Hardened Winds


Summary: Two years ago, Aang was betrayed by Katara, who fell for Zuko and ultimately led to the avatar's failure to defeat Ozai before summer's end. Hardened, the young airbender is now back with a full army and is on the verge of defeating the Fire Nation once in for all. Yet despite his belief of being in full control, nightmares of the past still haunt him. What will happen when Katara returns and a series of misunderstandings and more betrayals unveil? Will Aang be able to handle it all?


A few days later, Sokka entered the avatar's chamber, only to find a letter on his neatly tucked bed.

What I need now is for some time alone. Thanks for everything you… everyone… did for me, and I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry how I was these last two years, but I'm trying to be better now. I promise. Even when I know that I'll never fully recover.


Gaping at the note in his hands, the South Pole native scanned the letter a few more times, and there was a lot in his best friend's words that he did not understand. I'm sorry…? Aang didn't need to apologize for anything, yet not only was the monk now trying to sound as if Sokka had been the one who had the most grief these days, but he was also... gone? Gone! A groan rose from his throat as he immediately started inspecting every corner of the avatar's chamber, almost hoping he would catch the fourteen-year-old playing hide-and-seek with him. No such chance, Sokka realized ten minutes later, brooding on Aang's bed without a clue where the airbender had gone.

He had just recovered from his illness, the seventeen-year-old thought, scowling. Why would he just suddenly embark on another journey? Didn't the boy care about his health at all? The last three days, the avatar had stayed in his bed with layers of suffocating blankets and a hot towel on his forehead, with Katara constantly watching over him. Attentive to his every need, she had sometimes spoken to him in soft tones, and other times, she had been silent, when it had been clear that all Aang needed was some good rest and a hand to grasp. It was amazing how his sister had been so intent on keeping his best friend company, not wanting to leave him on his own for even a moment, and the avatar had wanted it that way, too.

It was because of the waterbender that Aang had recovered so quickly, so fully from his intense fever that had gradually crept onto him a week before. She was the traitor, the enemy, but somehow she had managed to change that around, to cure the avatar despite what she had done. It was an incredible feat, and Sokka was even a little jealous, seeing how he hadn't been able to truly help his best friend himself. Still, he had done his part. He had been the one who had stood besides Aang for more than three years, ever since the first time they had met (excluding the time when he had kept a mistrusting eye on the hyper twelve-year-old). Plus, just two days ago, he had explained to the monk exactly what had happened on that night when he and Zuko had teamed up to free Katara, as well as all the other secrets he had hidden from the avatar before.

So everyone was happy. Kind of. Although Aang hadn't said anything, it was obvious that Katara had been forgiven, and she was presently acting a lot more cheerful. Zuko… everyone seemed to have forgotten about him and his awaited execution, so it could just be assumed that Aang had dropped all his charges on him and that the prince was free, too. Although the firebender did seem a little envious of how much attention Katara was paying attention to the fourteen-year-old, Sokka thought with a smirk.

Nothing dramatic had changed with Aang, but he wasn't going downhill as he had been when Sokka had started avoiding him, being suspicious of him. Perhaps he was even getting better, bit by bit. And the second-in-command? He was happy that his best friend could now rely on Katara, too (he would always keep an eye on her, though, in case history repeated itself), and that nothing serious had happened to his best friend. At least until he found out that Aang recently disappeared. Leaving only a stupid note telling him nothing.

Sokka sighed. It would never be easy, would it? The second one problem was solved, another would arise. But remembering what had happened in the prisoner's chamber, a small smile appeared on his lips. Still, he mused, picking up a thick, sealed envelop besides the letter that had until now gone unnoticed, there would always be promises that there would be a solution to the most impossible situations. Leaving Aang's room, he decided to open the envelop later.

As he made his way down the stairs, he stopped when he unexpectedly saw someone all too familiar heading towards him.


Sokka blinked, automatically raising his guards as he looked at the former pirate in front of him. Their last conversation together… didn't go all too well. Misaki brushed his green bangs away from his face before smiling sheepishly.

"Sokka," he started quietly, "I'm… uh… sorry about what happened between us a week ago. I shouldn't have been so… bad."

