Ok, first the disclaimer: I don't own even the smallest bit of Yu-Gi-Oh. Don't plan to … The characters are just too fun to play with (grins)

Warning! If you don't like OC's and OOC-ness and Mary-Sue's THEN DON'T READ THIS FIC. It was intended merely for the fun on the message board it was created on, with permission from everyone who participated in the RPG this story came out on…

A/N: This has nothing to do really with the actual story at all. I have a message forum for Yu-Gi-Oh and other anime and this little story was cooked up between my friend Blue and me. This is in the fantasy genre because it includes characters with magical powers. We have our characters as well as characters from the show. You will see Bakura acting slightly… ok a LOT ooc in this one. No flames if you choose to leave any remarks. This is strictly for the comic/romance tale to tell…

Well then… On with the fic…

To Break the Thief

Belinda and Ryou were enjoying the nice sunny day as they avoided the chaos around them. Belinda was more commonly known as Blue to her friends. She and Ryou had been together for a few years, even went as far as to take that leap of faith and get married. It had been difficult to make it through their relationship at first as Ryou was a wearer of the Millennium Ring which had given him the blessing and the curse of meeting a spirit named Bakura. Blue, herself, was not a stranger to oddities. She had a Yami as well, affectionately called RIJ. What had scared them so much was the fact that RIJ and Bakura had gotten along so well. Then there came another Yami. That of the young Marik Ishtar. His Yami, Malik, had become best of friends with the other darker halves, so they were always found causing trouble somewhere.

The prayers of Blue and Ryou were answered one day with the appearance of a woman named Aurora. She was not exactly of Earth, but she was as human as the rest of the people on Earth. She and her friends, Sapphira, Natara, Dorian, and Bryant were immortal beings with powers not even the Millennium Items could Rival. The story behind the group had been that Aurora had meet the Pharaoh Atem back when she and her friends landed here. Not only did they become friends, but they eventually married and had a set of triplets; two daughters and a son named Sanura, Zahara, and Adais, respectively. After several long years of being trapped in a Millennium Puzzle, Atem was set free and with the help of Yugi, not only helped to protect the world from people like Malik and Bakura, but found his lost memories and was freed of his prison.

Once freed, Aurora and her friends had used their powers combined to set free the Yami's held captive within Ryou and Blue as well as Atem. Everyone lived happily ever after…


RIJ and Bakura caused havoc and mayhem where ever they went, but Bakura had begun to feel like something was missing. He would never admit it to his Hikari, but the former Tomb Robber was secretly jealous of Ryou. It would have hurt his image, however, if anyone was to find out, so he kept the feelings buried within, acting with even more disregard to those around him. Blue and Ryou were worried, but they kept as far from him as they could. Felt it safer that way. Who knew the day would come where Bakura would actually show a softer side…

The park held few patrons that day even though the sun shone brightly over head. Blue and Ryou were actually meeting their Yami's there to play a game of cards they all enjoyed. A game called Cheat. Blue set out a blanket for everyone to sit on and Ryou prepared the deck of cards as RIJ and Bakura sauntered up to them nonchalantly. They all settled when a voice reached them.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey, Aurora!" Blue called out, waving to her friend. Bakura let out a groan behind her. It was a common thing that they all got together at least once a week to play games and hang out, but that did not mean he always enjoyed it. Though there was one person who always came with Aurora that made it worthwhile.

"What are you guys playing?" another woman beside Aurora asked them.

"Hey Sanura, it's a game called Cheat," Ryou told her before explaining the rules of the game.

"Sounds like fun," Aurora said. "Can we join?"

"Sure!" Blue told her with a smile. "Have a seat." Aurora sat down , Sanura and one other woman joining her.

"Don't look so nervous, Zahara," Ryou kidding with the blond who was seated next to Bakura. "He won't bite."

"Not hard anyway," Bakura told her, with a wolfish grin. Zahara did not shy away from him though. There was no fear in her deep blue eyes. She giggled softly and her eyes fluttered. The game began with each taking their turn.

"I play… five of hearts," RIJ announced, placing a card face down on the discard pile.

Blue placed a card down on top of his. "One six."

There was a small hesitation before Bakura added a card to the pile. "One seven." Blue smiled.


"What! How could you know! You, must be cheating!" Bakura accused. The others chuckled as Blue shook her head.

"Baka," she called him. He had no way of knowing, but she was holding all four of the sevens in her hand. Being the call of cheating was thrown back at her, she flipped the last card over, proving he had, indeed tried to cheat by placing some other number down instead. Bakura grumbled as he picked up the entire pile and added them to his hand. Everyone else managed to play out the next round without being called on. Aurora began the next round by placing an ace face down on the pile. Sanura played a two and Zahara decided to toy with the mind of Bakura. Giving him an innocent look, she reached forward and placed two cards face down.

