They were sitting on his nightstand when he finally returned home.

Hughes stopped halfway across the room, his mind catching up with his eyes. They had looked so normal, occupying their usual spot there, so that he hadn't noticed them at first.

He smiled, thinking it funny that he was so used to them that he couldn't even tell when they were on his face or not.

The blow had been unexpected, sending him staggering a few steps back, glasses flying from his face...

It was with curiosity that Hughes picked them up, but it quickly turned to awe as he examined them more closely. He turned them over in his hands, held them up to the light, admired the work. There were no scratches, not even the slightest smudge.

He looked up angrily, glaring into an equally furious face. He snarled, throwing himself forward into a punch of his own. His only thoughts were of pounding that face so it would stop looking at him like that...

Careful of his bruised eye, he slid them on and wasn't surprised with what he saw. He saw everything, in fact. His eyes immediately began to relax, strained after hours of struggling to make out shapes and figures more than a few feet away.

He knew Roy was a whiz at alchemy, but this was almost unbelievable.

He hadn't bothered to retrieve his glasses from the ground after the fight. He could see they were worthless, broken in at least three pieces from their scuffle. He left them for Mustang to clean up...

It had been a stupid fight, and even now the exact details were a blur in his mind. But he had been so angry...

He gently pulled the glasses from his face, supposing he'd have to apologize, too.

He was already holding Roy's apology.