The older one stared at the other, taken back. Misaki had never apologized to him before. True, they had had many fights since the first time they had laid eyes on each other, but usually they had resolved the conflict by avoiding each other for a week or so until the fight had been completely forgotten. Not the best method, Sokka had known, but nobody could get an apology from the fiery former pirate. Things had evidently changed, though.

And it was clear that the sixteen-year-old was unfamiliar with apologizing with his present stuttering. Sokka smiled at the thought.

"You are forgiven," he then said with ease, even inserting a little pompousness to irritate his friend.

He was surprised at how easily his pardon had come out from him, even more astonished at how good it felt to simply let go of the small grudge he had held against Misaki. One way to overcome the past, he pondered, closing his eyes, was to forgive. Even when it was so hard, sometimes it just wasn't worth holding onto. His sister's smile instantly came to mind.

"Don't act so smug," Misaki said flatly in front of him, making Sokka smirk. "I just came to apologize. I'm not begging or anything."

"That would be a dream come true, wouldn't it?"

The younger boy punched his shoulder playfully.

"Don't make me angry again," he warned, laughing. "You wouldn't want that, would you, dear commander?"

"I don't know about that…"

"Anyway," Misaki stepped away from him, a finger tugging at his verdant bangs. "I'm thinking of changing my color. What do you think of red? Or blue?"

"You're changing your bangs already?" Sokka asked.

"Hey, it's time for a change, isn't it? Change is always good. And-… argh," the former pirate put a hand on his forehead. "I forgot to do something for Gloria. I'll see you later, okay? And you better come up with a good color by then!"

He flew past Sokka, leaving the latter amused. Blue would be good for him, he thought, continuing his way downstairs, the color is for calm, isn't it? But for now, he had other things to think about; he had to deliver the news about Aang to the others.

----- ----- -----

It all came to this. It just had to come to this.

It was very annoying to think about it, really. He remembered how it had began: just a simple mission to free Katara from this blasted place, even if it required the help of her brother, the water tribe idiot. No avatar in the plan, at all. Yet somehow the latter had to catch them in action, had to deduce his own horrible, wrong conclusions, and had to pretend he was going to execute the love of his life and provoke him into trying to kill him… only to just break down in the last minute and have Katara to rush to his rescue. Yes, recollecting the past events truly did irk him.

And that wasn't even the worst of it. Now it came down to the avatar going on his own pleasant vacation, leaving the rest of them to fret and worry. The child didn't even tell them where he was going! And because of this, he thought, closing his eyes in infuriation, he was presently watching Katara as she went through her enormous backpack again, checking if she had everything for her journey. And what exactly was her new expedition? To catch up with the avatar, after he had explicitly said that he wanted some time alone in his letter. The girl was so ignorant sometimes.

The steel gates of the castle of Omashu loomed high and grand behind him, while beyond the bustling city, the vast, barren landscape of the Earth Nation stretched forever into the horizon. Unending chains of toothed, parched mountains climbed eagerly towards the clouded sky, and below, a fruitless, arid landscape lay waiting for anyone who dared trek on its miserable surface. And despite the desert-like scenery, it was actually very cold. To think that the waterbender was determined to walk miles on this scorched ground to scale the intimidating mountains and to go for days –possibly weeks- with limited food and water… for just one, little person who didn't even want her. The mere thought made him grit his teeth.

Of course, he had tried to convince Katara not to go. He had tried being gentle, being commanding, even being just a little angry… everything! Still, she hadn't listened, had told him that the avatar needed her despite what he had wrote in his letter, giving him a criticizing look as she reminded him that the avatar was still merely a fourteen-year-old child. Now, it just had to come to this: watching Katara getting prepared to leave him outside the castle and being unable to do anything about it.

The prince wasn't the only one who was a little unsure about Katara's decision. Her brother, the South Pole brat, was besides him, his arms crossed and wearing a sullen look as he watched Katara's every move, every once in a while making a displeased sound. When she was finally done looking over her things, he took a step towards her.

"I really don't think you should be doing this," he said solemnly. "I think Aang really needs some time for himself."

"Yes, you told me this again and again," Katara sighed, hoisting the heavy leather pack onto her back. "But it's not as if I'm going to stick onto Aang like a leech. If I find him, I'll decide whether he really wants to be alone or not. If I see he does, I'll just keep my distance from him and look after him from far away. If he does need some company, I'll be there." She smiled. "Don't worry, Sokka. I'll be fine. I have lots of food and water, and if I see my supplies are running out, I'll head directly to the village of Kali."