"I play… two three's," she said. They were interrupted by a passerby who had stopped by to check out the game. The passerby suddenly grinned and tossed a trout onto the pile claiming it was a four.

They erupted into laughter all screaming, " CHEAT! CHEAT!" The passerby pretended to pout and walked away. Zahara recovered and looked demurely over at Bakura.

"Your move, Bakura," she purred. He suddenly felt nervous and uncomfortable. He had been around her before and had always thought her to be more annoying than anything. Something like a pesky little sister. Though she was not that much younger than he was. True they were both more than three thousand years old due to her immortality (a little gift in her heritage as the product of the immortal, Aurora, and the Pharaoh), but at the time he had been sealed in the Millennium Ring, she had only been three years old. A far cry from his eighteen year old self.

But things had changed. He had remembered seeing her when he was released from the Ring. He had been struck by her beauty, but his ideas of responsibilities forced him to avoid her like the plague. She did not seem to mind. Always busy with something else. The fact that she did not seem bothered by him actually reallybothered him. Almost anyone he had come across always feared him. She had been the exception. Just now, she was staring up at him with an odd look in her eyes. He was not sure what to make of it just yet, but it had definitely thrown him off his guard.

"One five," he grumbled, trying to avoid her look. She grinned, her eyes closing a moment before gasps made her open them again. Another passerby had run by and grabbed one of the cards. With a bad impersonation of an evil doer's laugh the passerby set the card on fire. The passerby laughed until the flames licked at his fingers, causing him to yelp.

"Owie, it burns!" He shouted, dropping the cards. RIJ watched it burn on the ground and smiled. Fire as a friend of his. He loved chaos and destruction, and almost always it included fire.

"Do we need that card?" Blue asked with a confused look on her face.

"Hope not," Aurora answered with a grin. Zahara knew it was not her turn, but she played anyway.

"Three eight's," she said looking around casually. Then she suddenly reached out and began toying with Bakura's hair. She could tell it was causing the distraction she was hoping for. Aurora sighed and shook her head.

"Are you done pawing Bakura, yet?" She asked with an amused grin as her daughter's face grew red and she dropped her hand.

"Mother!" She cried out, embarrassed. Her sister smirked over at her.

"Well you are..." Sanura told her.

Zahara shrugged. "I don't hear him complaining any..." She replied with a grin, her embarrassment passed. The next person's turn had been forgotten about as the teasing had begun so they decided to start over with Sanura.

"I play two jack's."

"I play three queen's," Aurora announced, placing three cards face down. Zahara grinned and winked at Bakura who had begun to squirm with his discomfort. He was not entirely sure what was making him so uncomfortable. His heart was beating hard. He had never felt this way before. The wink actually made him blush.

"I have one king," she said lightly. Aurora rolled her eyes and hung her head a moment before smacking Zahara on the back of the head. "Ow!" Zahara shouted, glaring at her mother and rubbing the now tender spot. Bakura found her scowl actually intriguing and had forgotten for a moment what he was doing. He counted his cards and stretched his hand forward to add them to the pile.

"Five aces," he said nonchalantly. Sanura chuckled and Zahara grinned at him.

"Cheat! You have to be…" she told him. He could no longer ignore her. He turned his famous smirk on her.

"How could I cheat? Don't you trust me?" he asked her. She faltered a moment before turning bolder and leaned terribly close to him. She never noticed that his breathing had almost stopped.

"Five aces? Sorry, Hon, but there are only four of each card in a deck," she informed him with a sly grin of her own. He cracked, realizing his mistake.

"Damn!" he muttered as he racked in another pile of cards. She snickered at him.

"You will learn, you can't lie the well to me," she told him with another wink.

"Zahara," Aurora sighed in frustration. Sanura rolled her eyes heavenward. The play continued.

"My turn," RIJ announced. "One, two."

"Alright, I play two, three's," Ryou added.

"Now me," Blue placed a card down on the pile. "One, four."

"Five," Sanura said.

"Two six's," Aurora continued.

Zahara smiled again. "Seven."

Bakura tried to throw everyone off him this time. He had been caught enough. He looked around with a suspicious look on his face. "… one eight."

"CHEAT!" RIJ called. Bakura smiled. Gotcha! He thought.

"WHAT! NO!" he shouted as he flipped the card over to show it actually was an eight. RIJ growled and picked up the pile. Everyone in the group laughed.

"And here I almost called him on it," Aurora grinned.

"So the tomb robber can be truthful..." Sanura added thoughtfully with a smirk.

"Only when it suits him…" Aurora looked over at RIJ. "So, RIJ, your turn I believe?" She caught Zahara playing with Bakura's hair again and noticed the tense expression on his face. "Zahara, I swear I am going to lock you in your room!"

