Title: Fatherhood
Rating: PG
Genre: General
Pairing: Implied manyxNaruto, eventual SasuxNaru
Summary: As the Fourth Hokage he had many duties but none more important than protecting the innoccence of his only son. Especially from the perverts, admirers and fanclub hell bent on corrupting his little Naruto.
Disclaimer: Naruto does not belong to me. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: I really want to apologize for this crappy chapter. I haven't written for a while because I kind of lost interest in Naruto and real life kind of got in the way. Actually I haven't been doing much of anything lately and have left most of my usual net hangouts for quite a while. I'm still a bit of a mess now but I've kind of gotten back my Naruto love. I'm still not 100 so please bear with me. I'm trying. I'm really, really sorry I haven't answered any of the reviews but I do want to thank you all for your encouraging comments. Also, I really don't like the system for answering reviews. If you want to contact me or ask any questions I do just hop on over to my journal at http:// adorkablenerd . insanejournal . com (get rid of the spaces or you can click on the link in my profile) and leave a comment in any one of my entries. I usually update there first also. You don't have to be a member. You can do so anonymously if you want and I'll definitely answer. I haven't read through this and I know I need a beta. Actually if anyone's interested in beta-ing for me I'll love to hear from you. I'm going to be busy with work and homework for the next couple of weeks but I'm going to try to update within the month (not year . ). Sorry again for the crappy chapter.


Charming as he was when it came to diplomatic relations and especially the old windbags on the council the fourth Hokage of Konohakagure had very little patience for stuck up assholes, ignorant fools and brooding bastards completely absorbed in their own air of self-importance. So it was just his luck that the young chuunin before him just happened to be an ignorant brooding bastard with a pole permanently stuck up his ass. A view, he was proud to say, that his cute little son shared. It was just too bad the rest of the villagers were all too blind to see this. With dark midnight eyes, raven black hair and a complexion the envy of even the fairest of maidens the youngest Uchiha was definitely a sight to behold. At least that was the general consensus. Among the villagers that is. He, on the other hand, just couldn't see it.

"What was it that you want of me Hokage-sama?"

Monotonous, void of all but a slight hint of superiority even in the face of an obvious superior, that was an Uchiha all right. But then again he could as easily be describing a Byakugan-wielding Hyuuga. Much like the other both the two clans were a proud bunch, high and mighty till the end. However, although their collective attitudes may come to sometimes irk him there wasn't much he could begrudge either of them for. Especially since both Hiashi and Fugaku, the heads of the Hyuugas and Uchihas respectively, have always stood behind him and his decisions when it mattered most. For that and so much more he respected them both. Not only as great shinobis but also as great men. Their offspring (aka spawns of hell) on the other hand, well, now that was an entirely different story. He glared long and hard at the youngest Uchiha who, to his credit, didn't even so much as flinch.

Clearly not pleased with what he was about to do the Hokage shifted uncomfortably in his seat and slowly replied, "I have a proposition for you. Something I'm sure would be quite beneficial for the both of us."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"In all honesty I'm not too happy about having to resort to such desperate measures but I find that I have no other choice." The blond man paused for a moment, eyes becoming dark as he continued in an increasingly agitated tone. "I'm sure you're well aware of all the attention being directed towards my son. Although I'm not opposed to him being loved by so many I would rather if they exercise much more restraint in their pursuit of him. We have girls hiding out in the bushes and just yesterday I found a video camera set up just outside his bedroom belonging to one of the neighboring boys. From what I could tell it had been there for quite a while. To say I wasn't pleased would be an understatement. I was furious but a person of my stature could hardly go around threatening hapless kids without solid proof of their indiscretions and even then I can only do so much."

Sasuke slowly nodded, remaining completely expressionless while mentally making plans to get in touch with said boy, beat the living crap out of him and confiscate all videos, for immediate disposal of course. They were certainly not going into the box filled with numerous photos of a certain blond that currently resided under his bed. No. Of course not, he thought even as a slow smirk made its way across his otherwise stony visage.

Leaning forward the Hokage linked his fingers together and in a low, almost sinister voice muttered, "And that's where you come in."

Ever since Sasuke could remember he had been hailed a genius, but it didn't take a genius to figure out that the man was up to something. Contrary to the overly friendly appearance and sunny disposition he knew from experience that the Yondaime Hokage was not a man to be trifled with. Nor was he a man to ever do anything without reason.

"I need your help in protecting my Naruto from the many perverts that seek to taint his innocence and I'm willing to compromise in order to make sure it happens," the older man gritted out with the utmost of difficulty. When all he got was raised brow for all his effort he gave the brat an irritated look and crossed his arms, waiting expectantly for a response.

With a calculating look Sasuke stared at the impatient man before him. For someone who by all means should be counted in the ranks of said perverts seeking out to take Naruto's precious innocence it was only natural for him to come to the conclusion that he was being suckered into some overly elaborate ploy designed to try and take him out of the running. Despite his wariness however he couldn't help but be intrigued by this unexpected but not entirely unwanted offering. So rather than storming out he instead decided it was in his best interest to play his soon to be father-in-law's (whether he liked it or not) game, wondering exactly how far the man was willing to take this, whatever this was, and how far he was going to allow him to go.

"Why me?" he finally asked in a dull monotone, not about to reveal anything to the enemy least it be used against him later.

"Because every time you and Naruto are around each other all you do is fight," was the blunt reply. "He gets along with Neji or Gaara too well."

Translation: he was being given this chance because the Hokage thought he didn't have a chance in hell with Naruto.

"Since we both want the other two hell- I mean boys out of the picture I think it's about time we call a truce," the Hokage forced himself to continue, his brow twitching with every uttered word. It was as if it physically pained him to just say them. "What do you say?"

Sasuke merely smirked in reply.


Naruto visibly shuddered. He didn't know why but for some odd reason he had a feeling that something very, very bad was about to happen. He paused in mid slurp and stared down at the half empty bowl of ramen in front of him with a troubled frown. After a moment he shrugged it away. As if nothing had happened he blissfully continued gulping down the rest of his meal.

It was probably just gas.