She gazed at him earnestly. After a moment, her brother groaned and shook her head.

"Fine, do whatever you want," he told her gruffly. "Just know… not to go too far."

Katara glared at him, making the buffoon smirk, before at last going over to the firebender.

"Zuko," she started quietly, "I hope you're not too angry about this."

"Annoyed, yes," he answered sincerely. "Angry… it can be much worse."

She smiled softly.

"That's good," she stated. "And I'll be back very soon, okay? Besides, if you don't want to look at my trip as something to do with 'the avatar,' think about this as me needing some time alone, okay?" She winked, and he gave her a dubious look.

"Fine," he said a moment later. "You can go. Just be careful, okay?"

"Of course. I won't get myself captured this time."

Rolling his eyes slightly, he then leaned over and kissed her. When he withdrew, he glanced at Katara's brother and was more than amused when he saw a deranged grimace on the other's face; his left eye was twitching, making it hard for him to glower at the firebender, while his face was contorted into a disgusted and furious expression. Katara, though, seemed oblivious to his displeasure.

"I'm going then," she announced, beaming. "See you guys!"

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" the idiot called after her in a strangled voice, evidently still suffering from what he had seen earlier.

"Yes, yes," Katara yelled, already walking away from them. "I saw Appa flying over the north mountains early this morning, and I know that he was carrying Aang. And I have a compass, so stop worrying!"

And before her brother could shout out anything else to her, she hurried away, a moment later completely out of their sight as one of Omashu's towers hid her from their view. The buffoon sighed.

"Well," he soon turned to Zuko. "You should get out of here before I decide to arrest you on a whim."

"As if you could," the prince muttered, scowling.

When Katara had left, she had obviously forgotten something. She hadn't thought about what would happen once she left the two boys on their own… together. The only thing preventing Zuko from tearing the loudmouth apart was her displeasure, after all, but without the waterbender to actually stop him from going too far… there were no guarantees.

"What are you waiting for?" the avatar's second-in-command raised an eyebrow at him. "You won't stay here, will you?"

"Actually," a small smirk tugged at his lips. "Maybe I will."

"What?" the other gawked at him. "No way! I won't allow you to stay for no reason at all!"

"I have a reason, though," the firebender said lightly. "It's to help my nation."

"If you really want to help your nation, you should go there, shouldn't you?"

"Yes, that's one way, but…" he looked at the water tribe idiot in the eye, "the avatar left you instructions on how to deal with the other nations, right? Along with his personal notes?"

"… Yes."

"I want to see them," Zuko said firmly.

"I'm not just going to let you see what Aang wrote just like this!" the younger adolescent cried out indignantly. "You're still from the Fire Nation!"

"You're still living in the past, aren't you?" the banished one snapped. "My father is gone, and the Fire Nation isn't the enemy anymore! It's not going to be the same anymore, and I'm going to make sure of it the moment I have the throne!"

Katara's brother looked at him skeptically, and he himself was bemused at how these strange words had rolled off his tongue. So far, he hadn't known exactly what would happen once he became Fire Lord, but now that he was already on the topic, he found out that what he had just said might have some truth in it… There had been too much of a rift between his nation and the others when there had been the war, so much that he doubted that it could ever be repaired, even if someone like him did rule the entire world… And a rift, he realized recently, caused nothing but harm, no matter when or where. The best thing for his home was for the crack to heal. The Fire Nation couldn't afford hostility.

"I want to look at the notes," he then began on a calmer note, "because it might help me decide what to do with the Fire Nation."

"Other than trying to rule the world again?"

Zuko paused. Attempting to conquer all four nations, that had been his ancestors' goal since his great-grandfather Sozen had unleashed the first attack on the world with his comet more than a hundred years ago. It would be disappointing them if he took a new route, if he refused to follow in their footsteps, but… the future wasn't there so that people could repeat the past. The future held new beginnings, new ideas, new changes… that shouldn't be wasted. And what was the point of being Fire Lord if he truly had no say in what he did, following orders from dead firebenders who no longer mattered?

Uncle was right.

"No, I'm not."

Three innocent words. However, these words were powerful enough to cause the other's head to jerk towards him, his eyes to widen in shock.

"You're bluffing," was the first thing he said when he regained his voice. "There's no use lying, Zuko, because we're going to watch you no matter what."