Zahara dropped her hand again and did her best to pass off her most innocent look. "But honestly mother, look- he had something in his hair- I was only getting it out," she insisted as held out a piece of black fuzz she had pulled from the silky, white strands.

Sanura gave her sister an incredulous look. "How on earth did he get black fuzz in his hair?" Zahara shrugged and tossed it to the ground.

Aurora frowned, studying Bakura's face. "I am really surprised he hasn't said anything to you about the extra attention yet..." Frankly, Bakura had been surprised as well. He never let anyone get that close to him. Anyone who tried had a tendency to get hurt. Zahara stuck out her tongue.

Sanura rolled her eyes again. "Yeah, that was really mature..." she groaned.

Aurora knew to end the spat that was coming before it went any farther. "Enough you two..."

"Yes, mother..."they said in unison as they lowered their heads and waited their turn. The next turn was delayed yet again however when another passerby came by and kicked all their cards over. He stood only for a moment to stroke his mustache before laughing wickedly and running away. Aurora sighed and begin to help picking up the cards.

"Ok, next time we don't play in the park," she said softly. As if to add more reasoning behind her remark one of the previous passerby's came back and lit a match, throwing it on the cards. They all watched dumbfounded as he took off running again only to be stopped when he ran face first into a lamp post. Snickers went around the group as they all thought it served him right. Aurora turned back to the flaming pile as Sanura stood to stamp it out with her black boot. "Well… there goes the game."

"Now what do we do?" Blue asked. Zahara moved away from Bakura to check her purse.

"Thanks to Adais' insane need to have to play games every time we are together, I make it a habit of having a deck or two with me," she explained as she dug into her purse and produced a new deck. "Wanna try again?"

"Why not," Sanura shrugged. "I have nothing better to do…"

"Sure, we can try again!" Blue said excitedly. She looked over at RIJ and Bakura. "You guys playing again?" They looked at each other with mischievous smirks on their faces.

"Is it strip poker?" RIJ asked. Blue's eyes widened in shock.

"NO!" He shrugged.

"Then, not interested." The group noticed a hesitation from Bakura. They turned their attention to him to find he was staring down at Zahara who was shuffling the deck of cards, not paying attention to him for the moment.

"Bakura?" Blue asked. He hesitated again before finally shrugging.

"Sure," he said. At the same moment a part of him was screaming at himself. He finally had the opportunity to escape this woman who was causing suchstrange feelings to stir within him, and he did not take it. He merely looked down and waited for the cards to be dealt. Zahara began dealing the cards, but she suddenly felt very shy as she realized Bakura had been staring at her during the time she was dealing the cards out. She swallowed and tried to get back some of her spunk again.

"Okay," she said when the cards were dealt. "Game start," she added with a grin. Aurora hung her head again. No, she wasn't the daughter of the King of Games, she thought with a faint smile. She laid two cards down.

"Alright then, two aces," she said aloud. Sanura was next.

"One two," she said turning to face Ryou who was next. "Your turn." Ryou had been staring at Bakura who was still entranced withZahara.

"Um… one three." Blue gave him a concerned look.

"You alright, Ryou?" She asked as she placed her card down. "I play a four." The looks turned to Bakura who still was not exactly paying attention. He was bound and determined to switch the tables and make Zahara feel uncomfortable for at least a moment. She smiled shyly up at him.

"So how many five's do you have to lay down for us?" she asked him in a gentle reminder that it was his turn. He looked at his hand for a moment, pulling two cards then he went back to looking at Zahara.

"Well… two! I play two five's." he said, laying the cards down. Zahara giggled. She saw the shift in his eyes.

"Cheat!" Sanura looked stunned.

"So soon?" Her sister just shrugged and grinned again. Aurora lowered her head to her hands trying not to let her smile be seen as she tried to conceal her laughter.

"Here we go again," she murmured. Bakura gave his usual evil sounding laugh.

"No, this time I didn't cheat!" He insisted as he flipped the two cards over. "See? Look." His words were caught off by the sounds of snickering.

"Um," Blue started before laughter stopped her. Ryou caught his breath and motioned to the cards.

"Yami… look…" Bakura stopped laughing and looked down to see that he had flipped over one five and one six. He blinked.

"WHAT!" He sputtered. "I swear that was a five!"

Zahara giggled. "Sure it was... someone changed it to asix on you when you weren't looking, right?" She handed him the cards in the pile, her face blushing when their hands touched for a brief instant. No one seemed more flustered than Bakura though, at that moment. He pulled back quickly while flushing bright red.

He tried to search his mind for words. "...Maybe...someone did..." Ryou and Blue looked at each other, both confused by the way Bakura was acting.

"Uh...Bakura?" Blue started.

