what you think! Thanks!