Hey kit kat here again with fic number 3 (well… not counting the ever so delayed fic I'm writing with Snick3rDoodl3 hehe)! Ok so I wrote a cardcaptor sakura and sailor moon fanfic and now I'm on cowboy bebop. Yeah!
I wrote most of this storyline almost 3 years ago and decided to finish and go with it. I'm a HUGE cowboy bebop fan! The show overall is just genius. So I hope everyone likes my 1st cowboy bebop fanfic. Oh and as always please R&R.
.. kit kat
Those Eyes
Chapta 1: Steamy Situations…
Disclaimer: I don't own Cowboy Bebop. This applies for the rest of the story, so don't sue me I'm poor!
Note: This has strong language for a teen rated fic… I thought it'd be too much to rate it mature. So if you don't like vulgar language um, don't read it! Oh yeah, there's also sexual situations, so be warned if that offends you. However, there is no lemon.
Faye's POV
I remember that day being so fucking hot… the AC on Bebop broke last night, leaving us all to wake up sweating like pigs. And let me tell you, I hate sweating and I hate pigs.
Jet had taken the Swordfish down to Venus to buy some tools and whatever else you might need to fix an AC unit, basically leaving Spike and me alone.
Speaking of Spike, he was sitting on that damn yellow couch at the time, watching TV. Lazy, disgusting, sticky, and yet all the more irresistible.
All he had on were his boxers. I was jealous he could expose so much while I got stuck in my little shirt and shorts. We only had one ceiling fan that didn't provide crap. The heat was driving me crazy!
"Why are you staring at me?" blood rushed to my face. Shit!He caught me staring at his ripped torso.
"I-I wasn't." Play it cool!
"Shit Faye I saw you! Your eyes were practically "rubbing" me you were staring so hard." He smirked.
"Screw you asshole." I spat, feeling extremely pissed off and embarrassed.
"No way whore."
"Bite me."
"Gladly." He grabbed my leg and dragged me to him. I tensed up as he bit me on the neck.
"Ouch! What the—" but I was too flustered and tired to fight back. Defeated, I crawled back to my original seat and leaned back.
The bite mark still lingered and I started feeling very strange. Why did he do that? Was It just to make me mad or…
I laughed at the thought of Spike Spiegel loving me. Could I ever be more wrong?
The heat was pressing me and Spike was glued to the TV, so I removed my shirt to reveal my even skimpier bra. I glanced at Spike.
I know I love him. I mean, who knows why, I just do. Faye Valentine doesn't fall in love, especially with someone too absorbed in his past to function like a normal human being… I guess I've just changed with time.
At first I hated him. He was always rude, inconsiderate, and smug toward me… he still is. I remember wanting to yank his spiked hair right out of his head every time I heard his voice.
But those two eyes… they captivated me. Always… One looking to the past and one to the future. I mean not literally. He's not cross-eyed! It was just those eyes that seemed to hold the real Spike Spiegel somewhere in them. Those sad eyes that longed for something more.
They long for her. Julia. She's probably the only one that could ever bring out the real Spike, but she's gone now and he can't accept that. Although one eye will always look ahead, it's the other that keeps a cage around his heart… never to let anyone in.
And maybe that's what I fell in love with. I wanted to be the one to make him laugh, to make him smile. I didn't know why all these pathetic feelings had come over me, but all I knew is that I wanted him to be happy no matter how horrible he treated me. I wanted to be let in.
There's also the fact that he's so damn sexy. A little lanky, yes, but built like a rock. His hair amazes me. I want to touch the wildness it possesses. I've always been attracted to bad boys, but he's ten times more dangerous. I've seen him with a gun. It makes me shudder with excitement.
And so the schoolgirl crush, fantasy, whatever you wanna call it, continues. Everyday I find it harder to keep a poker face around him. Those damn eyes! They're melting my system. They're under my skin.
But back to the story… I had been in my own little world watching the fan swish around slowly for a while—whoosh, whoosh. Damn that feels better. Oh crap!
I quickly sat up right to see Spike watching me. I felt myself smirk.
"Now who's staring?"
"W-well you shouldn't take your shirt off!"
"I thought I was a whore, Spike. Whores take their shirts off…"
I felt evil and seductive as I got up and approached him. I swear he gulped when I sat down right next to him on the couch.
"Hey there cowboy! Lookin' for some fun?" I whispered playfully into his ear.
"C-cut it out, Faye!" Spike stuttered.
"I feel so lonely Spike…"
He froze as I ran my hand up his leg and stroked his knee. I knew rubbing his knee would turn him on; I had done it before to trick men into giving me their money. My hands skimmed over his abs and kneaded his chest.
Spike looked me straight in the eye for a long time as I caressed his body. Without warning he seized me and slammed our lips together.
Although it was a little rough, it was the best damn kiss I'd ever had in my life. Electric shocks sprang from my heart and I gasped for air. Even more to my delight, he picked me up bridal style and began carrying me to his room.
I used my nails to gently tickle the bone behind his neck and he gasped. Always does the trick. He threw me on the bed and ran his tongue down my neck and back to my mouth. It was my turn to moan. Everything felt so right.
I opened my mouth wider to give him full access. My fingers scrambled to remove my shorts as his hands ran lower. The heat was driving us with passion. We went all the way.
My heart was free! Soaring higher and higher… We both laid quietly, taking turns rubbing ice down each other's backs. Spike kissed my neck softly as he spread the coolness along my shoulders. I was beginning to nod off. The—cough—excitement of the day had really worn me down.
"Spike?" I asked drowsily.
"Yeah?" his voice sounded so… nice. It wasn't mean like it normally was. I felt like crying with joy. Did I do it? Did I break the cage around his heart?
"I love you." And that was it. I faded away peacefully, unaware of Spike cursing and leaving the room. He went to a bar that night as I slept, still madly in love with this troubled cowboy.
So what'd ya think? I know it feels a little fast paced but um… deal with it? Ha sorry I'm too lazy to make a 50-chapter fanfic. I get to the point… Oh well on to chapta 2!
.. kit kat