"Just go Ryou!" Bakura shouted, still feeling flustered.

Ryou was not sure what to make of it, but decided to make his play. "...Alright...I play two six's."

"A seven!" Blue continued.

"One eight," Aurora added.

Sanura's turn. "Two nine's." Zahara stared at her hand, finding she could not concentrate as her fingers still tingled from where they had touched his own. She was playing a dangerous game, she knew. She was not sure what was making her act this way around him this day. She had never been this forward with anyone. Yet today she was opening flirting with him. Almost daring him to make some kind of move. "Any time sister..." Zahara frowned and pulled two cards from her hand.

"Two ten's," she said finally, placing the cards on the pile, while trying not to look up at Bakura. Aurora could not help the comment she half said to herself.

"Odd... last time she couldn't keep her hands off him..." The remark earned her a glare from Zahara. "Well you couldn't..." She was not the only one being stared at. Bakura felt the eyes of his Hikari on him, making him feel even more awkward.

"Er… Zahara…" He coughed, trying to get the shakiness out of his voice. "Did you… um… cheat?" Aurora looked up at him then. Bakura… nervous… NO WAY! She thought, shocked. Zahara debated giving in, but decided to try to be bold yet again and toy with him.

"Wanna check it?" she asked him, lightly nibbling her lower lip. Few people knew that about her, but that was her nervous habit. Sanura and Aurora smacked their foreheads.

"Someone had better do something about this soon, before someone gets hurt with all the blood shooting to their head," Sanura commented motioning to the fact that both Bakura and Zahara had the red coloration in their cheeks from blushing. Aurora tried hard not to laugh, but failed miserably and found herself on the ground laughing uncontrollably. Bakura leaned forward toward the pile, keeping his eyes on Zahara.

"I don't think you are supposed to be the one who check's it," Ryou started but broke off, realizing his yami was not even listening to him. Bakura's hand touches the top of the pile but stops, suddenly unsure. Zahara swallowed hard, debating on giving up. But like Bakura, she found more fun in the challenge. Sanura rolled her eyes and with an evil grin decided to take her own advice about doing something. She shoved Bakura forward, sending him flying into Zahara, pinning her to the ground. Zahara blinked rapidly, blushing wildly, her mind completely devoid of any conscious thought.

"Um… er… yeah… um…" she sputtered, unable to form even a simple sentence. Bakura's head hurt from the sudden rush of color to his face. He had never been in this kind of position in which he felt almost faint with embarrassment.

"I… well… you… er…"

Blue and Ryou smiled. Aurora laughed.

"Just say it, Yami," Ryou told him as Aurora was speaking to Zahara.

"Spit it out." Finally, Zahara broke.

"All right! I give! I cheated! I'll take the pile…" she called out.

"That's right, you did!" Bakura said shaking his head. "Now take the cards!"

She gulped and whimpered, more from embarrassment than fear as visions of payback entered her head. I am going to kill Sanura for this, she thought angrily. She loved playing cat and mouse games. But she liked doing so at her own pace. This was not what she had in mind when it came to her own way to seduce Bakura. Though it had not entered her mind that this situation could have been used to her advantage.

"What was that, sister?" Sanura asked her with a smug grin on her face.

"Damn mental telepathy," Zahara muttered. "You heard me. I am going to kill you for this…" Bakura blinked at her for a moment, not believing the words that he just heard from her sweet, tender looking mouth. He shook his head again. There is definitely more to her than I first gave her credit for, he thought, amazed.

"The cards? Take them." Zahara turned her attention back to Bakura, he head still swirling with emotions.

"Um… I would… except you… um… Are on me still?" She had not intended it to sound like a question, but her voice wavered and began to shake. Aurora and Sanura sighed and hung their heads. Bakura's face turned red again.

"Oh, yeah," he coughed as he got up off her. "Sorry." Ryou's eyes opened wide.

He said sorry! He thought. The word had grabbed everyone's attention and they stared and blinked at Bakura. A new voice entered the situation as Atem walked up to the group.

"Did I just hear what I thought I heard?" he asked. Aurora shushed him as Zahara carefully lifted herself up off the ground and reached to take the pile.

"Um…" Her voice was so soft they all had to strain to hear what she said. "It's you turn, B-Bakura." Atem gave Aurora an odd look. She shook her head and motioned for him to sit and just watch as the game continued. Bakura's eyes remained locked on Zahara.

"… I'll play a Jack."

Ryou sighed. "Two Queens." Blue took her turn.

"A King!"

"One Ace," Aurora added. Sanura eyed her sister when she place her one two on the discard pile. She wondered what stunt her sister would pull this time. Zahara gulped. Who knew a game could cause so much redness in one's face.

"Two three's," she said, placing the two cards down. She looked up at her sister. "Don't think I've forgotten what you did, Sanura…"

Sanura pretended to be in fear. "I'm shaking… What can you do to me anyway?"