"Do whatever you like," the prince retorted, giving the other a scathing look, "but ever since I learned he would never want me back, I looked down at my father for what he did, for what he believed in. Do you think I would want to become just like him?"

"It's likely."

It took every mental restraint Zuko had not to burn the guy alive.

"I want to know what the avatar is up to," he said quietly. "I want to know what he's going to do to help the world, to help my nation. And then maybe… maybe…"

"You can help?" the buffoon looked completely disbelieving. "You're kidding, aren't you? Or…" his eyes narrowed, "you're going to turn on us the moment you have enough information. Yes, that must be it…" He glared hard at Zuko, forcing the prince to admit that he could look the slightest bit intimidating when he felt like it.

"It doesn't matter, does it?" the eighteen-year-old said casually. "I mean, if you have so much faith in your avatar, you should believe that he'll be able to defeat me no matter what."

Katara's brother looked satisfied at the answer.

"Yes, exactly," he agreed, nodding vigorously, yet his expression soon turned from fierce approval to bewilderment. "But why are you saying this? I thought you believed that you could kick Aang's butt any day."

"People can be wrong."

Smirking at his puzzled expression, Zuko turned on his heels and headed back inside, and somehow he wasn't surprised when the gates swung open, welcoming him inside. He heard Sokka's yells from behind, yet he continued marching briskly away. Let the idiot catch up with him, he needed the exercise anyway. And what he needed… was a new start.

----- ----- -----

The clouds above were light and wispy, a fragile white that let the serene blue of the gentle sky penetrate through them to give them an ethereal appearance. It was surprisingly warm, considering the fact that coldhearted winter was coming, but lying down on his back, Aang was glad that he could enjoy one last warm day before the snow would fall and cast its spell. A soft breeze ruffled Appa's thick, white fur, so unlike the harsh winds that had tormented the avatar when he had been alone and helpless in the cave, but Aang was determined to forget it all… No, he thought, closing his eyes, to just let go.

Below him, there were the infinite mountain peeks, jagged and unforgiving, dotting the land and eager to impale anyone unfortunate enough to fall to them. It was a fearful sight, the child knew as he looked down, but he didn't need to stare at it, did he? Turning back towards the wonderful skies, he knew that it was his choice… it had always been his choice. These last years, he had always looked down, always dwelt on what was below him, behind him, but now… he knew he was taking a new turn. The boundless cerulean of the hopeful skies were luring, playfully seeking his attention, and he smiled, knowing that there was a new goal in his life now.

Slowly, he sat up on Appa, resting his head onto the hairy one of the giant beast, his fingers caressing his animal guardian's fur. He would never go back to what he had been, he knew, but he could change, creating a whole new road of possibilities for him. Besides, if he went back to his content, but ignorant twelve-year-old self, he risked… making the same mistakes happen again. No, it was time to say a final good-bye to what could have been, because there he was –and would stay- a different person, if not entirely.

He wanted to be happy now, to be the avatar, pleasing the world, while keeping in mind his own well-being… what pleased him. It was odd thinking about what he wanted after neglecting himself for so long, but he was sure that the idea would soon settle into him, would become part of him… After all, he couldn't succeed as the avatar if he couldn't live as himself. And that… couldn't happen if he was always isolating himself from others, always thinking that he was on his own. Because people truly cared for him, and he could lean on them, rely on them again as he had done before, he was starting to learn.

And the determined girl following after him step by step, looking up into the sky and smiling at him from miles away, only confirmed his new beliefs.

) )o ( ( ) ) o ( ( ) ) o ( (




A/N: It's DONE. My second fanfiction (and my longest story yet) is done, completed, and entirely posted! (Does ultimate victory dance.) Actually, I should be disappointed and should be chastising myself because I was way off my original deadline. After all, Hardened Winds did not actually take longer than a year to accomplish, that statistic is miles off. But putting that aside… I should be HAPPY. This story is more than 100,000 words long –a new record!- and even though there are millions of ways the fanfiction could be better, I actually don't feel so embarrassed when I reread this story!

Can I even be bold enough to say that I'm proud of this piece of work?