"Girls," Aurora started, but was interrupted by Zahara.

"I will still get you back…" Sanura smirked.

"You liked it, admit it." She loved pushing her sister's buttons. She always knew just what ones to hit too. Zahara blushed furiously, trying desperately to hide her face behind her cards. "I knew it!" Sanura laughed. It was cut short however when Zahara launched herself at her sister. "EEP!" Bakura had attempted to turn away but something about the sight had him watching out of the corner of his eye as Sanura cried out for help. Her cards scattered all over her spot as she jumped and ran. Zahara's cards had fallen near Bakura's feet. Part of him had been tempted to look at them, but the other part of him wanted to secretly watch as the fight continued.

"Oh no you don't…" Zahara was shouting to her sister. "I am going to make you suffer!" Sanura backed her self up against a tree.

"Wait- I'm your sister…" she pleaded.

"So?" Zahara asked her darkly. Atem looked around seeing no one wanting to stop them.

"Is someone going to stop them?" he asked. Aurora shook her head.

"Nope, over the years, they learned to fight each other off. Besides- Zahara is blowing off some steam… Thought her head was going to explode, the color red it became… Sanura had this coming to her," she told Atem with a grin. Atem could not help but wonder what Bakura had thought about all this as he glanced over to catch the former tomb robber sneakily watching the fight.

Bakura had been amazed by the struggle. The things Zahara was saying. The fact that she did not seem to care that Sanura was her own flesh and blood sister. He had to admit, it turned him on and he no longer hid the fact that he was watching. A grin curved his lips. "Wow… she has such an amazing evil side."

Aurora could not help the smirk that crossed her lips as the girls made their way back closer to where the game had once been taking place. She stood and carefully made her way over to Ryou and Blue. They had their eyes locked on Bakura. A sly thought entered her mind seeing them get close enough in the struggle that he had to take a step back.

"So… Think Bakura would like to intercede in this little battle?" she asked them with a wink. Bakura had been half listening as he watched.

"What a woman…" he marveled before her words sank in. "Wait, what? Are you talking about me!" A cry from Sanura caught his attention and he went back to the fight as Aurora slipped silently behind him.

I just know I am going to regret this… She quickly shoved him forcing him to fall into the middle of the shuffle sending everyone flying to the ground. In an effort to keep himself from falling, Bakura had reached out to grab the closest thing. Sanura shrieked.

"EEP! GET OFF OF ME!" She shoved him off her andsomehow in the twisting he found his arms encircling Zahara when they came to a rest on the ground again. Zahara's eyes opened wide and she gulped hard to try to calm her heart which was threatening to explode out of her chest.

"Um… er… hi?"

"Oh my," Ryou gasped softly as Bakura's uncomfort became increasingly obvious.

"… Hi…" he managed to choke out. Aurora giggled.

"Who knew watching your own child squirm could be so fun?" she said with a laugh as Sanura walked over, trying to catch her breath and wiping the dirt off her outfit.

"Well… Now that they are in that position… what will happen next?"

"Good question," Atem agreed, slightly on edge.

"Who knows," Aurora answered with a shrug. She had known that Zahara had hidden her feelings about Bakura for a couple years out of fear for what Atem would have thought about it. Silently watching the two interact in that time, Aurora was certain he felt the same way. They had to admit it sooner or later… Now was as good a time as ever.

"Uh… Nice day today?" Bakura asked her. Ryou raised an eyebrow at his yami. In the time he had known him, Bakura had never seemed so nervous. Zahara was trying desperately to find her voice. The closeness of their bodies served to be an annoyance to her as she tried to concentrate.

"Y-y-yes it is…" she finally managed to get out. They became increasingly aware that there were several pairs of eyes watching them and they coughed. Bakura turned his attention at the group.

"WHAT YOU STARING AT!" he shouted at them. Blue jumped, startled by the tone in his voice.

"I think we should leave Bakura alone," she said lightly as she and Ryou walked away. Aurora agreed and started to join them when she noticed Sanura was not coming.

"Come on, Sanura."

"But… but…"

"Now, Sanura," Atem told her pointedly. She lowered her gaze and hung her head as she followed them.

"Yes, Father." In all appearances, they had left the area. But all they did was duck behind a tree and some bushes so they could see what was happening between the two who had made no real effort to get up from the ground. Bakura turned his attention back to the girl below him.

"So… um… do you like… stuff?" She gave him a curious look.

"Stuff? W-what kind of stuff?" she asked him hesitantly.

Damn, he thought as he searched his brain for something to say. Anything to say. "Um…" Zahara found she had at least one arm free so she reached up to touch several strands of his white hair that had fallen over his shoulder. She, too, still could not find words to speak. So, she merely twirled a small lock of his hair around her finger as he watched her.

"What's going on, I can't hear them," Ryou asked, trying to get a better view of the couple as Bakura blushed again.

"I can hear them, barely. Right now they are at a loss for words…." Aurora told him as they continued to spy on the couple. Zahara blinked rapidly, trying to see if she was awake or if this was just another of her dreams.

"Um… er… d-do you w-want to stay on the ground forever? Or shall we s-stand?" She asked him as she tried to mask the shiver her nerves coursed through her body. His eyes widened as he suddenly realized he was still holding her down. He pushed off her.

"Ahh! Sorry!" Zahara giggled. She felt she had finally lost her mind.

"That's ok… I didn't mind… too much, r-really." He noticed her nervous habit of nibbling on her lower lip and found it cute. But he was not about to actually admit that.

Sanura sighed, turned away form the sight of them and leaned against the tree. "Do I really have to watch this?" she sighed in a bored tone.

"No," Aurora answered. "You can go somewhere else." Sanura rolled her eyes and slid down the tree to sit on the ground and bury her head in her arms which rested on her knees. Atem stared at the couple with an even more shocked expression in his eyes.

"Did he just use the sorry word again?" he asked to no one in particular. "That makes twice in one day. Is he feeling ok?" Ryou shrugged.

"I have never seen Bakura act this way before." Blue grinned and giggled.

"I think he is smitten by Zahara. She's got him wrapped around her little finger." Aurora noticed Zahara playing with his hair again.

"Quite literally," she added with a soft laugh.

Bakura gazed over and down at the girl playing with his hair. She had a shy, wistful, and yet sneaky look in her eyes. He was still trying to figure out how she managed to pull off those three traits into one look. His heart had picked up its pace as he watched her. Confusion swarmed in his head and heart; a bead of sweat had appeared and had begun to slip down the side of his face.

What is happening to me? He asked himself, almost fearfully. What are… these… feelings? These where emotions he had never felt before. He was used to chaos and mayhem. Not to be outdone by anyone. His favorite pass time was causing trouble and irritating the former Pharaoh. He once swore he would take out the Pharaoh's family. All of them. Yet here was the youngest of the daughter's that carried his blood. She looked more like her mother. He remembered hating her mother. No, it struck him hard that he could be having such feelings about someone who came from a family he hated.

Zahara had been going through similar thoughts in her own head. She knew he was the man her father had despised. Wanted dead. She should fear this man. Be running for her life. But a part of her had always been attracted to the darkness within him. The part that made him unpredictable and exciting. She had just never really known how to go about getting his attention. She gave herself an inward smile as she realized she had his attention now. She just did not know what to do about it. She saw the confusion in his eyes. Noticing the bead of sweat slipping down his face, her fingers left the lock of hair she had been toying with and lightly touched his face as she brushed it away.

What is going on? What is he thinking? She asked herself as she again found herself nibbling her lower lip. She had no idea how badly he wanted to be the one nibbling on it. "Are… are you okay, Bakura?" Her heart had finally slowed down enough for her to speak again, now that he was not on top of her anymore.

Aurora heard a slight rustling and turned to see their friend Jackie had come up behind them.

"Whatca guys doin'?" she asked with a smile. Aurora shushed her and motioned to Bakura and Zahara. Bakura had seemed startled by something and shook his head.

"Uh, yeah! Of course!" he said a little louder than they were sure he meant to. He continued to shake his head, looking away form Zahara for a moment. Aurora turned to Jackie.

"We were tired of them playing games with each other yet not giving into their true feelings. We have been watching it for at least a year now, though I am certain it has been going on even longer than that. So we played matchmaker," she explained before turning back to the couple. She smiled as she saw Bakura shaking his head again. "Those feelings won't go away with the shake of a head, 'Kura," she whispered with a grin. Her grin faded however when she saw her daughter sigh and drop her hand away from Bakura's face.

"Yes, of course. You would be alright," she said almost scornfully.

"Uh-oh…" Aurora groaned softly. Sanura peeked up from her arms to see what had caused her mother's groan.

"He will lose if he doesn't do something…" She commented before burying her head again. Aurora watched her younger daughter and one corner of her lips turned up in a smirk.

"I don't know…" she said lightly. "Something tells me Zahara isn't done with this game yet." Blue giggled and made some comment about Zahara being as much of a gamer as her father, in which everyone agreed. They watched as Bakura reacted suddenly, taking her hand before it could rest on the ground.

"Only if you stay with me." Everyone grew silent and stunned. Ryou blinked.

"I definitely haven't seen this side of Bakura!" he told them in a voice that matched the shocked look in his eyes. Aurora's mouth dropped open and Atem just refused to believe what he had just seen.

"No way," he exclaimed softly.