I am so thankful towards all my readers and reviewers who glanced at Hardened Winds and decided to give it a try. Truly, I am grateful to you all, but I would like to take a moment (and lots of space) to thank some special individuals:

MysticWaterBender3: (stares in awe) You reviewed every single chapter of my story. That's so… dedicated. (Continues staring.) Thank-you so much for all the kind and generous words you gave to me, most of them which I don't even deserve! Your reviews really spurred me on, and I always looked forward to them when I posted a new chapter. Even when it seemed as if I abandoned this story, not posting for months and months, you were eagerly waiting and still reviewing when I came back to life! Thank-you, thank-you… Every review you wrote was so encouraging…. They just made me smile.

AirGirl Phantom: You were another reviewer who still stuck to the story even when everything seemed to be lost. Thank you for telling me what you thought about Hardened Winds, giving me great compliments and also criticism and advice. Thanks for writing a poem dedicated to this fanfiction as well. Nobody has ever done that, and I feel so special.

frozenheat: You are one of my newer readers, but I still want to thank you for giving me the few considerate reviews you wrote! They were refreshing, especially since it was so evidently revealed that you are a Katara X Aang fan. Yeah, my fanfiction didn't really end up as the love story you hoped for, but… the end might hint something more, right? I'll explain more of all these romantic notions soon.

Danette LaBrie: Thank-you for personally e-mailing me about this story and then reviewing, too! You're a very enthusiastic reader, and I'm glad you love Aang as much or even more than I do. (Hugs Aang again.) He's happy now… and things are going to be even better.

whirleeq: I haven't heard from you for a while, but when you did give me reviews, they were so sophisticated and inspiring! I loved how long they usually were, with professional compliments and criticism that made me determined to do better, especially since I know that you are a better and more mature writer than I am. I'm glad you took time to read this fanfiction!

Ryuusui: You were so animated in your reviews! I'm sad that I haven't heard from you much, either, but I still remember the words you gave me. They were so amusing, especially when you tried to defend yourself from being a Zuko-lover and cursing Misaki… Don't worry; your Zuko is all right now, even if he is a little lonely without Katara….

If I didn't mention you in the above, I'm sorry and I am also immensely grateful to you for reading this!

Also…. There is the 'romance' factor. How many of you thought this was going to be a Katara X Aang fanfiction? And how many believed this was definitely Katara X Zuko? Okay, on the surface, the latter would be correct, but in my eyes, Hardened Winds was barely a romance story at all. I'm not good at writing romance, and it makes me twitch when I do (I'm not that mature, sorry?). I can't feel so proud of romance stories, so I hope this fanfiction had much more than simple love notions. Katara and Zuko's relationship was just a side story, really, and by how my story ended, there are still a lot more possibilities and opportunities… For those Katara X Aang fans who are so dejected out there…

Still, as long as Aang heals, I don't care whether he really gets 'involved' with Katara or not. That wasn't my original intention. I'm… sorry? (Ducks from tomatoes.)

I don't support any ships, by the way. I don't understand Katara X Zuko and never will. I used to want Katara X Aang but now realize that the show completely exploited the couple way too much. Besides… I don't know… I want Aang to stay cute and innocent. And Katara might destroy that if everything goes 'romantic' between those two. (Shifty eyes.) A new couple, though, Toph X Aang… I think that's so adorable, especially since they're both twelve. They're be hitting and fighting each other to express their love. How sweet! At one point, though, it doesn't fit.

The rare good Aang X Zuko and Sokka X Zuko fanfictions are simply delightful. They're cute and complicated and would be a challenge to write. Aang and Zuko dancing together… I love the concept.

Okay, enough about my rants. I know I should be going any time now. By the way, my birthday just passed (for those nonexistent people who remember) and I got an Avatar DVD from my friends. I'm so grateful to them (I hope you hear this!) and I love how I can now hear Aang speaking in French. Wheeee!

I wish I could understand the Spanish, though… In time, in time.

The lines I absolutely adore in the French version are the ones spoken in Episode 13: The Blue Spirit. Here they are translated in raw French (somewhat paraphrased, sorry).

Herbalist Lady: You have to get your friends to suck the frogs from the swamp, but make sure to get many… because once they're unfrozen, they're useless!

Aang: … You're unfrozen, aren't you?

(Cracks up laughing.) Things you just can't get from subtitles, even though my DVD doesn't have any.

Okay, I'm done.

Thank-you all again.

… \\ Ténèbres d'Éden \\