Zahara had swallowed hard, her eyes going from his hand holding hers to meet his eyes. She had not been expecting this. At least not this soon. She had expected him to play the game out. She grew nervous again. Her heart daring to have some kind of hope. "Y-you m-mean that? Really?" Please Ra don't let this be a trick of some kind, she pleaded, her teeth once again finding her lip.

Blue grew thoughtful. "Seems like Bakura is under some kind of spell or something…"

"I just hope Zahara knows what Bakura's thinking, or at least what she is doing." Ryou had a worried look in his eye.

"Unless there is some kind of mental link between them like Atem and I have, I doubt she knows what he is thinking. Though it would be nice… Would definitely help her to know what she should be preparing herself for." Atem narrowed his eyes.

"Not sure I want to know where his thoughts are right now," he told them with a quick grin as he watched the look of hunger that crossed Bakura's face.

Bakura stifled the groan that wanted to escape his lips as he watched that sweet lip trapped in her teeth. He could no longer fight the temptation that called out to him to take that lip with his own. He smiled at her. The first unveiled and genuine smile anyone had ever seen him give. "If I didn't mean it, would I do this?" He asked her as he leaned in and kissed her.

Zahara had been taken off guard and her eyes snapped open at first before blinking and finally closing as she returned the kiss; simple at first. She felt the hunger burning inside her. Could almost sense it within him as well. Her thoughts whipped around her mind. This has to be real right? He wouldn't kiss me in some kind of trick, would he? What am I thinking; this is Bakura of all people… Of course he would… But … His smile seemed so real… and his lips… A soft moan passed from her and he felt the gentle vibration of it against his lips as he pulled her closer.

Aurora turned sharply and coughed. "Okay, now I think I am going to leave them to whatever it is they are doing… We can take the card game somewhere else is anyone still wants to play."

Sanura looked up at her. "But the cards are over by them," she reminded her. Aurora grinned.

"Guess someone has to go and get them then, don't they?" Blue and Ryou jump from their spot as well.

"Well, it's a nice day, maybe I'll go for a walk," Blue said with a laugh. "Come on, Ryou!"

"Okay…" He submitted as he allowed himself to be dragged away. Aurora suddenly felt a pang of nervousness and chased after them.

"Hey, Ryou… He wouldn't hurt her, would he? Not just physically, but emotionally? He wouldn't be just teasing her, would he?" Sanura stood to follow her mother and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, sure, now you worry," she muttered. Ryou turned and looked back at Aurora.

"I'm not sure. I wouldn't think so. This is the first time I have seen Bakura act this way, so honestly I don't really know." He noticed that Atem was the only one who had stayed behind as Jackie also joined them. "Is Atem left watching the lovers?" Sanura sighed and walked back to her father, gently tugging on his shirt.

"I am sure if Bakura was going to do anything to hurt her, he would have done it by now."

Atem eyed the former tomb robber cautiously. "You are probably right," he agreed softly, but his heart still tugged at him. She was, after all, his daughter. He only wanted to watch out for her and see she was protected from what ever Bakura could still be wanting to do. "Still…" His thought was cut off when Aurora came over him and caressed his cheek. He understood then how Bakura could have been so taken in. Aurora's touch did the same thing to him every time.

"Come on, koi… She will be fine. I get the feeling now that if anything happened, he wouldn't let any harm befall her." Atem nodded and stood wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him in a hug. She pulled back and turned to Blue and Ryou again. "So… where should we go next? Bowling?"

Blue jumped up excitedly. "Ooo, Bowling!" Ryou looked confused.

"…What is this bowling?"

"Don't worry," Blue told him, giggling. "I'm not good at it either." Aurora's face brightened.

"Bowling is fun!" Atem looked over at Ryou.

"I am just as lost as you are on this one…" They began to walk away. Aurora held back and turned to give another look at Bakura as he finally stood and helped Zahara up off the ground only to pull her against him and hold her, his hand stroking her hair. "Just take care of her, 'Kura… Take care of her or you won't be able to be resurrected again after I am done with you…" she whispered. Ryou's voice caught her attention and she walked over to join them again.

"You must teach me this 'bowling' thing, if its safe," Ryou was saying to Blue. "Last time Bakura taught me a game… it wasn't much fun," he added with a shudder. Blue looked at him quizzically.

"What do you mean?" Ryou frowned a moment.

"He called it, 'Bakura says', and then I would have to do as he says… he told me to bend over once…" (1) He stopped as everyone's eyes grew large. Aurora cringed at the thought in her head and shook it away.

"Don't worry, bowling is much better than 'Bakura says', I can promise you that. You take a rather heavy ball and throw it down an alley in an attempt to knock downten pins. There are ten rounds per game. Highest score wins."

Atem thought about her words. "Sounds simple enough."

"Shall we invite them?" Sanura asked as she motioned over to Bakura and Zahara.

Aurora looked at Blue and Ryou. "I don't know. Ryou, Blue, what do you think?"

Ryou was still stuck on the description of the game. "Heavy ball? Alley? Pins?..." Blue patted his shoulder.

"It's alright." Ryou turned thoughtful. Blue turned to Aurora. "I dunno, depends on what they are talking about, or if they are done talking, I guess…" Sanura turned to look at them.

"Doesn't look like they are talking now." Atem arched an eyebrow and stepped forward so he could be seen by the couple.

"Hey Tomb Robber! We are going bowling. You and Zahara want to join?" Bakura blinked and an angry scowl crossed his face.

"What in the…! I was having a moment, Pharaoh!" he shouted back. Atem rolled his eyes. Zahara looked up at Bakura, trying to get his attention back.

"What do you say, 'Kura? It's fun. I could teach you how to play if you don't know how…" She stopped to give him a shy, yet mischievous smile. "I've been told I am an excellent teacher…" She saw him hesitating and took it to mean he did not want to go. She had no idea what her offer had serious done to his mind. Hentai thoughts abound. She snuggled a little closer to him, playing her tricks for all they were worth. Her best asset in times like these: her puppy eyes look. "Please, 'Kura" she purred softly, tugging at his collar slightly. "Can we go bowling?" She batted her eyes and he swallowed hard. "I promise we can have more moments like the one we had before Father ruined it… Even better moments…"

Aurora chuckled softly. "Uh-oh, Bakura. The puppy face. Of all the kids, she was the best at it… "She thought a moment. "Adais coming a close second," she added, speaking of her and Atem's only son. Ryou laughed as he watched his Yami struggling for some kind of control.

"I know that look," he commented lightly. Bakura shifted the weight on his feet as he tried to avoid her sweet begging face. He was failing miserably at that task as well.

"Eh…" Damn! She is pulling the same trick Ryou used on me to buy that jacket for him! He thought, feeling his resolve starting to slip. He resorted to closing his eyes. "I can't see you!" Zahara's eyes took on a very seductive look as she realized what lengths she was going to have to go to break him. She pressed herself closer against him. He tensed beneath her touch, not sure what to expect.

"Kura?" she purred as she lightly traced his jaw line with the tip of her finger, going from his jaw down to the base of his neck. She smiled devilishly as she felt him shiver at her touch. "Please… I promise you it can be fun…" her hand trailed over his chest slowly moving lower. "I would make it worth your while…"

"ZAHARA!" Aurora shouted out in shock. Zahara rolled her eyes and turned to glare at her mother.

"I didn't mean THAT!" She tried not to break out laughing as she returned her attention to Bakura who still had his eyes closed. She could tell he was fighting her. So she tried one last move. The only other move she knew would finally break him. She slowly stood on tip toe and her lips found his ear, gently she first licked and then nipped at the lobe. He shuddered then and she grinned. Her lips still near his ear she let her breath pass over the sensitive spot as she spoke to him. "You can't ignore me forever, 'Kura…"

Ryou's eyes went wide in shock as he watched Bakura's reaction. Blue laughed. Bakura kept his eyes closed as he made a sad attempt to slow his breathing.

"I think Bakura is actually enjoying it," Blue said with a grin. Bakura let out a low growl/moan. His voice was more breathy then his typical arrogant tone.

"Fine. I'll. Go." His words were halted. He was still trying to keep some kind of control. It scared him to know she could bend him like that. That he almost felt powerless to her touch.

"She did it… She broke him," Atem said, amazed.

"That's my girl," Aurora announced with a grin.

Zahara slowly moved and her lips met his in a chaste kiss. Chaste as it was, he could not help the reaction his body had to it. "Thank you, 'Kura," she whispered against his lips. She turned and her hand slowly moved down his chest again as she began to walk to join the others. She knew he would follow. She had learned all the best tricks. The right touch. The right words. She wore a smile of triumph, even while her heart beat wildly in her chest. She knew she won this game. But there would be many other challenges ahead. She was certain she would not always win. She was also certain she did not always want to win.

A/N: (1)Blue says that comment was inspired by a picture called Tainted Game (giggles)… there are so many times I feel so bad for Ryou … (shakes head with soft laughter) Now as I said at the beginning, This fic is filled wit Mary-Sueness and OC's and OOC-ness. So you knew that going into the fic. I had better not see any flames because of this warning given... Critizisim is one thing, but flaming is another. If you did not like those things in a fic and yet you read anyway and hated it- you were forewarned at the start. It is your own fault. Otherwise- hope you enjoyed. This little saga isn't done yet as the RPG still continues on my Message forum. So there will be a fe more chapters to go yet...